Finally! An Explanation Of The "global Warming" Scam!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What the heck is it with the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" brigade?
How many years of no global warming will it take for them to wander off into well deserved obscurity??
More and more folks realize it's about Global Governance, not Global Warming....politics not science!

Now, from Stanley explanation of the popularity in the 'hair on fire' brigade: seems it's all about playing make-believe victim.

1. "... French intellectual gadfly Pascal Bruckner (in The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings), does the most thorough job yet of explaining the climate movement as a secular religion, an odd combination of deformed Christianity and reconstructed Marxism.

2. Bruckner describes a historical process wherein “the long list of emblematic victims — Jews, blacks, slaves, proletarians, colonized peoples — was replaced, little by little, with the Planet.” The planet, says Bruckner, “has become the new proletariat that must be saved from exploitation.”

3. ... odd that a “mood of catastrophe” should prevail in the West, the most well-off part of the world. .... is that the only way to turn the prosperous into victims is to threaten the very existence of a world they otherwise command.

4. ... why should the privileged wish to become victims? To alleviate guilt and to appropriate the victim’s superior prestige. In the neo-Marxist dispensation now regnant on our college campuses, after all, the advantaged are ignorant and guilty while the oppressed are innocent and wise.

5. .... the privileged to identify with “struggling groups” by wearing, say, a Palestinian keffiyeh. Yet better than merely empathizing with the oppressed is tobe oppressed. This is the climate movement’s signal innovation.

6. .... begin with Bill McKibben, the most influential environmental activist in the country, and leader of the campus fossil-fuel divestment movement..... “My leftism grew more righteous in college,” he says, “but still there was something pro forma about it.” The problem? “Being white, male, straight, and of impeccably middle-class background, I could not realistically claim to be a victim of anything.”

7. ...McKibben continued to enthusiastically support every leftist-approved victim group he could find. Nonetheless, something was missing. None of these causes seemed truly his own. When McKibben almost singlehandedly turned global warming into a public issue in 1989, his problem was solved. Now everyone could be a victim.

8. ... despite vast differences between the upper-middle-class college students who make up much of today’s climate movement and southern blacks living under segregation in the 1950s, climate activists think of themselves on the model of the early civil-rights protesters.

9. When climate activists court arrest through civil disobedience, they imagine themselves to be reliving the struggles of persecuted African Americans staging lunch-counter sit-ins at risk of their lives.

10. Today’s climate protesters,...“feel themselves oppressed by powerful, corrupt forces beyond their control.” And they fight “not only for people in faraway places but, increasingly, for themselves.”
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online

So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?
What the heck is it with the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" brigade?
How many years of no global warming will it take for them to wander off into well deserved obscurity??
More and more folks realize it's about Global Governance, not Global Warming....politics not science!

Now, from Stanley explanation of the popularity in the 'hair on fire' brigade: seems it's all about playing make-believe victim.

1. "... French intellectual gadfly Pascal Bruckner (in The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings), does the most thorough job yet of explaining the climate movement as a secular religion, an odd combination of deformed Christianity and reconstructed Marxism.

2. Bruckner describes a historical process wherein “the long list of emblematic victims — Jews, blacks, slaves, proletarians, colonized peoples — was replaced, little by little, with the Planet.” The planet, says Bruckner, “has become the new proletariat that must be saved from exploitation.”

3. ... odd that a “mood of catastrophe” should prevail in the West, the most well-off part of the world. .... is that the only way to turn the prosperous into victims is to threaten the very existence of a world they otherwise command.

4. ... why should the privileged wish to become victims? To alleviate guilt and to appropriate the victim’s superior prestige. In the neo-Marxist dispensation now regnant on our college campuses, after all, the advantaged are ignorant and guilty while the oppressed are innocent and wise.

5. .... the privileged to identify with “struggling groups” by wearing, say, a Palestinian keffiyeh. Yet better than merely empathizing with the oppressed is tobe oppressed. This is the climate movement’s signal innovation.

6. .... begin with Bill McKibben, the most influential environmental activist in the country, and leader of the campus fossil-fuel divestment movement..... “My leftism grew more righteous in college,” he says, “but still there was something pro forma about it.” The problem? “Being white, male, straight, and of impeccably middle-class background, I could not realistically claim to be a victim of anything.”

