Fertility Reshaping America

New Census estimates show minorities added more than 2 percent in 2009 to 107.2 million people, boosted by a surge in Hispanic births and more people who described themselves as multiracial. During this time, the white population remained flat, making up roughly 199.9 million, or 65 percent, of the country.

Currently four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceeded 50 percent. About 311 of the 3,143 counties — one in 10 — have minority populations of 50 percent or greater. That’s up from more than 250 counties in 2000.

Based on current rates, data from the 2010 census could show a new “tipping point” in which babies born to minorities outnumber babies born to whites.

About 1 in 4 counties now have more minority children than white children or are nearing that point.

“Fertility is playing a critical role in reshaping the racial and ethnic structure of the country,” said Kenneth Johnson, a sociology professor at the University of New Hampshire.

Census: Minorities grow to 35% of U.S. population | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Oh brother...:(

You said this right?

What exactly did you mean by "Oh brother....."?

Maybe you thought the article was lying? Maybe the line about the four states was wrong? Maybe the line about the "tipping point" got ya?

What did you mean because I want to get it straight.
Ravi - if you are so inclined check out the Census data and connect the dots. The "fertility rate" includes a disprortionate number of out of wedlock births. That is not conjectire It is fact.

Good. While other countries are experiencing a decline in births, our country is growing.

Growth is not a plus if the section experiencing the growth is dependent upon a welfare state. It becomes a drain.
Ravi - if you are so inclined check out the Census data and connect the dots. The "fertility rate" includes a disprortionate number of out of wedlock births. That is not conjectire It is fact.

Good. While other countries are experiencing a decline in births, our country is growing.

Growth is not a plus if the section experiencing the growth is dependent upon a welfare state. It becomes a drain.

Show me links there "Bro".
Ravi - if you are so inclined check out the Census data and connect the dots. The "fertility rate" includes a disprortionate number of out of wedlock births. That is not conjectire It is fact.

Good. While other countries are experiencing a decline in births, our country is growing.

Growth is not a plus if the section experiencing the growth is dependent upon a welfare state. It becomes a drain.
Who says they do besides Chanel?
Are you really this thick headed or are you deliberately being oppositional?

Here's a simple concept. Dads - good Poverty - bad Following us?

Sorry no links.
Are you really this thick headed or are you deliberately being oppositional?

Here's a simple concept. Dads - good Poverty - bad Following us?

Sorry no links.
Again, I want you to show me where you are getting the information that latinos are disproportionately having children out of wedlock.
Are you really this thick headed or are you deliberately being oppositional?

Here's a simple concept. Dads - good Poverty - bad Following us?

Sorry no links.
Again, I want you to show me where you are getting the information that latinos are disproportionately having children out of wedlock.

^^^What he said^^^
The pattern has been particularly pronounced among Hispanic women, climbing 20 percent from 2002 to 2006, the most recent year for which racial breakdowns are available. Eleven percent of unmarried Hispanic women had a baby in 2006, compared with 7 percent of unmarried black women and 3 percent of unmarried white women, according to government data drawn from birth certificates.

Titled “Changing Patterns of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States,” the report was released by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The pattern has been particularly pronounced among Hispanic women, climbing 20 percent from 2002 to 2006, the most recent year for which racial breakdowns are available. Eleven percent of unmarried Hispanic women had a baby in 2006, compared with 7 percent of unmarried black women and 3 percent of unmarried white women, according to government data drawn from birth certificates.

Titled “Changing Patterns of Nonmarital Childbearing in the United States,” the report was released by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You left out this part:

Before 1970, most unmarried mothers were teenagers. But in recent years the birthrate among unmarried women in their 20s and 30s has soared — rising 34 percent since 2002, for example, in women ages 30 to 34. In 2007, women in their 20s had 60 percent of all babies born out of wedlock, teenagers had 23 percent and women 30 and older had 17 percent.
Much of the increase in unmarried births has occurred among parents who are living together but are not married, cohabitation arrangements that tend to be less stable than marriages, studies show.
Check out the rise in teen pregnancy last year. Number 1 group again? Ravi - you can't be this dense. 20 year olds with no HS diploma and no husband are children as well. And the stats don't mention 2nd and 3rd children. No job; no skills at 15 or 25 doesn't make much of a difference. It's a problem. Just admit it. We can disagree on the solution but to deny its a problem is just silly.
Currently four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceeded 50 percent. About 311 of the 3,143 counties — one in 10 — have minority populations of 50 percent or greater. That’s up from more than 250 counties in 2000.

