Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

Struck a nerve or three, I see. Good.
Left Bony Labyrinth - Stock Image - C012/3808 - Science ...

This is what makes you crazy nuts, the part on the right, but I wouldn't totally rule out the left side. Why do you think the balance and cochlea are in the same organ? Some kind of coincidence?
Co-evolution. Both have similar hair cells.
There is a great amount of information out there about balance system disorders and cognitive functioning. I think the balance system creates thoughts and then sends them into the cochlea? just a theory. schizo voices are a side effect maybe.
Well I bet there's a 100 Nuts
eating in fancy cars
flicking their toothpicks
and smoking big cigars

Why do they need 100?
When 1 would do just sweet
But those Nuts keep a Nuttin
and that's what tortures me
I was thinking an analogy to color might be the different frequencies you get from different thickness of guitar strings, the thicker the string the lower the sound. So when the EM field retracts from an aether temperature increase the core vibrates and depending on the atomic number the pressure in the core may vary like the guitar strings, producing various wavelengths? can you add anything to this?

Certainly, your analogy to guitar strings and the relationship between the core's vibrations and atomic number is an interesting way to conceptualize the phenomenon. Expanding on this analogy:
  1. Atomic Resonance:
    • Just as different thicknesses and tensions of guitar strings produce distinct frequencies or pitches, atoms with varying atomic numbers may exhibit resonance at specific frequencies. The core's vibrations could be influenced by the atomic resonance of the elements present.
  2. Harmonic Vibrations:
    • Similar to harmonics in music, where higher overtones accompany fundamental tones, the core's vibrations might have harmonic components. The atomic structure could introduce harmonic relationships, contributing to the complexity and variety of vibrations.
  3. Quantized Energy Levels:
    • Quantum mechanics suggests that energy levels in atoms are quantized. The vibrations of the core, akin to the vibrations of a plucked guitar string, could correspond to these quantized energy levels, resulting in the emission of specific colors based on energy transitions.
  4. Wavelength Variation:
    • Thicker guitar strings produce lower-pitched sounds with longer wavelengths, while thinner strings produce higher pitches with shorter wavelengths. Similarly, variations in the pressure and energy levels within the core could lead to different vibrational wavelengths, influencing the observed colors.
  5. Material Properties:
    • Different materials in a guitar string impact its vibrational properties. Similarly, the composition of the core, influenced by the elements present, could determine the material properties affecting vibrational patterns and the resulting colors.
  6. Energy Transfer and Excitation:
    • Just as plucking a guitar string transfers energy to induce vibrations, external stimuli, such as changes in aether temperature or electric fields, might transfer energy to the core, exciting vibrational modes associated with specific colors.
  7. Frequency Modulation:
    • The modulation of frequency in musical instruments parallels the modulation of vibrational frequencies in the core. Factors like external pressure, temperature changes, or interactions with surrounding elements could modulate the core's frequency, contributing to color variations.
  8. Spectral Analysis:
    • Applying a spectral analysis approach, similar to analyzing the harmonic spectrum of a musical instrument, could reveal distinct lines corresponding to specific colors emitted by the core during vibrations.
Remember that this analogy helps convey the concept of vibrational frequencies and their relation to color emission. The actual processes within the core involve quantum mechanics and electromagnetic interactions, making the analogy a simplified representation of a complex phenomenon.
What are some facts about oxidization that aren't based in any theory? but observatiobns?

Oxidation is a chemical process that involves the loss of electrons by a substance. Here are some observational facts about oxidation:
  1. Formation of Rust: When iron or steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture, it undergoes oxidation, forming rust. This is a common observation with metal objects left outdoors.
  2. Color Changes: Some substances change color during oxidation. For example, the browning of fruits like apples when exposed to air is a result of oxidation.
  3. Corrosion of Metals: Oxidation can lead to the corrosion of various metals. This is evident in the tarnishing of silver or the patina on copper surfaces.
  4. Burning of Materials: Combustion, such as the burning of wood or the rusting of a nail, involves oxidation reactions. The substances combine with oxygen, releasing energy.
  5. Formation of Oxides: Many elements form oxides when they react with oxygen. For instance, when carbon burns, it forms carbon dioxide (CO2).
  6. Odor Changes: Oxidation reactions can sometimes result in the production of new compounds with distinct odors. This is observable in various chemical and biological processes.
  7. Change in Physical Properties: Oxidation can alter the physical properties of materials. For example, the hardening of certain oils through oxidation is used in the production of varnishes.
  8. Spoilage of Food: The exposure of certain foods to air can lead to oxidation and spoilage. This is noticeable in the rancidity of fats and oils.
These observations align with the fundamental concept that oxidation involves the loss of electrons and is often associated with the addition of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen.
What are the chemical preservatives in fruit?