7. ...McKibben continued to enthusiastically support every leftist-approved victim group he could find. Nonetheless, something was missing. None of these causes seemed truly his own. When McKibben almost singlehandedly turned global warming into a public issue in 1989, his problem was solved. Now everyone could be a victim.

8. ... despite vast differences between the upper-middle-class college students who make up much of today’s climate movement and southern blacks living under segregation in the 1950s, climate activists think of themselves on the model of the early civil-rights protesters.

9. When climate activists court arrest through civil disobedience, they imagine themselves to be reliving the struggles of persecuted African Americans staging lunch-counter sit-ins at risk of their lives.

10. Today’s climate protesters,...“feel themselves oppressed by powerful, corrupt forces beyond their control.” And they fight “not only for people in faraway places but, increasingly, for themselves.”
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online

So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?

Leftist love the weak minded. They play on their emotions....

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So, the best explanation for simpletons endorsing what is obviously false, global warming, is that it is a mental aberration in said individuals.

11. And now, another chapter in 'conversations with Global Warming neurotics'...

" One young activist, a sophomore at Harvard, told Stephenson that she grew up “privileged in a poor rural town.”

Inspired by the civil-rights movement, her early climate activism was undertaken “in solidarity” with Third World peoples: “I saw climate change as this huge human rights abuse against people who are already disadvantaged in our global society. . . . I knew theoretically there could be impacts on the U.S. But I thought, I’m from a rich, developed country, my parents are well-off, I know I’m going to college, and it’s not going to make a difference to my life.

But especially over this past year, I’ve learned that climate change is a threat to me.

“You always learn about marginalized groups in society, and think about how their voices don’t have as much power, and then suddenly you’re like, ‘Wait, that’s exactly what I am, with climate change.’””
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online

Can I get an "Amen"!
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What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?
What the heck is it with the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" brigade?
How many years of no global warming will it take for them to wander off into well deserved obscurity??
More and more folks realize it's about Global Governance, not Global Warming....politics not science!

Now, from Stanley explanation of the popularity in the 'hair on fire' brigade: seems it's all about playing make-believe victim.

1. "... French intellectual gadfly Pascal Bruckner (in The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings), does the most thorough job yet of explaining the climate movement as a secular religion, an odd combination of deformed Christianity and reconstructed Marxism.

2. Bruckner describes a historical process wherein “the long list of emblematic victims — Jews, blacks, slaves, proletarians, colonized peoples — was replaced, little by little, with the Planet.” The planet, says Bruckner, “has become the new proletariat that must be saved from exploitation.”

3. ... odd that a “mood of catastrophe” should prevail in the West, the most well-off part of the world. .... is that the only way to turn the prosperous into victims is to threaten the very existence of a world they otherwise command.

4. ... why should the privileged wish to become victims? To alleviate guilt and to appropriate the victim’s superior prestige. In the neo-Marxist dispensation now regnant on our college campuses, after all, the advantaged are ignorant and guilty while the oppressed are innocent and wise.

5. .... the privileged to identify with “struggling groups” by wearing, say, a Palestinian keffiyeh. Yet better than merely empathizing with the oppressed is tobe oppressed. This is the climate movement’s signal innovation.

6. .... begin with Bill McKibben, the most influential environmental activist in the country, and leader of the campus fossil-fuel divestment movement..... “My leftism grew more righteous in college,” he says, “but still there was something pro forma about it.” The problem? “Being white, male, straight, and of impeccably middle-class background, I could not realistically claim to be a victim of anything.”

7. ...McKibben continued to enthusiastically support every leftist-approved victim group he could find. Nonetheless, something was missing. None of these causes seemed truly his own. When McKibben almost singlehandedly turned global warming into a public issue in 1989, his problem was solved. Now everyone could be a victim.

8. ... despite vast differences between the upper-middle-class college students who make up much of today’s climate movement and southern blacks living under segregation in the 1950s, climate activists think of themselves on the model of the early civil-rights protesters.

