Father of Oregon killer blames GUNS, not son, for massacre?

A child of 9 does not need a firearm. Maybe you're the one who's insane?

The one lesson that you of the left are incapable of learning is that reality exists. That you cling to fantasy simply makes you delusional, it does not alter reality.

Dangerous things in this world exist. Poison, snakes, animals, sharp objects, machines, knives, and guns. A competent parent teaches their children about reality, and the dangers of it. Don't drink drano, it will kill you. Don't huff Easy-Off, you'll end up like Pogo. How to handle a knife safely, how to handle a gun safely.
Yawn, guy, I'm just tired of seeing children wheeled out in body bags because people like you are compensating for small peckers.

So then, homicide with guns is up?



Is it in fact sharply down and rapidly declining?

You and your filthy party are at war against civil rights, you seek a dictatorship when Obama is your daddy, caring for you and telling exactly how to live your life.

Guy I suspect I'm doing better in my life than you are doing in yours... I really can't believe someone as nuts as you are can hold down a job.

Of course, there has never in the history of the internet been a leftist troll who was not FABULOUSLY wealthy.

Of course one wonders Comrade, since you are a billionaire, why don't you give most of your fortune to the poor, instead of constantly demanding higher taxes on the middle class?
But do they work just fine? Seems murders in those countries doesn't decrease all that dramatically, criminals just use other methods to kill.

Uh, no, they really don't. Those other countries- and I specifically mean other industrialized democracies - don't have anywhere near our murder rates. We have a murder rate along with the third world countries,


Say WHAT?!? :disbelief:
MEXICO is considered a "Developed Country"?!?

If Mexico is developed, why is everyone trying to get out? :dunno:

I think the purpose of that chart was to compare the US to countries like France and Japan, which have nominal murder rates, but you have to go to a Mexico or a brazil to find higher ones.

I figured... I just rarely skip an opportunity to be a :smartass:
It's the law of the land... I can buy as many firearms as I want.

Stop giving your children guns, people. And that especially means you, ya camo-wearing redneck fuckwits. This deranged moron was raised by gun-obsessed loons. Just stop giving your children firearms. Period, end of story.

You raise your children, I'll raise mine.

Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

It's not the weapon that dictates a criminal, there are plenty more "responsible" adults that carry firearms than there are criminals. What separates the two is the individual's respect for human life. Now kids can be trained to properly respect and handle firearms, and a strong instilled and involved family upbringing can instruct a child to have respect towards others. If you want to ban firearms, let's start with the secret service. Then I'm sure President Obama will tell us how taking away guns from those responsible law abiding adults will make us all feel safer, as I'm sure criminals have every intent on following and obeying gun laws.

I don't wanna ban firearms. But i do think it's time to implement stricter standards in regards to adults giving children firearms. It's time to rethink the practice.
You raise your children, I'll raise mine.

Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

It's not the weapon that dictates a criminal, there are plenty more "responsible" adults that carry firearms than there are criminals. What separates the two is the individual's respect for human life. Now kids can be trained to properly respect and handle firearms, and a strong instilled and involved family upbringing can instruct a child to have respect towards others. If you want to ban firearms, let's start with the secret service. Then I'm sure President Obama will tell us how taking away guns from those responsible law abiding adults will make us all feel safer, as I'm sure criminals have every intent on following and obeying gun laws.

I don't wanna ban firearms. But i do think it's time to implement stricter standards in regards to adults giving children firearms. It's time to rethink the practice.
None of the federal governments business...
Stop giving your children guns, people. And that especially means you, ya camo-wearing redneck fuckwits. This deranged moron was raised by gun-obsessed loons. Just stop giving your children firearms. Period, end of story.

You raise your children, I'll raise mine.

Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

Fortunately in your case, stupidity cannot be regulated. Dumbass!

Why don't you move to a country where guns are banned since you're so afraid of them.