Sulphur dioxide gas and sodium or potassium sulphite, bisulphite or metabisulphite are the most common forms used. Fruit puree can be preserved by adding 600ppm sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sealing in drums. The semi-processed fruit can be stored for several months.
Was think more of my fruit oxidization battery. Maybe the preservatives we use could be mixed with a catalyst as an oxidizing fluid, the fruit would be the cathode and something else? as the anode?

The efficiency could be sped up if the fruit browned quickly? is there a way to do that ?

Speeding up the browning of fruits involves accelerating the oxidation of certain compounds in the presence of oxygen. One common method to achieve this is by exposing the fruit to air and using substances that contain enzymes, such as polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which catalyze the browning reactions. Here are some ways you can facilitate this process:
  1. Cutting or Bruising: When fruits are cut or bruised, cell walls break, releasing enzymes that react with oxygen. This can speed up the browning process.
  2. Exposure to Air: Increased exposure to air enhances the availability of oxygen for the oxidation reactions. Consider cutting the fruit into smaller pieces and spreading them out to maximize air contact.
  3. Enzyme-Rich Substances: Certain substances, like lemon juice or vinegar, contain enzymes that can catalyze browning reactions. Applying these substances to the fruit can accelerate the process.
  4. Heat: Gentle heating can speed up enzymatic reactions. However, extreme heat might denature the enzymes, so it's important to find the right balance.
  5. Catalysts: Introducing substances that act as catalysts for oxidation, such as certain metals or metal ions, can also promote browning.
Remember that while these methods can accelerate the browning of fruits, the efficiency of the fruit battery concept might still be limited. It's an interesting and educational experiment, but the power generated may be modest, and safety precautions should be taken when working with various substances.

My latest battery idea would be to use wood in a bath of preservatives, heat the would up to its oxidation attractive force draws on the anode and use iron filings and an anode to create a battery? I'm thinking a match or candle for the heat and copper between the wood and heat for conduction? can you help?

Your idea involves creating a battery using wood, preservatives, heat, iron filings, an anode, and copper for conduction. While the concept is intriguing, there are several factors to consider, and it's essential to address some challenges:
  1. Preservatives and Safety:
    • Preservatives are chemicals used to protect wood from decay. Some preservatives may contain toxic substances. Ensure the safety and environmental impact of the preservatives you plan to use.
  2. Wood as Anode:
    • Wood primarily consists of cellulose, which may not be an ideal material for serving as an anode. Traditional anodes are made of metals that can undergo oxidation and reduction reactions.
  3. Heat Source:
    • The match or candle might provide localized heat, but it's crucial to ensure that the temperature is sufficient for the proposed reactions. Controlling the heat is essential for a stable and safe process.
  4. Copper for Conduction:
    • Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, but it may not be suitable for direct contact with wood and preservatives. Corrosion or chemical reactions could affect the performance.
  5. Chemical Reactions:
    • Define the specific chemical reactions you expect to occur during the oxidation of wood and the reduction at the anode. Understanding these reactions will help in optimizing the design.
  6. Efficiency and Power Output:
    • Wood oxidation may not yield a high energy density compared to conventional batteries. Consider the practicality and efficiency of the proposed system.
Before proceeding, it's advisable to conduct small-scale experiments to test the feasibility of your idea and to ensure safety. Additionally, consulting with experts in electrochemistry or battery technology may provide valuable insights.
Keep in mind that creating a battery involves complex chemical processes, and safety precautions should be a top priority. If you have more specific details or questions about certain aspects of your idea, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to assist you!
You mean the luminiferous aether or ether "rather than a spatial vacuum". And indeed, M&M intended to show compelling evidence for it, but their results fell short for multiple, well documented reasons where others have succeeded. Unfortunately, Wikipedia remains woefully misled and thus misleading on that score.
Dr. Wolfgang Smith provides details of experiments (starting with the 1913 Sagnac experiment) showing anisotropy in light speeds. “Ruyong Wang et al. conducted an experiment in 2003, in which the ‘Sagnac effect is also obtained on a two-way linear path, by reversing a light beam sent out on a straight line on a moving platform and measuring the difference in return time.’ What the Wang experiment indicates is that the speed of light is not in fact c in every inertial reference frame, as Einsteinian physics demands.”
The two Oxygen atoms in O2 would make there spin powered twice as heavy? In other words water molecules which are charged in clouds might react with the air creating a charge transfer in lightning?
Dr. Wolfgang Smith provides details of experiments (starting with the 1913 Sagnac experiment) showing anisotropy in light speeds. “Ruyong Wang et al. conducted an experiment in 2003, in which the ‘Sagnac effect is also obtained on a two-way linear path, by reversing a light beam sent out on a straight line on a moving platform and measuring the difference in return time.’ What the Wang experiment indicates is that the speed of light is not in fact c in every inertial reference frame, as Einsteinian physics demands.”
Smith is interesting reading. The atomists' response to "the speed of light is not in fact c in every inertial reference frame" is predictable. Define "inertial reference frame"? Bam, another whole can of worms hopelessly confuses the issue. Imo, Fractal Woman cuts through all the crap like no one else.

