Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan Hillary sought to HIDE her emails


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Daylight: It’s become self-evident that were in not for Judicial Watch, much of what is now known about the various political scandals involving former President Obama’s administration would still be unknown....
The watchdog scored another victory for transparency in government on Thursday involving Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business.... According to a press release, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth “excoriated” the Department of Justice and the State Department for potentially acting in “bad faith” while colluding to “scuttle public scrutiny” of Clinton’s use of a private server which many believe she did in order to hide her various dealings and activities from the ‘prying eyes’ of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, in violation of federal open records rules.... As such, Lamberth has ordered both agencies to prepare a plan for full “discovery” within 10 days with the objective of, in part, ascertaining whether Clinton used her private server to “skirt FOIA” (we think we already know the answer to that question)…. The ruling is tied to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit related to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, in which four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed....
Calling Clinton’s use of a private email server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for Clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Everyone knows the Clintons have lied, broken federal laws. That’s a fact. It appears there is no one in government who has the guts to challenge the Clintons because they are either complicit, corrupt, being blackmailed or threatened, or are just plain deathly afraid of the Clintons. IMHO, Clinton will never be prosecuted and that is one reason so many Americans believe our government is one big organized crime syndicate. Please don’t attempt to quote me that everyone is equal under the law. If that’s true, then I can violate the laws with impunity, right?
Hmm...., I just read that Jerry Nadler will shut down all House investigation of the FBI/DOJ claiming they are nothing burgers and have not a scintilla of evidence of wrongdoing.
Surely, Nadler is also one of the hag’s criminally complicit servants. Lest we forget she ordered the use of Bleach Bit and hammers to destroy all electronic media that held Congressionally subpoenaed emails that were under the Hillary's control. Obviously forgot about Huma's Weiner's hubby, Carlos Danger having a lap top with Hag and Huma’s correspondence emails on it. I guess it’s all about the legal process. Not meaning to indict anyone here, but when it comes to the Clintons, somehow those who know the Clinton’s dirty secrets and are willing to testify against them seem to always end up dead or missing before they can make it to the court room. Hope Larry Klayman and those at JW have a really good security team.
Grow, possess and smoke a certain three leaf plant, get 30 years. Commit treason, cause people to die and be considered a great political statesman. Face it, we are all prisoners and slaves in the matrix with no way to . escape.
Where was this in 2016? 2017? and the first 11 months of 2018? Without a 2nd special counsel there is no one capable enough to run a competent investigation of Hillary. Why won't Whitaker hire one? Will Barr?

The problem is the corrupt and partisan DOJ and FBI. They excuse all dem crimes and hunt only for GOP crimes. Mueller has zilch on collusion and has Hillary's illegal server, her UraniumOne scam, her destruction of subpoenaed evidence, her paying Russia for the Steele Dossier, and her pay-to-play Foundation. Who do you think is being investigated, Hillary or Trump?

Yep, Trump with no evidence of a crime, better yet, collusion isn't even a crime.
Where was this in 2016? 2017? and the first 11 months of 2018? Without a 2nd special counsel there is no one capable enough to run a competent investigation of Hillary. Why won't Whitaker hire one? Will Barr?

The problem is the corrupt and partisan DOJ and FBI. They excuse all dem crimes and hunt only for GOP crimes. Mueller has zilch on collusion and has Hillary's illegal server, her UraniumOne scam, her destruction of subpoenaed evidence, her paying Russia for the Steele Dossier, and her pay-to-play Foundation. Who do you think is being investigated, Hillary or Trump?

Yep, Trump with no evidence of a crime, better yet, collusion isn't even a crime.

But who will police the police?

