CDZ Ferguson Protestor Nitwits Helped Democrats Lose Elections


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Along with the other National Security issues of Immigration, Ebola, and ISIS, I do believe the idiots who have been out protesting what they haven't even known the facts on, regarding the Michael Brown shooting, have partially been responsible for the massive Democrat losses in the recent election.

Anybody can say whatever they want, but that's my take on it. These protestors, and especially the ass clowns who rioted, burned down stores, looted, and fired guns, got the American people pissed off at them. The voters also didn't apppreciate the way Obama and Erratic Eric Holder sucked up to them, when they had no facts to protest about, and never were more than a tiny minority of Ferguson residents - and many of them weren't even that, having come in from out of state.

Overwhelmingly, Americans don't share this anti-police attitude these loons are so adamant about. Generally, Americans SUPPORT the police, and appreciate the jobs they do, putting their lives on the line to protect their communities, every day.
Along with the other National Security issues of Immigration, Ebola, and ISIS, I do believe the idiots who have been out protesting what they haven't even known the facts on, regarding the Michael Brown shooting, have partially been responsible for the massive Democrat losses in the recent election.

Anybody can say whatever they want, but that's my take on it. These protestors, and especially the ass clowns who rioted, burned down stores, looted, and fired guns, got the American people pissed off at them. The voters also didn't apppreciate the way Obama and Erratic Eric Holder sucked up to them, when they had no facts to protest about, and never were more than a tiny minority of Ferguson residents - and many of them weren't even that, having come in from out of state.

Overwhelmingly, Americans don't share this anti-police attitude these loons are so adamant about. Generally, Americans SUPPORT the police, and appreciate the jobs they do, putting their lives on the line to protect their communities, every day.

I don't think so. I don't think it had an impact. I agree with almost everything else that you said. We see the same thing from the Right. Not every incident with a gun owner is worth defending. You know that is true.

I have posted it before. Everybody knew that when Holder went in that the investigation wasn't going anywhere. There were several here that said the exact same thing. I've posted elsewhere too that those outside groups were looking for an opportunity. Now, part of those people were very easy to mobilize after what is strongly felt as a great injustice to Trayvon Martin and this is especially true after Juror B37 admitted that she went in to write a book after taking the advice of her husband who happened to be an attorney. It's very, very easy for people to respond if they feel that there is no justice.

Many of these people are very young, very idealistic and have no idea the amount of time and effort that has been spent in diversity training or responses. They wanted to be in on a protest that could equal that of the Civil Rights movement. They don't know how the system works. They are acutely aware of how it does not work. They are not at the age where they can step back and assess the situation.

So, a few hot headed jack asses set back everything back a good ten years.

How did the Right respond? Sharpton (and I am not a fan) tells Ferguson to vote. The Right media responds, "I am disgusted." So, Sharpton says that rioting and burning crap is not the best way to express frustration, how about registering to vote and the Right cannot stand that. At a time when the Right should have said that it was way better to vote then to loot and burn crap.

The big failure? The media and the journalists that had a knipshit while in Ferguson. The pundits. The dichotomy of attempting to suppress information on the one hand but have the commentators be the clowns that they are.
As well they should. I expect that Obama is quietly doing everything he can to prevent any rioting if there is no indictment, since he would be seen as having contributed to it.
If there's rioting, so what ? Crack some heads. Break some legs. Rioting stops. Just make sure there's plenty of room in the jaikhouse (and bread & water on the menu)
Yeah. Never mind common sense or the constitution.

They're black and they don't have the rights the rest of us do.

Wish I lived closer. I'd join them because that's what we all should be doing.
Yeah. Never mind common sense or the constitution.

They're black and they don't have the rights the rest of us do.

Wish I lived closer. I'd join them because that's what we all should be doing.
Doesn't matter what race they are if they're rioting. Common sense and the constitution doesn't say to let rioters riot.

And you're saying that would would join rioters ?
This may be straying off topic, but does anyone know what happened with Brown's companion during the incident? I understood that there was another guy with him.
This may be straying off topic, but does anyone know what happened with Brown's companion during the incident? I understood that there was another guy with him.
He's now on TV interviews, blabbering the same "hands up" BS that already was disproven by forensic evidence, and in the Grand Jury hearing.
They have the same rights everyone else has. We have seen that in spades during this episode. What they don't have is a family structure that reinforces respect for authority and their fellow man

The people who have lost their rights are the shop and business owners of ferguson who are paying taxes for police and fire protection and were denied these services apparently because the rioters were more important than law abiding citizens.
The Fergusionites had nothing to do with the election's results.
Oh I disagree. I think actions like this up in Ferguson just have people sick of liberal bullshit.

The looters certainly dont represent the average liberal, but the average liberal certainly supports them, read this board for proof of that. People are sick of that shit.

Not one person who would legitimately be defined as a liberal on this board has said jack about the looters, why is that jake?
Speaking of nitwits, the NFL Rams showed their "support for Ferguson" by holding their hands up as if to emulate Michael Brown, even though forensic evidence has proved this not to be case. Why let facts get in the way?
Speaking of nitwits, the NFL Rams showed their "support for Ferguson" by holding their hands up as if to emulate Michael Brown, even though forensic evidence has proved this not to be case. Why let facts get in the way?
If they supported Ferguson, they wouldn't be supporting Michael Brown, who probably did more harm to that town than anyone in its history.

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