It's not about banning guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. It's about rethinking the practice of giving children firearms.
Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

It's not the weapon that dictates a criminal, there are plenty more "responsible" adults that carry firearms than there are criminals. What separates the two is the individual's respect for human life. Now kids can be trained to properly respect and handle firearms, and a strong instilled and involved family upbringing can instruct a child to have respect towards others. If you want to ban firearms, let's start with the secret service. Then I'm sure President Obama will tell us how taking away guns from those responsible law abiding adults will make us all feel safer, as I'm sure criminals have every intent on following and obeying gun laws.

I don't wanna ban firearms. But i do think it's time to implement stricter standards in regards to adults giving children firearms. It's time to rethink the practice.
None of the federal governments business...

It could be in the future. Government doesn't allow adults to give children alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc...

Some traditions need to pass. And giving kids firearms might just be one of em.
You raise your children, I'll raise mine.

Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

Fortunately in your case, stupidity cannot be regulated. Dumbass!

Why don't you move to a country where guns are banned since you're so afraid of them.

It's not about banning guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. It's about rethinking the practice of giving children firearms.

Swimming pools kill more children. Are you against families having swimming pools or allowing them to let their kids swim?
Stop giving your kids firearms. It effects us all. The Mother should be tarred & feathered.

The mother died in childbirth, you're welcome to dig her up and tar and feather her. As for you telling me how to raise my children. FUCK YOU!

No FUCK YOU! Your stupidity effects us all. Stop giving kids firearms.

Fortunately in your case, stupidity cannot be regulated. Dumbass!

Why don't you move to a country where guns are banned since you're so afraid of them.

It's not about banning guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. It's about rethinking the practice of giving children firearms.

Swimming pools kill more children. Are you against families having swimming pools or allowing them to let their kids swim?

Obviously apples & oranges. Giving kids firearms is a practice that needs to be reexamined and reconsidered. Like i said, i know it's an old American tradition, but some traditions need to pass.
So you would have the government spending money doing a background check of a 2 year old or even a quadriplegic, if they were the only other individual occupying that home. Yet liberals want to say the patriot act, is government going too far in evading into the private lives of its citizens, or that voting registration is nothing more than suppression of a individual's rights. I think you need to make up your mind on which side of the fence you want to be on. If you think background checks [this extensive] on every individual in the home is ok, then tell me what conditions would dictate government "suppression" of an individual's constitutional rights?

I try to avoid talking to libertarians, because you are right wing hippies.

Nobody is going to kill you with their vote.

Clearly, Mama Mercer wasn't responsible with her guns. She bought a lot of guns and taught her crazy son how to shoot them.

Again, for every crazed individual there are even more responsible adults that know how to handle a gun, have a respect for their weapon and for human life. I'm not going to see us waste taxpayer dollars having the federal government play the intrusive parent under the false premise that criminals have every intention in following the law. That's the problem with liberals, you think more strict laws is the answer as if you don't have the slightest clue what a criminal [by definition] even is. The government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to investigate (without cause) every individual in a home that happens to hold a firearm.

Rather than hold the criminal responsible, you have allowed government to play "therapist", laying out your ideological couch in the name of "political correctness" ... eradicating hisory that has absolutely ZERO effect on reducing the senseless deaths in this country. You have allowed Washington to play dictator, to intrude on the people's individual freedoms while not having the slightest clue how to solve the problem. All those symbolic efforts (and that's all they are) and yet where are the statistics that it's actually working to reduce these killings? This administration has worked to trample on the Constitution and we are no further than where we started as a result. Results like this can only mean liberals generally don't have the slightest clue as to what they are doing, it's as if they are wasting time throwing mud on the wall in hopes they can get something to stick. Trying to show the nation they are doing something, while not able to prove that there efforts are accomplishing anything, much like a political hamster cage.
“I’m not trying to say that they’re to blame for what happened. But if Chris had not been able to get hold of 13 guns it wouldn’t have happened.”
CNN just interviewed the father of the murderer of nine people at Umpqua Community College this week, and though he claims he is not blaming guns, he spent most of the interview doing that exact thing.