9. When climate activists court arrest through civil disobedience, they imagine themselves to be reliving the struggles of persecuted African Americans staging lunch-counter sit-ins at risk of their lives.

10. Today’s climate protesters,...“feel themselves oppressed by powerful, corrupt forces beyond their control.” And they fight “not only for people in faraway places but, increasingly, for themselves.”
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online

So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?

They're beyond psychotherapy, they need Cult Deprogramming
What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to miss the point of an OP.

There is no "global warming."
What the heck is it with the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" brigade?
How many years of no global warming will it take for them to wander off into well deserved obscurity??
More and more folks realize it's about Global Governance, not Global Warming....politics not science!

Now, from Stanley explanation of the popularity in the 'hair on fire' brigade: seems it's all about playing make-believe victim.

1. "... French intellectual gadfly Pascal Bruckner (in The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings), does the most thorough job yet of explaining the climate movement as a secular religion, an odd combination of deformed Christianity and reconstructed Marxism.

2. Bruckner describes a historical process wherein “the long list of emblematic victims — Jews, blacks, slaves, proletarians, colonized peoples — was replaced, little by little, with the Planet.” The planet, says Bruckner, “has become the new proletariat that must be saved from exploitation.”

3. ... odd that a “mood of catastrophe” should prevail in the West, the most well-off part of the world. .... is that the only way to turn the prosperous into victims is to threaten the very existence of a world they otherwise command.

4. ... why should the privileged wish to become victims? To alleviate guilt and to appropriate the victim’s superior prestige. In the neo-Marxist dispensation now regnant on our college campuses, after all, the advantaged are ignorant and guilty while the oppressed are innocent and wise.

5. .... the privileged to identify with “struggling groups” by wearing, say, a Palestinian keffiyeh. Yet better than merely empathizing with the oppressed is tobe oppressed. This is the climate movement’s signal innovation.

6. .... begin with Bill McKibben, the most influential environmental activist in the country, and leader of the campus fossil-fuel divestment movement..... “My leftism grew more righteous in college,” he says, “but still there was something pro forma about it.” The problem? “Being white, male, straight, and of impeccably middle-class background, I could not realistically claim to be a victim of anything.”

7. ...McKibben continued to enthusiastically support every leftist-approved victim group he could find. Nonetheless, something was missing. None of these causes seemed truly his own. When McKibben almost singlehandedly turned global warming into a public issue in 1989, his problem was solved. Now everyone could be a victim.

8. ... despite vast differences between the upper-middle-class college students who make up much of today’s climate movement and southern blacks living under segregation in the 1950s, climate activists think of themselves on the model of the early civil-rights protesters.

9. When climate activists court arrest through civil disobedience, they imagine themselves to be reliving the struggles of persecuted African Americans staging lunch-counter sit-ins at risk of their lives.

10. Today’s climate protesters,...“feel themselves oppressed by powerful, corrupt forces beyond their control.” And they fight “not only for people in faraway places but, increasingly, for themselves.”
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online

So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?

They're beyond psychotherapy. they need Cult Deprogramming

Rather than being proud of the efforts of their forebears to provide what they have inherited, the casualties of Liberal indoctrination see this as an evil nation, and the guilt must be assuaged by increasing the hardships of future generations.
What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to miss the point of an OP.

There is no "global warming."
I thought you spent a few paragraphs talking about how ppl were going nuts because of global warming and I was asking how many ppl.

Your title had me searching for a conspiracy theory but I didn't find more than some hints at hippies wanting us to live as a happy global community one world government or something.

Then you talked about something like self inflicted pain for enjoyment of a religous purpose...never got into that.

So I asked a out how this has affected us in the last 20 years and gave real world examples from my life and asked how many nuts came over to take away your car or do whatever to gauge how large a problem this conspiracy theory is.

Oh well. Did you want me to get out solar charts and pictures of Exit glacier or something?
What the heck is it with the Chicken Little "the sky is falling" brigade?
How many years of no global warming will it take for them to wander off into well deserved obscurity??
How many years of no global cooling will it take for deniers to wander off into well deserved obscurity??

Try reading the rest of the OP....It would definitely help with your therapy.
What percentage of the population do you think has been duped?

