Practical Gaza Questions

Sep 29, 2014
Does Hamas issue driver's licenses? Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges? Certain Hamas citizens do go to Israel for work or for hospital care and so it's possible they would be driving.

Hamas was once a political party, but after their one election many years ago they are the De Facto regime in a Single Party authoritarian "state" (or area) in the context of their disallowance of other challenging political parties, like the North Korea regime (the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, DPRK), so what does Hamas call their land of Gaza? Do they call it Palestine, like the Taiwan government refers to themselves as the Republic of China? In other words, Taiwan (aka Formosa) believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Mainland China so they call themselves Republic of China whereas Mainland China calls itself Peoples Republic of China, and Hamas believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Gaza, the State of Israel and the West Bank (and eventually the entire Levant, and eventually-eventually-eventually then the rest of the world) so do they simply refer to Gaza as part of Palestine?

I have heard there is a wealthy neighborhood in Gaza with wealthy people and beautiful houses, near some particular beach. Do they not allow Hamas rockets to be fired from their area? I don't know what that neighborhood is called. Does anybody?

I understand alcohol is forbidden in Gaza, according to this: Gaza travel guide - Wikitravel Is that strictly enforced or if you look a bit can you find a convenience store with alcohol and dirty magazines?

Are there a few big and beautiful, luxurious hotels in Gaza? What are they?

How much is gasoline in Gaza?

Cell phone service I understand is provided by something like the Palestinian version of Pelephone in Israel, maybe the Palestinian version is called "Palephone??" instead of Israel's Pelephone. But the infrastructure is actually provided by the Israeli companies under agreements with the Gazans. Does Hamas (or the 'Palaphone' company) actually transfer money to Israel companies for this? I understand for water and power they are supposed to transfer money (75% of electricity comes from Israel, 25% from Egypt) but Hamas/Gaza/Palestinians don't actually pay money for this (although they are technically supposed to) and Israel doesn't normally cut off power and water unless there is a war (or maybe they never cut off water but sometimes cut power or bomb the Gaza-located power sub-station connected to the Zikim, Israel power generation facility)?

Regardless of what Hamas or Palestinians in Gaza or Gaza-located companies pay the Israelis for the services they are reselling (let's assume for purposes of discussion they pay less than the total due), do the Gaza located companies still charge their end user Palestinian individuals for cell service, electricity and water? Is there a meter guy who comes around to check power and water usage every 1 or 2 months? How do they pay their cell phone bills? Is everyone on pre-paid or is it post paid too?
I Don't think we are in the phase of the practical efforts, it is obvious to all that establishment of a state (failing Arab state) won't be easy, we are in the first phase of understanding each side and their goals.
Ask yourself who wants what, later why, and in the end how.
Life in the Israeli open air prison camp called Gaza is very difficult.

And the savage IDF prison guards are very brutal in their treatment of the Gaza inmates.

I think we all recognize that life in Gaza is difficult. The Israelis of all stripes -- Arab Muslim Israelis, Arab Christian Israelis, Druze, and Jews left and right and people who you don't like at all in the IDF, and people all over the world, all know that too and wouldn't want to live there. With regard to the politics you allude to, the important questions are whose fault that is and what can be done about it, but those are topics for another thread altogether. That is not the point here in my thread so please try to focus on my questions, because it doesn't help the plight of the Palestinians just to repeat the metaphor of the open air prison at every opportunity, especially when it is not germane to the discussion. If you know the land well, that is very difficult and why, other than just hearing that it is difficult and seeing the bombs fall on TV, and so you can speak authoritatively on the subject, then surely you know specifics relating to many topics there, so please answer the questions above about driver's licenses, cell phone service, hotels and wealthy Gaza neighborhoods with beautiful houses, etc. Those are the questions at hand.
Does Hamas issue driver's licenses? Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges? Certain Hamas citizens do go to Israel for work or for hospital care and so it's possible they would be driving.

