Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

In a silicon lattice, all silicon atoms bond perfectly to four neighbors, leaving no free electrons to conduct electric current. This makes a silicon crystal an insulator rather than a conductor.

Metals tend to be good conductors of electricity because they usually have "free electrons" that can move easily between atoms, and electricity involves the flow of electrons. While silicon crystals look metallic, they are not, in fact, metals. All of the outer electrons in a silicon crystal are involved in perfect covalent bonds, so they can't move around. A pure silicon crystal is nearly an insulator -- very little electricity will flow through it.
The above brought to you by our sponsor, Einstein Et Al, Inc.

Now, the reality is what again?..
I suppose it would depend on the shape the boundary's of the atom's in a substance make. That's fairly technical question I'll look into more but might be a leap of time before we figure it out.
Nope. Reminders:
One would hope six months later we would be further along but....

I was thinking about pressure heat as well as the heat of magnetic field that both expand from a core. I'm guessing that both forms of heat exist simultaneously as heat in the core.
Hydrogen gas is, in effect, only very weakly magnetic. The reason for this is that hydrogen atoms are not found in isolation. They are bonded together to form a molecule, which has a lower chemical energy than separate atoms.

BTW its Yom Kippur in 3 hours, time to share and be nice.
Round here people are settin off fireworks..............I think............I think I heard couple snaps
The one way equilibrium heat is different then the gravitational pressure heat which is bound to the core and points outwardly in all directions. The one way equilibrium heat retracts back into the core where it causes the atom's to spin faster but because the pressure is 3d on the core there is no escape for this motion and the result is an expanding magnetic field for each atom, again the lining up of the atom's has to do with a spin i think? Maybe the spin of the earth has to do with the lining up not the other way around.
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one more nuts:

The atoms in the core have electromagnetic fields that originate from the core of the nucleus, when under pressure the fields retract into the core and cause it too spin faster but it can't and this motion spins the whole planet which lines up the atoms and creates the poles.
Nuts you know how I was saying that the magnetic field is made of equilibrium seeking heat creating the one way flow? Well I added today that maybe the north end of the magnet is the crest of the wave of heat and the south end is the trough of the wave causing obvious repulsion and attraction? does that make sense?
Yeah so the waves of the magnetic field end in a crest pointing north and end in a trough outward from south. When they overlap they either attract or repel because of the overlapping fields being the same or opposite? make sense?
Fields are fields. Waves are waves. Current is the directional movement or flow of electric charge.

However, my previous video on fractals should make plain that nature never has things flow in straight lines. We commonly use coaxial cable to cheat, but we are actually mimicking nature to transfer just a certain band of frequencies from point A to B with minimal impedance loss.


The "braided shield" spirals both clockwise and counterclockwise down the cable. The current then flows between the "center conductor" and the "shield"s or within the "dielectric" in a similar spiral fashion.
Nuts last night I ran into not just a hole in my theory but an entire uncrossable canyon in the jungle. If both gravity and magnetic field originate from the core, what repulsion force keeps two atom's from pulling together like fusion? So I looked up repulsion of atom's see if it helps at all, not much, mostly ellectron shell's and valence. Any thoughts?
Nuts last night I ran into not just a hole in my theory but an entire uncrossable canyon in the jungle. If both gravity and magnetic field originate from the core, what repulsion force keeps two atom's from pulling together like fusion? So I looked up repulsion of atom's see if it helps at all, not much, mostly ellectron shell's and valence. Any thoughts?
I have tons, most already provided, but no time to at the moment to elaborate much. Yes, gravity obviously originates from no core being a direct manifestation of the Aether. The Aether exerts pressure upon all mass, any "core" or "center of gravity",.. thus "anti-field." It neither pushes outward nor pulls inward. This anti-field component of the Aether is also the magnetic and spatial portion. Space. Everything magnetic exists in space. The electric resides in counterspace. Literally "no space." Electric fields emerge from counterspace as required to balance the magnetic or spatial fields.
Perhaps we look at molecular bonds wrong. When the different elements form it is under extreme conditions, perhaps they bring some of that heat with them as a glue between nuclei in the nucleus. Then molecular bonds of gravity and magnetism do bring the physical nucleus's together, but the bonds are easily broken like in oxidization.

It makes sense that spin determines north and south because because of how spinning balls would repel each other or line up their spin. This would be intuitive of long molecular chains.
Perhaps we look at molecular bonds wrong.
Who's this "we"?
When the different elements form it is under extreme conditions,
Extreme? I'm cool with conditions inside stars. You always this snobbish?
perhaps they bring some of that heat with them as a glue between nuclei in the nucleus.
And pixie dust.. unicorns..
Then molecular bonds of gravity and magnetism do bring the physical nucleus's together, but the bonds are easily broken like in oxidization.
They're often referred to as chemical bonds for a reason.. The nuclei of what now? "Physical" molecules?
It makes sense that spin determines north and south because because of how spinning balls would repel each other or line up their spin.
How's that make sense?
This would be intuitive of long molecular chains.
That's how the little bugs and flies must actually get stuck in spider webs. The silk strands aren't really sticky. They spin!
Yes the bonds of nuclei in a nucleus aren't glued but welded like steel. Molecular bonds bring these elements together. There is no repulsion. Fusion probably has to do with how hot the nuclei must be before they 'melt' together and stick. They say there is a lot of space inside an atom. I say a material looks like a fun ball pit of elements.

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