“That’s what guns are. The killers. It’s as simple as that. It’s black and white,” he says. Guns are the killers. Not his son.

Read more: Father of Oregon Killer Blames GUNS, Not Son, For Umpqua Massacre » The Right Scoop -

Just another reason to hate liberals. Don't you just fucking hate them?

You have to love how the loser claims guns are not to blame, and then that is all he does.

Double talking ignorant hypocrite.

Now, when the morons post on this thread about how much they want to ban guns, just ask them to give their plan and provide details. That, shuts them up every time.

Do you know why? Cause liberals are fucking morons. They are hypocrites. They are nothing but pawns for their communists, better known as their democrat politicians. They are all losers.

Remember, ask them to give their details when they cry for gun control. It will make you laugh at how fucking moronic they are.

That is because the father is retarded just like his Son.................
That would be a cowardly behavior... Frivolous

No, it would be holding an irresponsible industry to account.

The thing was, the tobacco industry engaged in some pretty shady activities with the intention of getting teens hooked on tobacco. This included using cartoon characters to promote their products, putting cigarettes in prominant places in stores to encourage shoplifting, etc. And then htey sued the tobacco industry, took them for a shitload of money, and forced them to change their behavior.

As a result, smoking is down, teen smoking is WAAAAYYYY down, and we could possibly see the end of tobacco with decades.
So you would have the government spending money doing a background check of a 2 year old or even a quadriplegic, if they were the only other individual occupying that home. Yet liberals want to say the patriot act, is government going too far in evading into the private lives of its citizens, or that voting registration is nothing more than suppression of a individual's rights. I think you need to make up your mind on which side of the fence you want to be on. If you think background checks [this extensive] on every individual in the home is ok, then tell me what conditions would dictate government "suppression" of an individual's constitutional rights?

I try to avoid talking to libertarians, because you are right wing hippies.

Nobody is going to kill you with their vote.

Clearly, Mama Mercer wasn't responsible with her guns. She bought a lot of guns and taught her crazy son how to shoot them.

Again, for every crazed individual there are even more responsible adults that know how to handle a gun, have a respect for their weapon and for human life. I'm not going to see us waste taxpayer dollars having the federal government play the intrusive parent under the false premise that criminals have every intention in following the law. That's the problem with liberals, you think more strict laws is the answer as if you don't have the slightest clue what a criminal [by definition] even is. The government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to investigate (without cause) every individual in a home that happens to hold a firearm.

Rather than hold the criminal responsible, you have allowed government to play "therapist", laying out your ideological couch in the name of "political correctness" ... eradicating hisory that has absolutely ZERO effect on reducing the senseless deaths in this country. You have allowed Washington to play dictator, to intrude on the people's individual freedoms while not having the slightest clue how to solve the problem. All those symbolic efforts (and that's all they are) and yet where are the statistics that it's actually working to reduce these killings? This administration has worked to trample on the Constitution and we are no further than where we started as a result. Results like this can only mean liberals generally don't have the slightest clue as to what they are doing, it's as if they are wasting time throwing mud on the wall in hopes they can get something to stick. Trying to show the nation they are doing something, while not able to prove that there efforts are accomplishing anything, much like a political hamster cage.

And this is why I don't talk to libertarians. they are their own special brand of crazy.

Hey, reality check. EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED DEMOCRACY either bans private gun ownership or limits it to only those who can prove they are responsible.

They have only a fraction of our crime rates, only a fraction of our incarceration rates,

but you guys try to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.
So you would have the government spending money doing a background check of a 2 year old or even a quadriplegic, if they were the only other individual occupying that home. Yet liberals want to say the patriot act, is government going too far in evading into the private lives of its citizens, or that voting registration is nothing more than suppression of a individual's rights. I think you need to make up your mind on which side of the fence you want to be on. If you think background checks [this extensive] on every individual in the home is ok, then tell me what conditions would dictate government "suppression" of an individual's constitutional rights?

I try to avoid talking to libertarians, because you are right wing hippies.

