Federal Bureau Of Investigations Christopher Wray Should Immediately Be Replaced As FBI Director


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Federal Bureau of Investigations has been one of the premier, most lauded investigative agencies in the world; however, it has now become to be considered one of the most secretive, introverted, independent organizations ruled by politics and elevated by itself above the law. It's leadership's top priority has become to protect the Agency above all else, even above National Security and 'Justice'

Over the past few decades evidence has shown that the FBI has committed nearly 2 DOZEN FISA Court Abuses under 2 different FBI Directors - Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey. During that time the FBI has conducted its own internal politically motivated investigations, the most infamous being the Russia probe which was based on KNOWN FBI-CONFIRMED Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) propaganda already being used against US Foreign Policy purchased by the DNC nominee and delivered by an ex foreign spy KNOWN to be untrustworthy who was also working for Russians.

Mueller and Comey's relationship and Comey's 'grooming' to assume the Director position once Mueller retired demonstrates the 'inbred' culture of the FBI, one where future leaders are trained and groomed within the agency, creating a loyalty to the agency 1st and foremost above all else.

A serious mistake President Trump made was to facilitate the cycle to repeat by appointing Christopher Wray as the new Director of the FBI. If years of dealing with Comey and Mueller taught the President anything it should have been that he needed to appoint an independent outsider to step in and oversee / direct the FBI. Instead, he made the mistake of appointing Wray.

The 1st signs that Wray was another carbon copy of Mueller and Comey was when asked about the exposed crimes and abuses of power under previous Director Comey. Wray downplayed the agency's behavior / actions as minor decisions and missteps that could easily be corrected.

When the FISA Court Abuses were exposed and the FISA Court was in jeopardy of being dissolved, the FISA Court was concerned the most about 'self-preservation'. Instead of waiting on Congress to decide it's fate it called Wray before the court and ordered him - the FBI who had abused the court for DECADES - to devise a plan to SELF-POLICE and to ensure the court that it would never victimize the court and US citizens again. Wray was all too eager to jump at the chance to sweep the FISA Court abuses under the rug and author some impressive-sounding steps to satisfy the court.

Wray's comment to the court was truly disturbing and demonstrated Wray did not take what the FBI had done seriously and did not take the task of ensuring the FBI never repeated their crimes seriously. Wray stated the issues that led to the DECADES of FISA Court abused were 'EASY' to fix, that required 'MINOR ADJUSTMENTS'. The actions taken to criminally deceive and violate the FISA Court were not 'accidents' or 'errors in procedure' as Wray made them sound to be - they were DELIBERATE CRIMINAL ACTS RESULTING FROM CHOICES.
*** Altered official documents, witness testimony altered after it was given, refusal to video/audio-tape interviews - as almost every law enforcement agency in the country does, 'lost' 302s (the FBI never 'loses' official documents like 302s unless they want them 'lost'), withholding exculpatory evidence..... Remember when the FBI claimed some of their files were 'gone forever', only to be recovered by IT experts after only a few hours....?!

NOW, with the latest FORCED release of information it has been proven that Wray has continued the cultural role of protector, hiding documents and acting to protect the FBI rather than helping root out the corruption and crime perpetrated by the FBI to ensure it never happens again. FBI Director Wray had refused to even acknowledge requests for files / data / information from Congress.

'Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mike Johnson, R-La., on Monday night said FBI Director Christopher Wray "has declined to respond" to their May 4 letter seeking information and interviews with key FBI officials after the bombshell revelations in the Michael Flynn case -- prompting the lawmakers to take matters into their own hands. "Because Director Wray has declined to respond to our request, we are forced to write to you directly," Jordan and Johnson wrote in an extraordinary letter to FBI agent Joe Pientka, who participated in the January 2017 White House interview that led to Flynn's prosecution.'

Wray continues to attempt to protect the FBI by hiding official documents pertinent to investigating the FBI's actions in the Flynn case.

Such secrecy, defiance, and disregard for the United States Government, it's 'master'/'boss', can NOT be tolerated. The FBI is not an independent entity, a 'government;' within itself that can act independently from the DOJ or Congressional, Executive, and Judicial Branches of the US government. Wray's actions SHOULD give the President a complete lack of confidence in Wray as Director and a complete lack of confidence in the FBI's ability to produce a leader from inside the FBI who is able to change both the culture and operations within the FBI.

Based on Wray's actions, President Trump should correct his error of hiring Wray and replace him with an objective, highly respected Director appointed from OUTSIDE the agency.

Good luck finding anyone connected with politics or money that isn’t corrupt.
I believe such men are like 4-leaf clovers....not completely impossible to find but to do so takes a lot of luck and sometimes a miracle. I honestly believe US AG Barr is one such man. You can tell he is committed to 'Justice' and is doing a good job because he is ticking people on BOTH sides off.
Good luck finding anyone connected with politics or money that isn’t corrupt.
I believe such men are like 4-leaf clovers....not completely impossible to find but to do so takes a lot of luck and sometimes a miracle. I honestly believe US AG Barr is one such man. You can tell he is committed to 'Justice' and is doing a good job because he is ticking people on BOTH sides off.
Those actually in the know at DOJ and FBI are calling for Barr's removal.
Because the reputation of the DOJ has been destroyed.

did you forget that Wray is Trump's pick for FBI director?
Good luck finding anyone connected with politics or money that isn’t corrupt.
I believe such men are like 4-leaf clovers....not completely impossible to find but to do so takes a lot of luck and sometimes a miracle. I honestly believe US AG Barr is one such man. You can tell he is committed to 'Justice' and is doing a good job because he is ticking people on BOTH sides off.
Those actually in the know at DOJ and FBI are calling for Barr's removal.
Because the reputation of the DOJ has been destroyed.

did you forget that Wray is Trump's pick for FBI director?
Um, those are "former" so they aren't "in the know".............or even "in" the FBI and DOJ, Dummy.
Those actually in the know at DOJ and FBI are calling for Barr's removal.

'In the Know' = 'Deep State' / 'One of the members of the secretive agency that has placed itself above the law and whose loyalty is 1st and foremost to itself.

That is another way, as I said, I know Barr is doing an excellent job.

When the US AG is being attacked by the very agency that has been proven to have intentionally used Russian propaganda to justify a bogus investigation in which they leaked classified, altered documents, set up US citizens (and bragged about it), committed FISA Court abuses, and attempted to affect the removal of a newly elected President - whose new Director has been proven to have been hiding and continues to hide damaging / criminal files / information harmful to the agency, THAT is when I know the US AG is SPOT ON and in the verge of cleaning house.

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