Between my 3 cars I have 80 valves and about 900 horse. They get 16, 23 and 24 mpg. None are wildly modified. No juice. No aftermarket turbos.

New cars are even more wild. 13 sec 1/4 mile brand 2015 Mustangs. Unreal.

These new light bulbs use less energy and save me money.

How is this negatively affecting me now?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to miss the point of an OP.

There is no "global warming."
I thought you spent a few paragraphs talking about how ppl were going nuts because of global warming and I was asking how many ppl.

Your title had me searching for a conspiracy theory but I didn't find more than some hints at hippies wanting us to live as a happy global community one world government or something.

Then you talked about something like self inflicted pain for enjoyment of a religous purpose...never got into that.

So I asked a out how this has affected us in the last 20 years and gave real world examples from my life and asked how many nuts came over to take away your car or do whatever to gauge how large a problem this conspiracy theory is.

Oh well. Did you want me to get out solar charts and pictures of Exit glacier or something?

"I thought you spent a few paragraphs talking about how ppl were going nuts because of global warming...."

Turns out you 'thought' wrong.
Leftist love the weak minded. They play on their emotions....

Just like democrats and their marxist ideology.. they keep the week minded suppressed and victims so as to keep them under control. if they ever found out they could care for themselves their tenure as kings and prostitutes would be over.
"So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?" you wanna talk about Cosplay?

You did not say much about climate stats. Mostly talked about people wanting to associate with the oppressed. We can talk about that if we lay off the flame zone quality name calling and quit hiding this psych issue under a climate change banner.
"So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?" you wanna talk about Cosplay?

You did not say much about climate stats. Mostly talked about people wanting to associate with the oppressed. We can talk about that if we lay off the flame zone quality name calling and quit hiding this psych issue under a climate change banner.

Thats what PC does. She attempts to hide ad hominem attacks behind quotes and authors. In fact the OP saying that Global Warming hasnt occurred in the last few years tells you that she believes in Global Warming and doesnt know why there hasnt been any changes recently. You can find those answers thru science but the ad hominem attacker will dismiss scientists by simply proclaiming they are "liberals"
"So...some psychotherapy, a little prozac, and, perhaps a polo mallet, and the "Global Warming Movement" is history.

Remember when they simply dressed up as cowboys and Indians?" you wanna talk about Cosplay?

You did not say much about climate stats. Mostly talked about people wanting to associate with the oppressed. We can talk about that if we lay off the flame zone quality name calling and quit hiding this psych issue under a climate change banner.

Thats what PC does. She attempts to hide ad hominem attacks behind quotes and authors. In fact the OP saying that Global Warming hasnt occurred in the last few years tells you that she believes in Global Warming and doesnt know why there hasnt been any changes recently. You can find those answers thru science but the ad hominem attacker will dismiss scientists by simply proclaiming they are "liberals"

It isn't's a scam to authorize big government to get even bigger.

And I don't hide 'ad hominem attacks,' you bottom-feeding, dog-kissing, mouth-breathing, half-witted, scruffy-looking, rotten, lying no good, four-flushing, snake-licking, sleezy, slimy, sticky, stinky, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, dope!

See...nothing hidden. continue on a theme: the same dolts who support every Left wing effort are part of the global warming believers.

12. " Wen Stephenson, a contributing writer at The Nation and an enthusiastic supporter of McKibben’s anti-fossil-fuel crusade, is one of the sharpest observers of the climate movement. In March, Stephenson published a profile of some of the student climate protesters...

The remaining biographical accounts in Stephenson’s piece repeat these themes. Climate activists see themselves as privileged, are deeply influenced by courses on climate change and on “marginalized” groups they’ve been exposed to in high school and college, and treat the climate apocalypse as their personal admissions pass to the sacred circle of the oppressed.

It may be that these activists, eyes opened by fortuitous education, are merely recognizing the reality of our impending doom.

Or might this particular apocalypse offer unacknowledged psychic rewards? "
The Wannabe Oppressed National Review Online I hear echoes of Münchausen syndrome by proxy disorder???
"....fabricates, exaggerates, or induces health problems... in order to gain the attention...."
M nchausen syndrome by proxy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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