Favorate Words Or Terms.



Irregardless. Is. Not. A. Word. :evil:

Incontrovertibly, irregardless is a word, irrespective of your irrational and irate irreceptiveness and insistence of its irreal status. It has gained widespread irradicable usage and at this point is irrebuttable despite it's ability to irritate you.

Plus, it's in the dictionary :tongue:

Mebbe so, because people insist on using "irregardless", but it can never be in any contract. EVER. It is a poisoned word....its meaning is 180 degrees different from what its speaker/writer intends.
Ah, I like that....sarahndippity-do!

The phrases: "at the end of the day" and "going forward" drive me up a wall. I hate to hear that being used by people.


One of my favorite terms is "Jumbo Jet."

JUMBO JET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear Richard Branson stole my life.

Still, I would have enough sense not to come out with Virgin Cola.





Tea Party
Goldcatt! Great new word...thankies.

onomatopoeia means.....

Main Entry: echo
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: repeat, copy
Synonyms: answer, imitation, mirror, mirror image, onomatopoeia , parallel, parroting, rebound, reflection, reiteration, repercussion, repetition, reply, reproduction, reverberation, ringing, rubber stamp

Onomatopoeia Synonyms, Onomatopoeia Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Goldcatt! Great new word...thankies.

onomatopoeia means.....

Main Entry: echo
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: repeat, copy
Synonyms: answer, imitation, mirror, mirror image, onomatopoeia , parallel, parroting, rebound, reflection, reiteration, repercussion, repetition, reply, reproduction, reverberation, ringing, rubber stamp

Onomatopoeia Synonyms, Onomatopoeia Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

That's probably my very favorite. Not fun to learn to spell though. :lol:

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