Fedearl court rules world war 1 memorial cross must be torn down


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down
Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Md., to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.

Hopefully karma finds it's way to all the skank douche bag pos losers who are going around taking ppl's rights and stuff away from them.

We can only hope you losers get something stripped from you fkn pos .......................ts.
Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down
Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Md., to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.

Hopefully karma finds it's way to all the skank douche bag pos losers who are going around taking ppl's rights and stuff away from them.

We can only hope you losers get something stripped from you fkn pos .......................ts.
Funny how your link doesn't say where the monument is in the town. Since it's an American Legion monument, move it in front of the town's American Legion Post which is private property. Problem solved.

The radical left now wants to tear down historical war monuments. That's pathetic. And another reason for moderates/independents (like myself) to be disgusted with the radical left. They keep this up, they really will get Trump for 7 more years.

The radical left now wants to tear down historical war monuments. That's pathetic. And another reason for moderates/independents (like myself) to be disgusted with the radical left. They keep this up, they really will get Trump for 7 more years.
Move it to in front of the American Legion....easy peasy.
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down
Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Md., to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.

Hopefully karma finds it's way to all the skank douche bag pos losers who are going around taking ppl's rights and stuff away from them.

We can only hope you losers get something stripped from you fkn pos .......................ts.
It was legal when erected, so leave it alone.its in honor of our WW1 heroes. What is next for these godless liberals? Are they going to rip up the tombstones in Arlington Cemetary?
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
We can tell you've never met him ...
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
I understand the intent of the statue in that respect, I really do. But there is another intent there, and it is to honor Christianity. That's a fact.

from the article:

"...attorney Michael Carvin said....I warned Americans in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” that the war against religious liberty and traditional American values is far from over. "

"Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
I understand the intent of the statue in that respect, I really do. But there is another intent there, and it is to honor Christianity. That's a fact.

from the article:

"...attorney Michael Carvin said....I warned Americans in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” that the war against religious liberty and traditional American values is far from over. "

"Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
The people living there at that time were almost all if not exclusively Christian so the community felt they were doing a noble thing. Consider context and stop making lemons out of lemonade.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
I understand the intent of the statue in that respect, I really do. But there is another intent there, and it is to honor Christianity. That's a fact.

from the article:

"...attorney Michael Carvin said....I warned Americans in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” that the war against religious liberty and traditional American values is far from over. "

"Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
The people living there at that time were almost all if not exclusively Christian so the community felt they were doing a noble thing. Consider context and stop making lemons out of lemonade.
I understand it was noble. The law is what it is, and I agree with it.
Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down
Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Md., to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.

Hopefully karma finds it's way to all the skank douche bag pos losers who are going around taking ppl's rights and stuff away from them.

We can only hope you losers get something stripped from you fkn pos .......................ts.
Funny how your link doesn't say where the monument is in the town. Since it's an American Legion monument, move it in front of the town's American Legion Post which is private property. Problem solved.

Why is it even a problem to begin with?
It's in my neighborhood. The Peace Cross. A landmark for directions as much as a symbol. Right next to the Crossroads tavern, a roadhouse that's featured Danny Gatton, Roy Buchanan and Roy Clark, among others.
Democrat Nazis have been bitching about removing the Peace Cross for years. Dems here succeeded in outlawing fracking in the area, too. That's just how extremist dems are. There's no oil, never has been any reason to consider mining any energy source around here but they outlawed fracking anyway. They think it makes them cool and enlightened.
Bunch of sheeple. Condescending, pretentious, ignorant sheeple.
I never met this Jaysus guy. But, from what I've read, he would be shaking his head at you clowns for your idolatry.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
I understand the intent of the statue in that respect, I really do. But there is another intent there, and it is to honor Christianity. That's a fact.

from the article:

"...attorney Michael Carvin said....I warned Americans in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” that the war against religious liberty and traditional American values is far from over. "

"Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
While unfamiliar with this cross before it ended up in the media, it is my understanding that the cross was erected to honor "locals" that died in World War I. Now, I don't know how many "local" individuals died, but if possible the local historical society should take a look at the available enlistment form on microfiche at their library and see how many of those that died were listed as Christian. If all of them were, let it stay and have the American Legion take over maintenance.
The local government can sell the parcel to the American Legion for a small price and they can maintain it.
As one of the other poster's has said, move it to the local American Legion post.
Personally, even though I'm an Atheist, if I were in the court system, I would have decided in favor of leaving it there; it is harming nothing and I'm sure the families of those that died, appreciate it being there. I'm also not opposed to stone tablets depicting the Ten Commandments being on government property, they harm nothing and our laws are predicated upon them (except for, thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal, victim crimes).
The Nazis and muslims both have a history of destroying the historical artifacts of their enemies, so these statue-removing liberals are in fine company, aren't they?
Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
I think democrats should campaign on the idea that a cross monument to fallen WW1heros should be blown up. How appropriate.
You're an idiot. This isn't about idolatry or even religion. It's about honoring sacrifice. Something you've never known and likely never will.
Then we can erect a different monument to their sacrifice. All for it. Happy?
No. Stop with the censorship. No more democrat nazism. Apply context and consider intent.
I understand the intent of the statue in that respect, I really do. But there is another intent there, and it is to honor Christianity. That's a fact.

from the article:

"...attorney Michael Carvin said....I warned Americans in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” that the war against religious liberty and traditional American values is far from over. "

"Religious liberty" does not mean getting your religion honored on public grounds. The court ruled correctly. This is not an "offense" to people who died in war. In fact, it's one of the fundamental principles they died for.
The people living there at that time were almost all if not exclusively Christian so the community felt they were doing a noble thing. Consider context and stop making lemons out of lemonade.
I understand it was noble. The law is what it is, and I agree with it.
Unless another religion is denied the opportunity to express itself in a similar way then there is no illegality. This is more judicial activism. Judge needs to be removed, not the cross.

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