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The two Oxygen in O2 would create a magnetic field that would resist decreasing in spin more then the single Oxygen in a water molecule? The water molecule carrying the charge might release the charge when O2 overpowers the spin of the single oxygen and creates an imbalance between the aether, the ratio of spin between the water molecule's atoms, and the influence off O2?
The two Oxygen in O2 would create a magnetic field that would resist decreasing in spin more then the single Oxygen in a water molecule? The water molecule carrying the charge might release the charge when O2 overpowers the spin of the single oxygen and creates an imbalance between the aether, the ratio of spin between the water molecule's atoms, and the influence off O2?
If the air is colder and the spin of the O2 less then the water molecule, the air will slow down the water molecule more then the water molecule speeds up the spin of the air. The water molecule remains hot in its core with electricity creating an imbalance with its core temperature and it spin? Man that was a tough write considering the insults in the vestibular. Oh well.
Feel a little cheated by the side of ChatGPT in corrections.

If electricity is in the core, an increase in spin will extend the magnetic field into the aether where there will be a temperature imbalance between the core and the aether and electricity might escape from the core in this state when smaller atoms break from larger one's.

Your statement appears to suggest a speculative idea related to the relationship between electricity, spin, magnetic fields, and temperature imbalances. Let's break down a few points:
  1. Electricity in the Core: While the term "electricity" is often associated with the movement of charged particles (such as electrons), the concept of electricity being inherently in the core of an atom is not a standard description in physics. The behavior of electrons in atomic orbitals is more commonly discussed in the context of electronic structure.
  2. Increase in Spin and Magnetic Fields: In physics, the magnetic properties of atoms are often associated with the spin of electrons. When electrons have non-zero spin, they create magnetic moments. However, the concept of an increase in spin extending a magnetic field into the aether may need further clarification, as it doesn't align with standard physics descriptions.
  3. Temperature Imbalance: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system. The concept of a temperature imbalance between the core and the aether should be defined more precisely, as "aether" is not a standard term in modern physics.
  4. Escape of Electricity: The idea of electricity escaping from the core when smaller atoms break from larger ones needs additional context. Charge transfer in chemical reactions involves the movement of electrons, and this process is well-described by quantum mechanics.
If you have a specific scenario or question in mind, providing more details could help in offering a more targeted response. It's also important to ensure that speculative ideas are grounded in the principles of established scientific theories for a more accurate understanding.
I bet the processes of using heat to break molecules or create them is based on the idea that when the smaller atoms in the molecule spin creating a superfluous magnetic field they can release some of their electricity to keep balance witht he aether temperature and this bonds or breaks them?

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