This is why the Founders originally gave most of the power to the states, but Progressives have forever erased Federalism in favor of a corrupt collectivist Federal Leviathan.
The IG and Congress is supposed to "police the police" but they are totally inept. Just like Jeff Sessions, good at blabber, but horrid at managing a large DOJ filled with partisan democrat lawyers who have their own agenda.
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Daylight: It’s become self-evident that were in not for Judicial Watch, much of what is now known about the various political scandals involving former President Obama’s administration would still be unknown....
The watchdog scored another victory for transparency in government on Thursday involving Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business.... According to a press release, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth “excoriated” the Department of Justice and the State Department for potentially acting in “bad faith” while colluding to “scuttle public scrutiny” of Clinton’s use of a private server which many believe she did in order to hide her various dealings and activities from the ‘prying eyes’ of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, in violation of federal open records rules.... As such, Lamberth has ordered both agencies to prepare a plan for full “discovery” within 10 days with the objective of, in part, ascertaining whether Clinton used her private server to “skirt FOIA” (we think we already know the answer to that question)…. The ruling is tied to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit related to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, in which four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed....
Calling Clinton’s use of a private email server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for Clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Everyone knows the Clintons have lied, broken federal laws. That’s a fact. It appears there is no one in government who has the guts to challenge the Clintons because they are either complicit, corrupt, being blackmailed or threatened, or are just plain deathly afraid of the Clintons. IMHO, Clinton will never be prosecuted and that is one reason so many Americans believe our government is one big organized crime syndicate. Please don’t attempt to quote me that everyone is equal under the law. If that’s true, then I can violate the laws with impunity, right?
Hmm...., I just read that Jerry Nadler will shut down all House investigation of the FBI/DOJ claiming they are nothing burgers and have not a scintilla of evidence of wrongdoing.
Surely, Nadler is also one of the hag’s criminally complicit servants. Lest we forget she ordered the use of Bleach Bit and hammers to destroy all electronic media that held Congressionally subpoenaed emails that were under the Hillary's control. Obviously forgot about Huma's Weiner's hubby, Carlos Danger having a lap top with Hag and Huma’s correspondence emails on it. I guess it’s all about the legal process. Not meaning to indict anyone here, but when it comes to the Clintons, somehow those who know the Clinton’s dirty secrets and are willing to testify against them seem to always end up dead or missing before they can make it to the court room. Hope Larry Klayman and those at JW have a really good security team.
Grow, possess and smoke a certain three leaf plant, get 30 years. Commit treason, cause people to die and be considered a great political statesman. Face it, we are all prisoners and slaves in the matrix with no way to . escape.

Blog alert......Blog alert.
Fake news.
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Daylight: It’s become self-evident that were in not for Judicial Watch, much of what is now known about the various political scandals involving former President Obama’s administration would still be unknown....
The watchdog scored another victory for transparency in government on Thursday involving Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business.... According to a press release, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth “excoriated” the Department of Justice and the State Department for potentially acting in “bad faith” while colluding to “scuttle public scrutiny” of Clinton’s use of a private server which many believe she did in order to hide her various dealings and activities from the ‘prying eyes’ of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, in violation of federal open records rules.... As such, Lamberth has ordered both agencies to prepare a plan for full “discovery” within 10 days with the objective of, in part, ascertaining whether Clinton used her private server to “skirt FOIA” (we think we already know the answer to that question)…. The ruling is tied to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit related to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, in which four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed....
Calling Clinton’s use of a private email server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for Clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Everyone knows the Clintons have lied, broken federal laws. That’s a fact. It appears there is no one in government who has the guts to challenge the Clintons because they are either complicit, corrupt, being blackmailed or threatened, or are just plain deathly afraid of the Clintons. IMHO, Clinton will never be prosecuted and that is one reason so many Americans believe our government is one big organized crime syndicate. Please don’t attempt to quote me that everyone is equal under the law. If that’s true, then I can violate the laws with impunity, right?
Hmm...., I just read that Jerry Nadler will shut down all House investigation of the FBI/DOJ claiming they are nothing burgers and have not a scintilla of evidence of wrongdoing.
Surely, Nadler is also one of the hag’s criminally complicit servants. Lest we forget she ordered the use of Bleach Bit and hammers to destroy all electronic media that held Congressionally subpoenaed emails that were under the Hillary's control. Obviously forgot about Huma's Weiner's hubby, Carlos Danger having a lap top with Hag and Huma’s correspondence emails on it. I guess it’s all about the legal process. Not meaning to indict anyone here, but when it comes to the Clintons, somehow those who know the Clinton’s dirty secrets and are willing to testify against them seem to always end up dead or missing before they can make it to the court room. Hope Larry Klayman and those at JW have a really good security team.
Grow, possess and smoke a certain three leaf plant, get 30 years. Commit treason, cause people to die and be considered a great political statesman. Face it, we are all prisoners and slaves in the matrix with no way to . escape.

Exactly what I've said from day one. The bitch set up the server with the intent to avoid federal records keeping laws. Intent can be demonstrated for everything that happened subsequent to that as part of an on going criminal enterprise/conspiracy. That means intent can be shown for the illegal storage of the classified materials.

It probably won't but it should put the bitch under the fucking jail, never to see the light of day again.

