FBI Stops By Antifa Riot To Ask If They’ve Seen Any Dangerous MAGA Around


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
FBI Stops By Antifa Riot To Ask If They’ve Seen
Any Dangerous MAGA Around

LOS ANGELES — According to sources, federal agents confronted a group of Antifa rioters who were in the middle of burning down a courthouse so they could ask them if they'd seen any dangerous MAGA around.
"Hey friends, you see any of them dangerous MAGA around?" a special agent later identified as David Friedkin reportedly asked while attempting to shield his face from the blaze. "It is imperative that we find them before they do something dangerous like calmly walk inside a federal building or vote for the wrong presidential candidate."
Witnesses claim one of the Antifa rioters was kind enough to stop throwing Molotov cocktails so he could answer. "Well golly gee wiz, mister! No MAGA types here, but that sure does sound dangerous!"
"But we've been pretty busy burning down this building. Buildings don't burn themselves!" the loveable scamp added.
"Thank you, citizen," the agent allegedly said before running across the street to assault a bystander who was wearing a red hat.
Federal authorities are asking all American citizens to be on the lookout for dangerous MAGA extremists. If you suspect someone of being a MAGA, please contact the authorities immediately, or at least throw Molotov cocktails at them.

The most accurate news reporting organization in America. The Babylon Bee...
Seriously, It`s really hard to laugh at this one. Satire or not, the FBI has and is targeting anyone Not associated with Antifa and BLM Commie leftists.
The FBI is the STASI Brown-shirts of todays Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA). It absolutely baffling how someone can take that job and not resign in protest. They make crap money to begin with so where are they hiring these damn thugs?
They were ordered to raid a former Presidents` residence that is guarded by the Secret Service and these assholes actually went and did it? Especially in the belief it was done to help Biden win a second term? These aren’t Americans, they’re domestic enemies.
Not all satire;
June 27, 2023

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism Strategic Implementation Update​

  1. Home
  1. Briefing Room
  2. Statements and Releases

Two years ago this month, the Biden-Harris Administration released the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. Since the strategy’s launch in June 2021, we have sharpened our understanding of the domestic terrorism threat, increased information sharing with state, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement and foreign partners, doubled our investigations into domestic extremism and terrorism, prioritized funding for research into the factors that influence domestic terrorism and extremism, strengthened local efforts to prevent acts of domestic terrorism, and expanded our capabilities to disrupt and prosecute such acts, all while safeguarding privacy, civil rights and civil liberties.
And from my own state;

Dear Washingtonians,

Domestic violent extremism incidents are
on the rise. This should be no surprise to
anyone reading the newspaper headlines. In
2021, the FBI conducted approximately 2,700
domestic terrorism investigations, compared
to approximately 1,400 in 2020 and the
approximately 1,000 in each preceding year from

Domestic violent extremism encompasses
various forms of extremist and political violence like threats, coercion, and
intimidation, online disinformation, extremist recruitment and government
infiltration efforts, and the general spread of extreme white supremacism and
anti-government ideologies. Senior FBI officials state that racially-motivated
violent extremists are responsible for the majority of lethal attacks and fatalities
perpetrated by domestic terrorists since 2000.

Domestic extremism bill would criminalize free speech, create 'Ministry of Truth,' advocacy group warns​

By Hannah Ray Lambert

Published March 9, 2023

Washington State Politics

FOX News

OLYMPIA, Wash. - A bill pushed by Washington's attorney general would criminalize free speech and lead to an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth" under the guise of preventing domestic terrorism, according to a regional think tank.

"This bill will create a two-tiered justice system where some people have free speech and others don't, and that is a dangerous path for us to be set upon," Liv Finne, director for education at the Washington Policy Center, told Fox News.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson's office released a 31-page report last year with recommendations on preventing domestic extremism. Now, a bill establishing a commission tasked with building upon the report and creating a first-of-its-kind public health approach to proactively fighting misinformation and early signs of radicalization is making its way through the state legislature.

Specifics on how the state might prevent radicalization and extremism are scarce in both the bill and the attorney general's report.

While SHB 1333 itself would not criminalize any speech or association, Finne said that is the natural next step of the commission, which is supposed to identify existing legal options and potentially new legislation for addressing extremism.

The attorney general's report singles out online disinformation, anti-government ideologies and the "general spread of extreme white supremacism" as examples of domestic violent extremism.

At the same time, the report cautions against implementing any laws that could be "disproportionately used against BIPOC" communities or other marginalized groups.

