Fellow Soldiers SLAM Col. Vindman For Testifying In Uniform Against The President

I'm thinking maybe a tv show. You know, with a cavalry officer unjustly accused of creating some massacre of his men. He's stripped of his rank, literally, and drummers drum, and then his sword is broken, and thrown out of the fort, and the former officer is forced from the fort too. Afterwhich, the former officer travels the West, without reputation or pension, righting wrongs and avenging the innocent!
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Strip this man of his rank, uniform, and pension for he and his family. He set a bad example testifying in uniform giving the impression the military was backing him.

Fellow Soldiers SLAM Col. Vindman for "Pushing a Coup" by Testifying in Uniform and For Secretly Advising Ukrainians to Ignore US President
Your dopey unreliable linked source doesn't name a single soldier let alone "soldiers" who have criticized Vindman for wearing his uniform when he testified.
I saw a number of soldiers buried in their fatigues, no blues or fancy uniforms just fatigues, rows of dead waiting their turn to be buried, and in their fatigues. And here we argue about the proper uniform to address Congress. The Colonel had a purple heart and the Infantry Combat Badge, and until we learn more, that seems sufficient for now.
Besides, Trump went to a military school and knows all about that "left foot, right foot" stuff.
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .
I saw a number of soldiers buried in their fatigues, no blues or fancy uniforms just fatigues, rows of dead waiting their turn to be buried, and in their fatigues. And here we argue about the proper uniform to address Congress. The Colonel had a purple heart and the Infantry Combat Badge, and until we learn more, that seems sufficient for now.
Besides, Trump went to a military school and knows all about that "left foot, right foot" stuff.
Military school ? Is that where he got his bone spur?/ And I've heard it said he was sent there because he was such an ass as a young man too
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .
Caint' trust nombuddy bern sumwhere's else.
-------------------------------------------- I see NO REASON to trust foreign Military in USA military service . What the heck , foreign military on USA Land and 'serbice' is one of the reasons for distrust of 'UN' forces ever occupying the USA Guys and Girls and Bendog . .
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .

I doubt he had developed much loyalty at 3 years old when he came to this country, but he has shown loyalty to this country by his service, and his purple heart.
Still, not a single American soldier has been named who criticized Col. Vindman for testifying in Congress wearing his uniform just as all active-duty military personnel always have.
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .

I doubt he had developed much loyalty at 3 years old when he came to this country, but he has shown loyalty to this country by his service, and his purple heard.
You speak of loyalty with pismoe ? Better to hit your head on a concrete pillar
I don't trust it , muslims for example have life long loyalty to 'islam' simply because their parents are muslim Bulldog .
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .

I doubt he had developed much loyalty at 3 years old when he came to this country, but he has shown loyalty to this country by his service, and his purple heard.
You speak of loyalty with pismoe ? Better to hit your head on a concrete pillar
Again, hard to put the White Nationalism out of Nationalism, once you let it in.
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .

I doubt he had developed much loyalty at 3 years old when he came to this country, but he has shown loyalty to this country by his service, and his purple heard.
You speak of loyalty with pismoe ? Better to hit your head on a concrete pillar
Again, hard to put the White Nationalism out of Nationalism, once you let it in.
----------------------------------- that'd be AMERICAN NATIONALISM ' same as President Trump and most other thoughtful Americans BDog .
I just say the story I have heard again but from what I understand 'vindman' is a foreigner in USA Military . If true , I don't like that concept as it brings up DUAL Loyalties Regent .

I doubt he had developed much loyalty at 3 years old when he came to this country, but he has shown loyalty to this country by his service, and his purple heard.
You speak of loyalty with pismoe ? Better to hit your head on a concrete pillar
Again, hard to put the White Nationalism out of Nationalism, once you let it in.
----------------------------------- that'd be AMERICAN NATIONALISM ' same as President Trump and most other thoughtful Americans BDog .
Well, the white nationalists didn't agree when booing Trump's #1 spawn. they claimed trump now betrays them.
as I said , the TRUMP Considers himself to be an American Nationalist according to TRUMP himself BDog .

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