FBI Attempts to Do Damage Control After Initiating Whitmer Kidnapping Plot


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

FBI Attempts to Do Damage Control After Initiating Whitmer Kidnapping Plot​

23 Jul 2021 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
The FBI is attempting to do damage control after it was revealed the law enforcement bureau initiated and carried out a significant portion of the kidnapping plot against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer last year.
"Partnerships are key to disrupting violent plots. With the terror threat growing more insular, awareness and reporting are crucial," the FBI posted on a their website this week. "This is especially true for domestic terrorism—defined as violent, criminal acts committed by individuals or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. Because the FBI’s mission includes protecting the free speech rights of Americans, we need a clear reason to act or investigate. A person’s beliefs can never be the sole reason to open an investigation."
Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the #FBI’s top priority. We work closely with our partners to disrupt violent plots and keep our communities safe from harm. #NatSec Partnerships Are Key to Disrupting Violent Plots | Federal Bureau of Investigation— FBI (@FBI) July 22, 2021
FBI Director Christopher Wray is also weighing in and attempting to reassure Americans the FBI respects their rights.
“The FBI holds sacred the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment freedoms," he said.
The FBI's heavy involvement in the plot raises serious questions about how the agency conducts operations, for what purpose and to what extent agents were involved in the January 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

The problem is not that we’re going to find out that the January 6 case is going to be full of FBI agents and informants, just like the Whitmer kidnapping case. The problem is we are starting to understand this is standard procedure for counterterrorism. This is a 20-year-old charade the FBI brass has been pulling.
With the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies in control there is no check on their abuses. The difference is that the government has begun to use the tools they developed to fight a credible foreign threat now to fight against the political opponents of PMD/DSA Democrats.
Raise your hand if you are shocked.
In the words of Lavrentiy Beria (Stalin's head of the secrets police) “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.”
If the FBI cannot find the crime they will create one and staff it and find patsies to be prosecuted for the crimes created by the FBI.
The FBI has become a threat to a free society and American citizens. It has now become an enemy of the people.
Ruby Ridge, WACO, The Steele Dossier, LaVoy Finicum's assassination and the failed 2016 presidential coups d'etat of should have all been the wake calls to America.. Now it's creating kidnapping and turning protests into mob riots.

FBI Attempts to Do Damage Control After Initiating Whitmer Kidnapping Plot​

23 Jul 2021 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
The FBI is attempting to do damage control after it was revealed the law enforcement bureau initiated and carried out a significant portion of the kidnapping plot against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer last year.
"Partnerships are key to disrupting violent plots. With the terror threat growing more insular, awareness and reporting are crucial," the FBI posted on a their website this week. "This is especially true for domestic terrorism—defined as violent, criminal acts committed by individuals or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. Because the FBI’s mission includes protecting the free speech rights of Americans, we need a clear reason to act or investigate. A person’s beliefs can never be the sole reason to open an investigation."
Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the #FBI’s top priority. We work closely with our partners to disrupt violent plots and keep our communities safe from harm. #NatSec Partnerships Are Key to Disrupting Violent Plots | Federal Bureau of Investigation— FBI (@FBI) July 22, 2021
FBI Director Christopher Wray is also weighing in and attempting to reassure Americans the FBI respects their rights.
“The FBI holds sacred the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment freedoms," he said.
The FBI's heavy involvement in the plot raises serious questions about how the agency conducts operations, for what purpose and to what extent agents were involved in the January 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

The problem is not that we’re going to find out that the January 6 case is going to be full of FBI agents and informants, just like the Whitmer kidnapping case. The problem is we are starting to understand this is standard procedure for counterterrorism. This is a 20-year-old charade the FBI brass has been pulling.
With the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies in control there is no check on their abuses. The difference is that the government has begun to use the tools they developed to fight a credible foreign threat now to fight against the political opponents of PMD/DSA Democrats.
Raise your hand if you are shocked.
In the words of Lavrentiy Beria (Stalin's head of the secrets police) “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.”
If the FBI cannot find the crime they will create one and staff it and find patsies to be prosecuted for the crimes created by the FBI.
The FBI has become a threat to a free society and American citizens. It has now become an enemy of the people.
Ruby Ridge, WACO, The Steele Dossier, LaVoy Finicum's assassination and the failed 2016 presidential coups d'etat of should have all been the wake calls to America.. Now it's creating kidnapping and turning protests into mob riots.
They've been doing this forever.

Radicalize, entrap, arrest.
Damage control. Damage control. Who's doing that now? The kidnapping plot was a Mossad thing. Just like the Florida condominium building collapse. Do you notice IDF and Mossad agents showing up in America but not exactly minding their own business?
National Security? NatSec partnerships? They just shake hands on a mental health civil commitment deal and felony gun grab without even so much as a proper conviction for anything in a court of law.

The FBI will have to learn the hard way that national security is not about protecting dirty deals in the Jew district downtown.

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