Filthy Don Is Demanding That Witnesses Tell Him What They Told Mueller


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2017
110 … cgahn.html

Never go full dipshit. Never.

"What, What...I need to play stupid about this."
" I defended bin Laden's driver and he acted with more integrity than Trump." said Neal Katyal who defended bin Laden's driver in court.
To Ari Melber a few minutes ago on TV.

Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel

How will USMB Republicans defend this corruption?

They swarm these types of revelations. Screaming they be put in the Badlands or the Rubber room.
It still works.............for now.

But it won't work much longer. Not even here.

" I defended bin Laden's driver and he acted with more integrity than Trump." said Neal Katyal who defended bin Laden's driver in court.
To Ari Melber a few minutes ago on TV.

Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel

How will USMB Republicans defend this corruption?

They swarm these types of revelations. Screaming they be put in the Badlands or the Rubber room.
It still works.............for now.

But it won't work much longer. Not even here.
Is it illegal? No. So what's "corrupt" about it?
"Never go dipshit"? What do think you get when you depend on dipshit sources?
Depends on the source. Fox and Breitbart are for the most part dipsh!t sources. But even they tell the truth once in a while.

Stormy Daniels sues Trump, says 'hush agreement' is invalid because he didn't sign it Fox News

Why would she sue Trump? What damages has she suffered? Trump isn't even a party to the agreement. Her suit will be thrown out. It's nothing more than a publicity stunt.
"Never go dipshit"? What do think you get when you depend on dipshit sources?
Depends on the source. Fox and Breitbart are for the most part dipsh!t sources. But even they tell the truth once in a while.

Stormy Daniels sues Trump, says 'hush agreement' is invalid because he didn't sign it Fox News

Why would she sue Trump? What damages has she suffered? Trump isn't even a party to the agreement. Her suit will be thrown out. It's nothing more than a publicity stunt.
It's working.
"Never go dipshit"? What do think you get when you depend on dipshit sources?
Depends on the source. Fox and Breitbart are for the most part dipsh!t sources. But even they tell the truth once in a while.

Stormy Daniels sues Trump, says 'hush agreement' is invalid because he didn't sign it Fox News

Why would she sue Trump? What damages has she suffered? Trump isn't even a party to the agreement. Her suit will be thrown out. It's nothing more than a publicity stunt.
IF he wasn't a party to it, then why did his press secretary when asked about it today, say that the president already went through 'arbitration' on it, and Trump won....?

lies, lies, lies and more lies! that he and staff, keep getting caught at!
‘Trump reportedly asked his former chief of staff Reince Priebus if special counsel investigators had been "nice" during his interview, according to The New York Times, citing two people familiar with the conversation.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators are aware of two occasions where Trump asked witnesses about conversations they had with investigators, The New York Times reported Wednesday, citing three people familiar with the encounters.’

NYT: Trump asked witnesses about special counsel conversations - CNNPolitics

Trump is afraid Mueller won’t be nice to him.
Mueller is way smarter than the Orange Idiot, he'll be extra-nice to him, because he knows the more Trump blathers, the deeper the hole gets.
Trump has lived his life on lies, and he's now, for the first time, faced with people prepared to call him out.

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