Hamas was once a political party, but after their one election many years ago they are the De Facto regime in a Single Party authoritarian "state" (or area) in the context of their disallowance of other challenging political parties, like the North Korea regime (the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, DPRK), so what does Hamas call their land of Gaza? Do they call it Palestine, like the Taiwan government refers to themselves as the Republic of China? In other words, Taiwan (aka Formosa) believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Mainland China so they call themselves Republic of China whereas Mainland China calls itself Peoples Republic of China, and Hamas believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Gaza, the State of Israel and the West Bank (and eventually the entire Levant, and eventually-eventually-eventually then the rest of the world) so do they simply refer to Gaza as part of Palestine?

I have heard there is a wealthy neighborhood in Gaza with wealthy people and beautiful houses, near some particular beach. Do they not allow Hamas rockets to be fired from their area? I don't know what that neighborhood is called. Does anybody?

I understand alcohol is forbidden in Gaza, according to this: Gaza travel guide - Wikitravel Is that strictly enforced or if you look a bit can you find a convenience store with alcohol and dirty magazines?

Are there a few big and beautiful, luxurious hotels in Gaza? What are they?

How much is gasoline in Gaza?

Cell phone service I understand is provided by something like the Palestinian version of Pelephone in Israel, maybe the Palestinian version is called "Palephone??" instead of Israel's Pelephone. But the infrastructure is actually provided by the Israeli companies under agreements with the Gazans. Does Hamas (or the 'Palaphone' company) actually transfer money to Israel companies for this? I understand for water and power they are supposed to transfer money (75% of electricity comes from Israel, 25% from Egypt) but Hamas/Gaza/Palestinians don't actually pay money for this (although they are technically supposed to) and Israel doesn't normally cut off power and water unless there is a war (or maybe they never cut off water but sometimes cut power or bomb the Gaza-located power sub-station connected to the Zikim, Israel power generation facility)?

Regardless of what Hamas or Palestinians in Gaza or Gaza-located companies pay the Israelis for the services they are reselling (let's assume for purposes of discussion they pay less than the total due), do the Gaza located companies still charge their end user Palestinian individuals for cell service, electricity and water? Is there a meter guy who comes around to check power and water usage every 1 or 2 months? How do they pay their cell phone bills? Is everyone on pre-paid or is it post paid too?
...............^^ I assume there is a question buried somewhere in there?? . :cool:
Sunshine trying to tell you something, Team Palestine is busy bitching at Israel because they underestimate the Zionists, thinking its easy to establish a NON failing Arab Muslim state, better steal the Israelis state.
I Don't think we are in the phase of the practical efforts, it is obvious to all that establishment of a state (failing Arab state) won't be easy, we are in the first phase of understanding each side and their goals.
Ask yourself who wants what, later why, and in the end how.

I think it is very established what Hamas wants. It is stated extremely clearly in their charter, and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal relays it when interviewed.They object to the existence of the State of Israel. What the Israel side wants is also clear. They would be interested in an independent non-belligerent Gaza controlling its own borders, airport, airspace, waters, etc. However, from both sides it is clear that many Israelis and Palestinians do not think we are in a "phase" at all but rather a state of permanency, whereas others define their view of the situation based on phases you allude to. I.e., the latter believes that we are transitioning and the future will see a Palestinian state, whereas the former believe we are in a single permanent status of a belligerent Gaza that is outwardly disinterested in peace inasmuch as there is an Israeli state at all. Hamas wants peace as long as its goal of the dismantling of Israel is accomplished whether it's in its peoples' own best interest or not.

So, to the extent there are those people reading this that are knowledgeable about the practical questions stated in my original post, I would ask those people to please disregard for a moment whether they believe there is a state of permanency or phased-state and focus on the practical questions posed. What's more, Israel is a large-government bureaucracy with socialist roots. Bureaucracies don't handle explanations for exceptions well. Israel does better than a behemoth like the U.S. with bureaucracy in a way (example: try explaining to Federal security that your government doesn't issue driver's licenses and see how well you do compared to Israel), so these practical and fascinating questions are important.