Fortunately, SHB 1333 didn't make it through for the Governor to sign.
This time.
We can expect a similar effort with next year's Legislative session.
Spot the difference.

antifa manifesto.jpg


Complete dismantlement. Including the building - turn it into a stray dog shelter.
FBI Stops By Antifa Riot To Ask If They’ve Seen
Any Dangerous MAGA Around

LOS ANGELES — According to sources, federal agents confronted a group of Antifa rioters who were in the middle of burning down a courthouse so they could ask them if they'd seen any dangerous MAGA around.
"Hey friends, you see any of them dangerous MAGA around?" a special agent later identified as David Friedkin reportedly asked while attempting to shield his face from the blaze. "It is imperative that we find them before they do something dangerous like calmly walk inside a federal building or vote for the wrong presidential candidate."
Witnesses claim one of the Antifa rioters was kind enough to stop throwing Molotov cocktails so he could answer. "Well golly gee wiz, mister! No MAGA types here, but that sure does sound dangerous!"
"But we've been pretty busy burning down this building. Buildings don't burn themselves!" the loveable scamp added.
"Thank you, citizen," the agent allegedly said before running across the street to assault a bystander who was wearing a red hat.
Federal authorities are asking all American citizens to be on the lookout for dangerous MAGA extremists. If you suspect someone of being a MAGA, please contact the authorities immediately, or at least throw Molotov cocktails at them.

The most accurate news reporting organization in America. The Babylon Bee...
Seriously, It`s really hard to laugh at this one. Satire or not, the FBI has and is targeting anyone Not associated with Antifa and BLM Commie leftists.
The FBI is the STASI Brown-shirts of todays Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA). It absolutely baffling how someone can take that job and not resign in protest. They make crap money to begin with so where are they hiring these damn thugs?
They were ordered to raid a former Presidents` residence that is guarded by the Secret Service and these assholes actually went and did it? Especially in the belief it was done to help Biden win a second term? These aren’t Americans, they’re domestic enemies.
Were there any?
More symptoms of the mental illness within the USA political Left (Democrats, pseudo-Liberals, etc.) ;

Hillary Clinton Wants ‘Formal Deprogramming’ for Trump ‘Cult’ Members​

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stirred controversy in recent remarks made during a CNN interview, seemingly advocating for the forced reeducation of Donald Trump supporters. Her comments have ignited concern and debate among conservatives, who view her statement as an affront to the freedom of thought and political diversity.

In the interview, Clinton stated, “At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” referring to those who continue to support former President Donald Trump. Critics argue that these comments paint a concerning picture of Clinton’s stance on political discourse, implying a disregard for differing political views.

Ever since her loss to Trump in the 2016 election, Clinton has been vocal about her disapproval of his leadership and his supporters. She has often referred to Trump’s followers as extremists and has expressed the belief that they are under the influence of a “cult-like” mentality.

While it is not unheard of for political figures to criticize their opponents, the suggestion of ‘deprogramming’ or reeducating individuals based on their political beliefs is a significant leap. This concept raises ethical questions about freedom of thought, expression, and political affiliation.

Includes a clip of the CNN interview.
FBI Stops By Antifa Riot To Ask If They’ve Seen
Any Dangerous MAGA Around

LOS ANGELES — According to sources, federal agents confronted a group of Antifa rioters who were in the middle of burning down a courthouse so they could ask them if they'd seen any dangerous MAGA around.
"Hey friends, you see any of them dangerous MAGA around?" a special agent later identified as David Friedkin reportedly asked while attempting to shield his face from the blaze. "It is imperative that we find them before they do something dangerous like calmly walk inside a federal building or vote for the wrong presidential candidate."
Witnesses claim one of the Antifa rioters was kind enough to stop throwing Molotov cocktails so he could answer. "Well golly gee wiz, mister! No MAGA types here, but that sure does sound dangerous!"
"But we've been pretty busy burning down this building. Buildings don't burn themselves!" the loveable scamp added.
"Thank you, citizen," the agent allegedly said before running across the street to assault a bystander who was wearing a red hat.
Federal authorities are asking all American citizens to be on the lookout for dangerous MAGA extremists. If you suspect someone of being a MAGA, please contact the authorities immediately, or at least throw Molotov cocktails at them.

The most accurate news reporting organization in America. The Babylon Bee...
Seriously, It`s really hard to laugh at this one. Satire or not, the FBI has and is targeting anyone Not associated with Antifa and BLM Commie leftists.
The FBI is the STASI Brown-shirts of todays Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA). It absolutely baffling how someone can take that job and not resign in protest. They make crap money to begin with so where are they hiring these damn thugs?
They were ordered to raid a former Presidents` residence that is guarded by the Secret Service and these assholes actually went and did it? Especially in the belief it was done to help Biden win a second term? These aren’t Americans, they’re domestic enemies.
Great headline

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