FBI Investigating


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Folks when you are surrounded by wolves you are going to get bit. What we are seeing here is yet another investigation of someone running for office. You simply CANNOT pack this FRESH baggage and put up a fight. How many times have we seen this before?

Hillary is NO different okay? The "vagina" factor does not get you a pass on all things. And this is NOT some right wing plot, it's the FBI and they are under control of the White House. YOU democrats better get your Joe Biden posts ready because as I have ALREADY predicted the second week of NEXT month she WILL be gone.

There comes a point where a party CANNOT be expected to SUFFER because of a member. We Republicans had Nixon and you folks have Hillary. Take a lesson from history and dump the chump.

I am sure a Biden/Sanders ticket will make you proud, may not win but at least you can be proud. There simply is NOTHING to be proud of in Hillary, not a thing. You would be far better off to be PROUD of an honest loss then to see your party buried under the muck of a liar.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is looking into the security of the private email server that Hillary Rodham Clinton used when she was secretary of state, The Washington Post reported Tuesday."

She ignored rules and it's VERY possible her server was HACKED by either Russia or China. Which means she no longer has to be bought, she CAN be blackmailed.

"State Department spokesman Mark Toner was asked last week whether the department would be "open" to having the FBI examine the thumb drive. "We've made sure that the documents at her lawyers' are in a secure setting, but I'm not going to speak to what the FBI should or shouldn't do," Toner responded."

Learn from history democrats. It's OVER for her, it's just OVER.

Paper FBI investigating security of Clinton emails - Yahoo News
I honestly think that this is politically motivated by the whitehouse because Obama is vindictive. He won't endorse Hillary which in itself is strange. I suspect Obama is doing this.
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I honestly think that this is politically motivated by the whitehouse because Obama is vindictive. He won't endorse Hillary which in itself is strange. I suspect Obama is doing this.
Yeah, I have thought that as well. No rush of info just a steady stream of it. Plus they released it on a Tuesday when networks have all week to run it. Most of the stuff you want hidden gets released late Friday.

I think this is ground prepping FOR Joe Biden and I think Obama is calling the shots.
I don't know DF. They are the Teflon Team. I know Bill was impeached but is the country ready for Hillary to go down? She is one dangerous lady.
I predict that this will bounce right off of her and she'll win the primary! This is the clintons we're talking about.
Each day that passes, I feel the Nomination gets further away from her. But then you have Biden and a socialist! I think the powers to be should make a determination soon...what are the Democrats going to do?
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I don't know DF. They are the Teflon Team. I know Bill was impeached but is the country ready for Hillary to go down? She is one dangerous lady.
Hillary was the original "birther" and I doubt Obama has forgot that.
Biden/Sanders would provide better cover for Obama/Holder then anybody. Face it he no more trusts Hillary then the majority of Americans do.

The Clinton's are worth 250 million dollars today. That's a long way from Hope Arkansas. And it's a long way down if she keeps pushing her luck. Democrats can rehab her to be an elder statesman like Teddy or Nixon. But she has to shut her mouth and go away for a while.

250 million beats standing at the base of a HUGE shit slide you know?
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I predict that this will bounce right off of her and she'll win the primary! This is the clintons we're talking about.
Each day that passes, I feel the Nomination gets further away from her. But then you have Biden and a socialist! I think the powers to be should make a determination soon...what are the Democrats going to do?
Well if you follow the history of Nixon you find a stooge to take the hit.
I predict that this will bounce right off of her and she'll win the primary! This is the clintons we're talking about.
Each day that passes, I feel the Nomination gets further away from her. But then you have Biden and a socialist! I think the powers to be should make a determination soon...what are the Democrats going to do?
Well if you follow the history of Nixon you find a stooge to take the hit.
I recall it all. It is still amazing that his problems started with a third rate burglary and brought a president down. He had stooges he put out to dry but the reporters wouldn't let up.
That's what we need now. Think of all the scandals that have erupted with Obama and Clinton and there they are...
The best thing that could happen for the American people is for Hillary and Bill to be frog walked to prison, they're both criminals.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I predict that this will bounce right off of her and she'll win the primary! This is the clintons we're talking about.
Each day that passes, I feel the Nomination gets further away from her. But then you have Biden and a socialist! I think the powers to be should make a determination soon...what are the Democrats going to do?
Well if you follow the history of Nixon you find a stooge to take the hit.
I recall it all. It is still amazing that his problems started with a third rate burglary and brought a president down. He had stooges he put out to dry but the reporters wouldn't let up.
That's what we need now. Think of all the scandals that have erupted with Obama and Clinton and there they are...
The thing that makes this different and maybe worse is Nixon screwed democrats. Fine, he hated democrats but Hillary and her server may have screwed a country. Better to set up a stooge and take the short term hit then to face a decade long loss of NOT re-taking the oval office.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
Yeah...I've known about her for years. Neither one of them let anyone stand in their way. I hope the investigations prove fruitful.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I bet her daughter grew up in hell. A dad who cheated and a mom that lied. What kind of life is that?
I predict that this will bounce right off of her and she'll win the primary! This is the clintons we're talking about.
Each day that passes, I feel the Nomination gets further away from her. But then you have Biden and a socialist! I think the powers to be should make a determination soon...what are the Democrats going to do?
Well if you follow the history of Nixon you find a stooge to take the hit.
I recall it all. It is still amazing that his problems started with a third rate burglary and brought a president down. He had stooges he put out to dry but the reporters wouldn't let up.
That's what we need now. Think of all the scandals that have erupted with Obama and Clinton and there they are...
The thing that makes this different and maybe worse is Nixon screwed democrats. Fine, he hated democrats but Hillary and her server may have screwed a country. Better to set up a stooge and take the short term hit then to face a decade long loss of NOT re-taking the oval office.
Yes, you are right. She has put the country in a precarious position and all of the hacking that has been going on, God knows what information China, Iran and Russia has now.

All for the "Clinton Foundation" and it's millions.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I bet her daughter grew up in hell. A dad who cheated and a mom that lied. What kind of life is that?
And then it was all public! And it hasn't stopped.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I wanted Hillary 8 years ago. I am glad she didn't win either time because it took that long for her true self to show. She's awful.
I bet her daughter grew up in hell. A dad who cheated and a mom that lied. What kind of life is that?
And then it was all public! And it hasn't stopped.
Well if the daughter wound up with the morals of her dad and the ethics of her mom she IS really screwed up.

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