Fellow Conservatives - Can the System be Fixed?...

If divisions remain, it's because of the intransigence of the losers. Even when they control the legislative branch, Republicans can't manage to come up with equitable compromises as the FFs envisioned.
Oh bullshit what a cop out. You guys took the reigns of authority which dosen't mean we have to kiss your ass. You divided the nation dived us according to wealth, divided us according to race did you hear that Kung Clinton speak yesterday SSDD tax the fucking rich, break the banks, destroy the corporations. You guys are assholes.
LOL!!! You call it a cop out, but then proceed to prove my point. :laugh2:
Bingo. We don't often see honesty and introspection like that, good for you.

I'd argue that the American Right contributed to its own demise as we turned this corner.

Thank you.

Conservatives contributed by forgetting a basic concept - Never treat your enemy like a friend. - We failed to fight Liberalism from its roots in the 1850s, and we're paying dearly for it now.
Legal compromise of constitutional mandates demands the amendment process.
It also demands that the USSC concur. The problem is that conservatives only recognize the decisions with which they agree.

What are you talking about? The amendment process has not been active since 1992, and that for an amendment submitted for ratification in 1789.

The SCOTUS has no say in the process.
If divisions remain, it's because of the intransigence of the losers. Even when they control the legislative branch, Republicans can't manage to come up with equitable compromises as the FFs envisioned.
Oh bullshit what a cop out. You guys took the reigns of authority which dosen't mean we have to kiss your ass. You divided the nation dived us according to wealth, divided us according to race did you hear that Kung Clinton speak yesterday SSDD tax the fucking rich, break the banks, destroy the corporations. You guys are assholes.
LOL!!! You call it a cop out, but then proceed to prove my point. :laugh2:
I proved your point that you and black Obama thought republicans should kiss his ass.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.

^^^Left loon
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.

Mr Trump may or may not be a Republican, but he's definitely not a Conservative.

I would guess we have very different views on the repairs necessary to the foundation of this country.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.
Yeah right you moron. You are about to vote a lying corrupt piece of shit into the WH? How do you figure that lying skank is going to fix anything? You people are assholes. Assholes never fix anything. This fundamentally transformed nation you created sucks.
The foundation of this nation is just fine. We have never stopped being a great nation. And the young people I meet at the university classes are first rate. Solid hard working citizens,.

That the current system has different demands than that of the agrarian society at the time of the founding fathers is a simple fact of life. And our society and it's constructs have to meet those demands. That you people cannot see that, is an indictation of the the lack of an ability to change to meet the times.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.
Yeah right you moron. You are about to vote a lying corrupt piece of shit into the WH? How do you figure that lying skank is going to fix anything? You people are assholes. Assholes never fix anything. This fundamentally transformed nation you created sucks.
Naw, you just suck. And we will fix the system. Without your help, obviously.

We will join the rest of the first world nations with a single payer universal health care system. We will realize, finally, that we don't need to embark on the useless foreign adventures, that only use up our resources and get our sons and daughter killed for no reason. And we will start funding the education of our young people so that we can continue to be an economic powerhouse. And we don't give a diddly about your caterwauling as we do this.
I agree we're never likely to come together again; but I tend to believe that both sides are at fault for the damage and the lack of repair.
Bingo. We don't often see honesty and introspection like that, good for you.

I'd argue that the American Right contributed to its own demise as we turned this corner.
There are no sides. There is only ONE side at least as it applies to the pols in DC. They work together to benefit and empower themselves.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?
LOL. Yep, the current system can and will be fixed. By liberals. You 'Conservatives' have demonstrated your inability to operate in any kind of logical fashion repeatedly. Trump is just the latest evidence of that.
Yeah right you moron. You are about to vote a lying corrupt piece of shit into the WH? How do you figure that lying skank is going to fix anything? You people are assholes. Assholes never fix anything. This fundamentally transformed nation you created sucks.
Naw, you just suck. And we will fix the system. Without your help, obviously.

We will join the rest of the first world nations with a single payer universal health care system. We will realize, finally, that we don't need to embark on the useless foreign adventures, that only use up our resources and get our sons and daughter killed for no reason. And we will start funding the education of our young people so that we can continue to be an economic powerhouse. And we don't give a diddly about your caterwauling as we do this.
Yeah right cocksucker, you've been in power eight years and it's done nothing but deteriorate. We did not have enough poor people so you cocksuckers imported tens of thousands more. We have no army left. You doubled the fucking debt in eight years. Yeah, you will fix it my ass. Stupid ass moron.
.....Or have we wandered so far off the path that the Founding Fathers laid out, that there is no choice other than tearing down and rebuilding the system from scratch?

If Trump wins the election we can turn back from the abyss (best we can hope for at this stage) but a Hillary win will mean the end of our Republic.

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