FBI: Rumors of Clinton pedophile ring are true.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a massive pedophile ring in Washington DC.

According to experts on Reddit, insiders have recently confirmed rumors that a child sex scandal involving the Clinton’s and their cronies are true and about to become public knowledge.

Reddit.com reports:

Well this should be interesting, lets say it's true even for one minute. Someone of her status can easily be pulled out of it and never get prosecuted. Trendy's will deny it because who want's to face the possible truth of supporting some sexual perverts. Like they say almost all conspiracies start from some where. ............
Nobody believes them, but twenty years down the road the truth comes out with hard core evidence most can't or won't deny.

It says "Conspiracy" all over the site.


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It says "Conspiracy" all over the site.



Shouldn't talk about your self that way CYKA. IDIOT!!
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It says "Conspiracy" all over the site.



I'm sure you pathetic azz will have it moved.............BFD snowflake, taking a temper tantrum.

Not our problem your lover of a so called leader is being accused of being a child molester. lol
Nothing new either, Bill's been on the "watch list" since he was outed too. Monica was only 19 and it's not like he hadn't been to pedo island a bunch. Then you get shit like Podesta and the Clinton Foundation rescuing known child traffickers from Haiti and thinking folks start to go WTF...

I am still hoping it's all bullshit, but it gets really hard to turn a blind eye when you're talking about helpless kids. My PI's are digging up stuff that makes me physically ill to think about. If it's true it needs to be put to an end; no matter who is involved in it.
Nothing new either, Bill's been on the "watch list" since he was outed too. Monica was only 19 and it's not like he hadn't been to pedo island a bunch. Then you get shit like Podesta and the Clinton Foundation rescuing known child traffickers from Haiti and thinking folks start to go WTF...

I am still hoping it's all bullshit, but it gets really hard to turn a blind eye when you're talking about helpless kids. My PI's are digging up stuff that makes me physically ill to think about. If it's true it needs to be put to an end; no matter who is involved in it.
Doesn't matter. Trump was friends with Jeff Epstein and bragged about liking younger women like he did. It must be a rite of passage for future Presidents.
FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a massive pedophile ring in Washington DC.

According to experts on Reddit, insiders have recently confirmed rumors that a child sex scandal involving the Clinton’s and their cronies are true and about to become public knowledge.

Reddit.com reports:

Well this should be interesting, lets say it's true even for one minute. Someone of her status can easily be pulled out of it and never get prosecuted. Trendy's will deny it because who want's to face the possible truth of supporting some sexual perverts. Like they say almost all conspiracies start from some where. ............
Nobody believes them, but twenty years down the road the truth comes out with hard core evidence most can't or won't deny.


There is no accountability at the top and never will be, even if it is all true.
FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a massive pedophile ring in Washington DC.

According to experts on Reddit, insiders have recently confirmed rumors that a child sex scandal involving the Clinton’s and their cronies are true and about to become public knowledge.

Reddit.com reports:

Well this should be interesting, lets say it's true even for one minute. Someone of her status can easily be pulled out of it and never get prosecuted. Trendy's will deny it because who want's to face the possible truth of supporting some sexual perverts. Like they say almost all conspiracies start from some where. ............
Nobody believes them, but twenty years down the road the truth comes out with hard core evidence most can't or won't deny.
They are truely rumors....silly silly rumors.
Nothing new either, Bill's been on the "watch list" since he was outed too. Monica was only 19 and it's not like he hadn't been to pedo island a bunch. Then you get shit like Podesta and the Clinton Foundation rescuing known child traffickers from Haiti and thinking folks start to go WTF...

I am still hoping it's all bullshit, but it gets really hard to turn a blind eye when you're talking about helpless kids. My PI's are digging up stuff that makes me physically ill to think about. If it's true it needs to be put to an end; no matter who is involved in it.
monica was 22
If Trump was/is involved in a pedo ring I'll personally spear head to take him down just as much as anyone else. Though if you want to go full on conspiracy theory; the rumor is that Trump was sent by the Vatican to stop not only the pedo ring, but to stop the globalist take over which would severely limit religious control across the planet ( not to mention the Islamic ties. )

That's part of being non-partisan. Though admittedly, it'd be a real blow for me because I've kind of looked up to Trump for a very long time. I would be severely disappointed - likely more so than the Clinton fans would be. After all, Trump in my view has always been a cut above the usual elitist riff-raff; an old fashioned businessman who values patriotism and such - aka very much like me.

@Clinton and Monica; when Clinton was president yes, but its said they were seeing each other before Clinton was elected. The bigger connection is Podesta and child traffickers saved by the Clinton's, Monica was basically just the visible part of the rabbit hole in the grand scheme of the theories.
If Trump was/is involved in a pedo ring I'll personally spear head to take him down just as much as anyone else. Though if you want to go full on conspiracy theory; the rumor is that Trump was sent by the Vatican to stop not only the pedo ring, but to stop the globalist take over which would severely limit religious control across the planet ( not to mention the Islamic ties. )

That's part of being non-partisan. Though admittedly, it'd be a real blow for me because I've kind of looked up to Trump for a very long time. I would be severely disappointed - likely more so than the Clinton fans would be. After all, Trump in my view has always been a cut above the usual elitist riff-raff; an old fashioned businessman who values patriotism and such - aka very much like me.

@Clinton and Monica; when Clinton was president yes, but its said they were seeing each other before Clinton was elected. The bigger connection is Podesta and child traffickers saved by the Clinton's, Monica was basically just the visible part of the rabbit hole in the grand scheme of the theories.
completely off the wall tin foil hat bat sh*t crazy conspiracies from fake news. :cuckoo:
Completely blind response from a partisan hack.

We could go round and round on it all considering that /none/ of my information is coming from any news site at all, but frankly I'm tired and you're just not worth my time tonight. Perhaps tomorrow I'll feel inclined to give you a peek into my PI's findings thus far.
FBI: Rumors About Clinton Pedophile Ring Are True

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in a massive pedophile ring in Washington DC.

According to experts on Reddit, insiders have recently confirmed rumors that a child sex scandal involving the Clinton’s and their cronies are true and about to become public knowledge.

Reddit.com reports:

Well this should be interesting, lets say it's true even for one minute. Someone of her status can easily be pulled out of it and never get prosecuted. Trendy's will deny it because who want's to face the possible truth of supporting some sexual perverts. Like they say almost all conspiracies start from some where. ............
Nobody believes them, but twenty years down the road the truth comes out with hard core evidence most can't or won't deny.
Sounds like you've already been fooled.

It says "Conspiracy" all over the site.



Oh look the Clinton lover got their way..........did you run and snitch like a good little Cyka...
Feel powerful now . I mean my gawd because your authoritarian love fest for a child molesting President to be, lost, whine whine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You brain deads wouldn't know fake news if you saw in fact, the very liberal owned sites are the ones bs----ing right in that coral.

Putin: The ‘New World Order’ Is Normalizing Pedophilia In The West
Putin: The ‘New World Order’ Is Normalizing Pedophilia In The West

Here's some more for you Cyka's to flop around on lmao...................... it's great fun to watch the Clinton Fest flop like crazed fish out of the water.

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