Fertility clinics


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2015
I asked this question in another thread, but it was a very long thread and my post may have gone unnoticed, so I'll ask it again here:

How do y'all feel about fertility clinics? A good thing, a bad thing? Interfering with God's Plan™? A blessing for women who are trying to conceive? Other?
Judging by the astronomical rate of abortions today, it would be reasonable to assume, aside from failure to prevent or plan, individuals know nothing about what causes babies. Given that, the reverse no doubt is also true. People have little if any information about how to get a baby if they are not being successful. So, yes, infertility clinics can be helpful in trying to understand the problem and achieve resolution. I don't interpret that as usurping God, because He is the Creator. Even consulting infertility specialists is merely an aid in the process, and often times they are still unable to cause a pregnancy using the extreme of egg retrieval and insemination.
^So it's okay with you that, once a certain number of embryos are implanted, the rest are destroyed.
Fertility clinics are like any other aspect of medical science: promising and hopeful in its possibilities for advancement of knowledge and quality of life, and rife with possibilities for misuse.
Fertility clinics are like any other aspect of medical science: promising and hopeful in its possibilities for advancement of knowledge and quality of life, and rife with possibilities for misuse.

But you don't mind that, in their legitimate use, they destroy unimplanted embryos.
Again, that's NOT what I said in my post.

For the second time: I know.

However, you did post about fertility clinics as a good thing.

So I wonder whether it's because you didn't know that they discard up to 20 embryos per IVF treatment, or that you didn't care.

If you're incapable of answering, that's okay.
Again, that's NOT what I said in my post.

For the second time: I know.

However, you did post about fertility clinics as a good thing.

So I wonder whether it's because you didn't know that they discard up to 20 embryos per IVF treatment, or that you didn't care.

If you're incapable of answering, that's okay.

Don't try and tell me what I am and am not capable of, imbecile! Not that your post is relevant at all, I am aware of embryonic discarding. That's so a woman doesn't end up with multiple births like the ones that wind up carrying six kids and are born with multiple defects because they couldn't be carried full term, idiot. The ability to even conceive outweighs having some embryos discarded, stupid. It's all done in a petri dish not in uterus after implantation. Any other brilliant comments from the peanut gallery?
Are the clinics getting paid to provide meat for research, and kill babies? If not, it's probably okay.
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?
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Fertility clinics are like any other aspect of medical science: promising and hopeful in its possibilities for advancement of knowledge and quality of life, and rife with possibilities for misuse.

But you don't mind that, in their legitimate use, they destroy unimplanted embryos.

I'm perfectly capable of coming up with my own words, so you can stop trying to put yours in my mouth. See above re: rife with possibilities for misuse. Deal with what I said, not what you want to read into it because you really wish I had said it.

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