Based on current rates, data from the 2010 census could show a new “tipping point” in which babies born to minorities outnumber babies born to whites.

About 1 in 4 counties now have more minority children than white children or are nearing that point.

Maybe it's time that we stop calling them "minorities."
Currently four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceeded 50 percent. About 311 of the 3,143 counties — one in 10 — have minority populations of 50 percent or greater. That’s up from more than 250 counties in 2000.

Based on current rates, data from the 2010 census could show a new “tipping point” in which babies born to minorities outnumber babies born to whites.

About 1 in 4 counties now have more minority children than white children or are nearing that point.

Maybe it's time that we stop calling them "minorities."

When they arent a minority, we might.
Currently four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceeded 50 percent. About 311 of the 3,143 counties — one in 10 — have minority populations of 50 percent or greater. That’s up from more than 250 counties in 2000.

Based on current rates, data from the 2010 census could show a new “tipping point” in which babies born to minorities outnumber babies born to whites.

About 1 in 4 counties now have more minority children than white children or are nearing that point.

Maybe it's time that we stop calling them "minorities."

When they arent a minority, we might.

Like they did in South Africa? Although the Blacks where never the minority there, they were powerless under Apartheid. Now they have the power and they still treat the Whites as the majority, allowing Affirmative Action for the Black Majority, setting up government pograms, allowing discrimination against Whites and legislating the Whites out of government jobs.

Make no mistake, if whites ever become the minority in America, we will be treated like
2nd class citizens!
Maybe it's time that we stop calling them "minorities."

When they arent a minority, we might.

Like they did in South Africa? Although the Blacks where never the minority there, they were powerless under Apartheid. Now they have the power and they still treat the Whites as the majority, allowing Affirmative Action for the Black Majority, setting up government pograms, allowing discrimination against Whites and legislating the Whites out of government jobs.

Make no mistake, if whites ever become the minority in America, we will be treated like
2nd class citizens!

Oh, woe is me, the poor under-advantaged white man in America.
Out of wedlock births are common among poor minorities because they are uneducated in prevention and parenting skills. How do you force people to use condoms or birth control pills and/or demand that they limit the number of children? If we lived in a true Communist society, it would be easy, but this is America which too many people seem to forget. Yes, it's sad that there are so many ignorant and downright illiterate people who live in this country, but accepting that they exist is the tradeoff for you and I having privileges in this country we would not have anywhere else.

No it's not a trade off. The solution to this problem is actually quite simple. Stop handing out welfare to these people and you stop enabling their irresponsible life styles.

So how would you go about distinguishing need? Maybe we need volunteers like you to go under cover in the ghetto and become a whistle-blower. Seriously. That's the only way most state social welfare offices become aware of people blatantly abusing the system.

That said, "Welfare to Work" works, with an average success rate of 70% for those who initially get the full monty and must find work within two years. And that's why (to Chanel's OP), there has been an increase in minority births. The ones intent on gaming the system have discovered that the only way to STAY on welfare and not work are those who continue to bring new blood into their schemes (no pun intended). But again, social workers are overworked and underpaid, so they can't possibly catch (and prove) all the abuses.
New Census estimates show minorities added more than 2 percent in 2009 to 107.2 million people, boosted by a surge in Hispanic births and more people who described themselves as multiracial. During this time, the white population remained flat, making up roughly 199.9 million, or 65 percent, of the country.

Currently four states — Hawaii, New Mexico, California and Texas — as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceeded 50 percent. About 311 of the 3,143 counties — one in 10 — have minority populations of 50 percent or greater. That’s up from more than 250 counties in 2000.

Based on current rates, data from the 2010 census could show a new “tipping point” in which babies born to minorities outnumber babies born to whites.

About 1 in 4 counties now have more minority children than white children or are nearing that point.

“Fertility is playing a critical role in reshaping the racial and ethnic structure of the country,” said Kenneth Johnson, a sociology professor at the University of New Hampshire.
Census: Minorities grow to 35% of U.S. population | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Oh brother...:(
We are and have always been a pluralistic nation. What is your gripe? That whites might be a minority someday?
Lots of people care. That's why the article was written.

My concern is that the people least able to afford large families are the ones having the most children. Everyone should care about that. Well everyone except those profiting from their meal tickets.
Certainly your concern about economics does not arise out of anything the article talks about. It makes no mention of the economic status of the growing minority populations. The poor have always born the burden for producing the most children and providing a labor supply for industry.

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