Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

recap here then since some of the readers (cough cough) are un able to understand my caveman linguistics....
Heat in the core of a nuclei or planet causes the nucleus of the individual atom's to spin faster but because the atom's are so packed in the core they convert there individual spin to spin of the whole nucleus of planet. This creates the north and south poles. Imagine two billiard balls representing two nuclei both spinning clockwise. If you stacked them on top of each other they would spin clockwise together and would be lined up bottom to top. If you flipped one of the balls over and stacked them on each other then their spins would counter each other and they would repel. That's how magnetism works.
Imagine two billiard balls representing two nuclei both spinning clockwise. If you stacked them on top of each other they would spin clockwise together and would be lined up bottom to top. If you flipped one of the balls over and stacked them on each other then their spins would counter each other and they would repel. That's how magnetism works.
Precession is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body. In an appropriate reference frame it can be defined as a change in the first Euler angle, whereas the third Euler angle defines the rotation itself. In other words, if the axis of rotation of a body is itself rotating about a second axis, that body is said to be precessing about the second axis. A motion in which the second Euler angle changes is called nutation. In physics, there are two types of precession: torque-free and torque-induced.
Now I know what precession is from my college astronomy course. For the earth it makes a full rotation every 13,000 years? Is that just more hypothetical or do they have some sort of evidence for it?
The atom's with a cube or near cube number might display more magnetic properties because the spin of the individual nuclei are connected. Copper might be a cube of 3 with one nuclei on opposing sides, giving the atom a sort of handle for AC to influence.
The atom's with a cube or near cube number might display more magnetic properties because the spin of the individual nuclei are connected. Copper might be a cube of 3 with one nuclei on opposing sides, giving the atom a sort of handle for AC to influence.
1 x 1 x 1 -- Hydrogen -- +2 -- Lithium
2 x 2 x 2 -- Oxygen -- +2 -- Neon
3 x 3 x 3 -- Cobalt -- +2 -- Copper
4 x 4 x 4 -- Gadolinium -- +2 -- Dysprosium
And why just AC?
1 x 1 x 1 -- Hydrogen -- +2 -- Lithium
2 x 2 x 2 -- Oxygen -- +2 -- Neon
3 x 3 x 3 -- Cobalt -- +2 -- Copper
4 x 4 x 4 -- Gadolinium -- +2 -- Dysprosium
And why just AC?
I don't know. Do you think the moon has no magnetic field because its made of glass of its sand in its core? It has no spin either?
If color is from a dark core and a bright electromagnetic field then carbon which isn't magnetic must have no spin in its nuclei? maybe pressure on the center of carbon causes it not to spin and for all elements it is the pressure exerted by the nuclei on the core of the nucleus that determines its spin?
I don't know. Do you think the moon has no magnetic field because its made of glass of its sand in its core? It has no spin either?
It has no comparable magnetic field because it's composed of little iron. It spins once per month. The same side, corresponding to its gravitational center, always faces us due to its close proximity. The Earth's tides help keep it synced as well.
If color is from a dark core and a bright electromagnetic field then carbon which isn't magnetic must have no spin in its nuclei? maybe pressure on the center of carbon causes it not to spin and for all elements it is the pressure exerted by the nuclei on the core of the nucleus that determines its spin?
It's pretty hard to imagine how and when the elements first fused, and what caused their shape. I wonder if it will always be a guessing game? I mean is carbon the combination of two lithium? what does that shape look like?
It has no comparable magnetic field because it's composed of little iron. It spins once per month. The same side, corresponding to its gravitational center, always faces us due to its close proximity. The Earth's tides help keep it synced as well.
So your not a......glassy.......kinda......dude? I think that to that there is little to no iron core, I don't think that's the mainstream belief though?
Copper is quite interesting. Aside from being a mineral that is found throughout the body. It helps make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and the immune system healthy. It also helps form collagen, a key part of bones and connective tissue. Copper may also act as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells and DNA.

Also, "Studies worldwide have shown that, with routine cleaning, when copper alloy is used on regularly touched surfaces in busy wards and intensive care units, there is up to a 90% reduction in the numbers of live bacteria on their surfaces." It also kills viruses.

Copper fungicides are also effective for fungal diseases. Copper ions kill by denaturing proteins and enzymes in cells of pathogens they contact that have not yet infected the plant. They have no post-infection activity and are non-selective, which is why phytotoxicity occurs when they get inside plants.
You can simply lay a strip of copper on your arm and a nearby MRSA infection will disappear within a day. Copper is a disease fighter and insulator. The same strip will kill any surface bacteria within a radius of 20 inches.

Why? Because copper offers very low impedance to counterspace. Radiant energy is readily supplied through copper:

There are many types of energy, and it can be converted from one type to another. Your stove converts chemical energy from natural gas into heat energy for cooking, and a solar panel converts radiant energy from the sun into electricity. However,
  • Kinetic energy can be is stupidly described as “energy in motion”. This can refer to is stupidly referred to as the motion of visible objects and substances, but also the motion of invisible waves and microscopic particles like atoms and molecules.
No. Other than the "the motion of invisible waves" which is simply nonsense, ^that's inertia.. Just another form of (energy) potential.
Why not? we don't have to mask our understanding with ignorance.
Why not? Because "mainstream belief" is just that. Belief.. until something potentially better.. something smarter.. something that seems to make more sense.. a thing that proves more reliable.. takes over the "mainstream" narrative. Then all the naysayers shall laugh and swear they were just kidding and knew better all along!

Wut? Of course we're causing Global Warming!
Was trying to guess how a magnetic field increases in cold aether and decreases in hot aether. Came up with the retraction of the magnetic field back into the core causes the core to spin faster and lose magnetic strength. So now onto the effect two different speeds of two spinning nucleus's effect each other in a molecule.

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