So far no one has an answer to them.
Does Hamas issue driver's licenses? Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges? Certain Hamas citizens do go to Israel for work or for hospital care and so it's possible they would be driving.

Hamas was once a political party, but after their one election many years ago they are the De Facto regime in a Single Party authoritarian "state" (or area) in the context of their disallowance of other challenging political parties, like the North Korea regime (the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, DPRK), so what does Hamas call their land of Gaza? Do they call it Palestine, like the Taiwan government refers to themselves as the Republic of China? In other words, Taiwan (aka Formosa) believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Mainland China so they call themselves Republic of China whereas Mainland China calls itself Peoples Republic of China, and Hamas believes it is the sole legitimate power of all of Gaza, the State of Israel and the West Bank (and eventually the entire Levant, and eventually-eventually-eventually then the rest of the world) so do they simply refer to Gaza as part of Palestine?

I have heard there is a wealthy neighborhood in Gaza with wealthy people and beautiful houses, near some particular beach. Do they not allow Hamas rockets to be fired from their area? I don't know what that neighborhood is called. Does anybody?

I understand alcohol is forbidden in Gaza, according to this: Gaza travel guide - Wikitravel Is that strictly enforced or if you look a bit can you find a convenience store with alcohol and dirty magazines?

Are there a few big and beautiful, luxurious hotels in Gaza? What are they?

How much is gasoline in Gaza?

Cell phone service I understand is provided by something like the Palestinian version of Pelephone in Israel, maybe the Palestinian version is called "Palephone??" instead of Israel's Pelephone. But the infrastructure is actually provided by the Israeli companies under agreements with the Gazans. Does Hamas (or the 'Palaphone' company) actually transfer money to Israel companies for this? I understand for water and power they are supposed to transfer money (75% of electricity comes from Israel, 25% from Egypt) but Hamas/Gaza/Palestinians don't actually pay money for this (although they are technically supposed to) and Israel doesn't normally cut off power and water unless there is a war (or maybe they never cut off water but sometimes cut power or bomb the Gaza-located power sub-station connected to the Zikim, Israel power generation facility)?

Regardless of what Hamas or Palestinians in Gaza or Gaza-located companies pay the Israelis for the services they are reselling (let's assume for purposes of discussion they pay less than the total due), do the Gaza located companies still charge their end user Palestinian individuals for cell service, electricity and water? Is there a meter guy who comes around to check power and water usage every 1 or 2 months? How do they pay their cell phone bills? Is everyone on pre-paid or is it post paid too?
...............^^ I assume there is a question buried somewhere in there?? . :cool:

Every sentence ending with a question mark is a non-rhetorical, real question that I would like answered by anyone who has any knowledge about it.
Michael, welcome to the site. :welcome:

I wish I had some first hand knowledge to help answer your questions. But you will find that most if not all the Pro-Pali crowd does not either. Al they know how to do is post their metaphors and further deflect, detract and confuse any post from the OP into oblivion.

I wish you luck.
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Sorry to make it confusing and diatribe-like. Here are just two simple questions (the first two sentences of my original post):

1) Does Hamas issue driver's licenses?
2) Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges?
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Sorry to make it confusing and diatribe-like. Here are just two simple questions (the first two sentences of my original post):

1) Does Hamas issue driver's licenses?
2) Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges?

Hamas makes a banging lamb shawarma.
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?

You need to call the Israeli Embassy or consulate and ask these questions governor.
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Sorry to make it confusing and diatribe-like. Here are just two simple questions (the first two sentences of my original post):

1) Does Hamas issue driver's licenses?
2) Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges?
Good question and I don't have a for sure answer. Licenses are still issued in Gaza. I don't see how Israel could administer the tests or enforce their use.

I don't know what transportation arrangements are made for those select few who can enter Israel.
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The answer is no. No Israeli, Jew or not, can marry a Palestinian and have the spouse live in Israel.

Israel controls who can live in the West Bank or Gaza even if they are Palestinians. A Palestinian with a Gaza ID cannot live in the West Bank. A Palestinian with a refugee ID cannot visit or live in the territories.

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