Where was this in 2016? 2017? and the first 11 months of 2018? Without a 2nd special counsel there is no one capable enough to run a competent investigation of Hillary. Why won't Whitaker hire one? Will Barr?

The problem is the corrupt and partisan DOJ and FBI. They excuse all dem crimes and hunt only for GOP crimes. Mueller has zilch on collusion and has Hillary's illegal server, her UraniumOne scam, her destruction of subpoenaed evidence, her paying Russia for the Steele Dossier, and her pay-to-play Foundation. Who do you think is being investigated, Hillary or Trump?

Yep, Trump with no evidence of a crime, better yet, collusion isn't even a crime.

It seems that the FBI raided the house of Dennis Cain the Uranium One Whistleblower who was supposedly protected by law from such tactics. Funny Director Christopher Wray is strangely silent about this seemingly illegal raid.....
The IG and Congress is supposed to "police the police" but they are totally inept. Just like Jeff Sessions, good at blabber, but horrid at managing a large DOJ filled with partisan democrat lawyers who have their own agenda.

That is unless you're a Democrat or RINO, then you find all different methods to slow and block any fact finding information and/or processes that will further the truth.
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan to see if Hillary sought to HIDE her emails to evade law
Daylight: It’s become self-evident that were in not for Judicial Watch, much of what is now known about the various political scandals involving former President Obama’s administration would still be unknown....
The watchdog scored another victory for transparency in government on Thursday involving Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business.... According to a press release, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth “excoriated” the Department of Justice and the State Department for potentially acting in “bad faith” while colluding to “scuttle public scrutiny” of Clinton’s use of a private server which many believe she did in order to hide her various dealings and activities from the ‘prying eyes’ of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, in violation of federal open records rules.... As such, Lamberth has ordered both agencies to prepare a plan for full “discovery” within 10 days with the objective of, in part, ascertaining whether Clinton used her private server to “skirt FOIA” (we think we already know the answer to that question)…. The ruling is tied to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit related to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, in which four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed....
Calling Clinton’s use of a private email server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for Clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Everyone knows the Clintons have lied, broken federal laws. That’s a fact. It appears there is no one in government who has the guts to challenge the Clintons because they are either complicit, corrupt, being blackmailed or threatened, or are just plain deathly afraid of the Clintons. IMHO, Clinton will never be prosecuted and that is one reason so many Americans believe our government is one big organized crime syndicate. Please don’t attempt to quote me that everyone is equal under the law. If that’s true, then I can violate the laws with impunity, right?
Hmm...., I just read that Jerry Nadler will shut down all House investigation of the FBI/DOJ claiming they are nothing burgers and have not a scintilla of evidence of wrongdoing.
Surely, Nadler is also one of the hag’s criminally complicit servants. Lest we forget she ordered the use of Bleach Bit and hammers to destroy all electronic media that held Congressionally subpoenaed emails that were under the Hillary's control. Obviously forgot about Huma's Weiner's hubby, Carlos Danger having a lap top with Hag and Huma’s correspondence emails on it. I guess it’s all about the legal process. Not meaning to indict anyone here, but when it comes to the Clintons, somehow those who know the Clinton’s dirty secrets and are willing to testify against them seem to always end up dead or missing before they can make it to the court room. Hope Larry Klayman and those at JW have a really good security team.
Grow, possess and smoke a certain three leaf plant, get 30 years. Commit treason, cause people to die and be considered a great political statesman. Face it, we are all prisoners and slaves in the matrix with no way to . escape.

Blog alert......Blog alert.
Fake news. .

U.S. judge orders discovery to go forward over Clinton’s ...

Justice Department lawyers countered in court that the State Department is poised to finish publicly releasing all 54,000 pages of emails that Clinton’s attorneys determined to be work-related …

Yep.... So should even WAPO should be put on your blog alert.....Fake News????
The IG and Congress is supposed to "police the police" but they are totally inept. Just like Jeff Sessions, good at blabber, but horrid at managing a large DOJ filled with partisan democrat lawyers who have their own agenda.

Not inept....Complicit.

So far you're correct. Can the worm be turning?
The IG and Congress is supposed to "police the police" but they are totally inept. Just like Jeff Sessions, good at blabber, but horrid at managing a large DOJ filled with partisan democrat lawyers who have their own agenda.

Not inept....Complicit.

So far you're correct. Can the worm be turning?
What, with Cheeto tapping a Bush ally to the AG spot?....Color me cynically skeptical.

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