Nobody is going to kill you with their vote.

Clearly, Mama Mercer wasn't responsible with her guns. She bought a lot of guns and taught her crazy son how to shoot them.

Again, for every crazed individual there are even more responsible adults that know how to handle a gun, have a respect for their weapon and for human life. I'm not going to see us waste taxpayer dollars having the federal government play the intrusive parent under the false premise that criminals have every intention in following the law. That's the problem with liberals, you think more strict laws is the answer as if you don't have the slightest clue what a criminal [by definition] even is. The government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to investigate (without cause) every individual in a home that happens to hold a firearm.

Rather than hold the criminal responsible, you have allowed government to play "therapist", laying out your ideological couch in the name of "political correctness" ... eradicating hisory that has absolutely ZERO effect on reducing the senseless deaths in this country. You have allowed Washington to play dictator, to intrude on the people's individual freedoms while not having the slightest clue how to solve the problem. All those symbolic efforts (and that's all they are) and yet where are the statistics that it's actually working to reduce these killings? This administration has worked to trample on the Constitution and we are no further than where we started as a result. Results like this can only mean liberals generally don't have the slightest clue as to what they are doing, it's as if they are wasting time throwing mud on the wall in hopes they can get something to stick. Trying to show the nation they are doing something, while not able to prove that there efforts are accomplishing anything, much like a political hamster cage.

And this is why I don't talk to libertarians. they are their own special brand of crazy.

Hey, reality check. EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED DEMOCRACY either bans private gun ownership or limits it to only those who can prove they are responsible.

They have only a fraction of our crime rates, only a fraction of our incarceration rates,

but you guys try to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.

How often do I find liberals who believe our government ought to judge and decide for the vast majority of responsible gun owners, based on a small group of crazy lunatics. Yet these same group of ideologues will say we ought not judge and speak for Muslims based on a few crazy lunatics. Interesting how that works. Let me just conclude by saying: as long as we have an amendment in the constitution that makes allowance for the carrying of firearms, you nor our government has any right to ban them from the vast majority of Americans who are responsible gun owners.

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789
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Again, for every crazed individual there are even more responsible adults that know how to handle a gun, have a respect for their weapon and for human life.

And yet they never stop mass shootings.

How often do I find liberals who believe our government ought to judge and decide for the vast majority of responsible gun owners, based on a small group of crazy lunatics.

Because you never do anything to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics.

Yet these same group of ideologues will say we ought not judge and speak for Muslims based on a few crazy lunatics.

Quite the contrary, we have crazy Muslim lunatics because we've had a 70 year policy of sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. We shouldn't whine about getting stung.

But- last year, Muslim terrorists only killed 21 Americans. We still spend BILLIONS of dollars fighting them.

Gun owners caused 33,000 american deaths last y ear, and you keep quoting some asshole in a powdered wig who pooped in a chamberpot as an authority.
Again, for every crazed individual there are even more responsible adults that know how to handle a gun, have a respect for their weapon and for human life.

And yet they never stop mass shootings.

How often do I find liberals who believe our government ought to judge and decide for the vast majority of responsible gun owners, based on a small group of crazy lunatics.

Because you never do anything to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics.

Yet these same group of ideologues will say we ought not judge and speak for Muslims based on a few crazy lunatics.

Quite the contrary, we have crazy Muslim lunatics because we've had a 70 year policy of sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. We shouldn't whine about getting stung.

But- last year, Muslim terrorists only killed 21 Americans. We still spend BILLIONS of dollars fighting them.

Gun owners caused 33,000 american deaths last y ear, and you keep quoting some asshole in a powdered wig who pooped in a chamberpot as an authority.

No, I only made one reference to our Founders with respect to quote reference showing their view of the 2nd Amendment. Now based on your response, I can't expect you to have any respect towards our Founders much less the Constitution.

If you have such a concern for the killing of innocent people why not ENFORCE those gun laws already passed and punish violent criminals instead of coddling them (which you double talking liberals apparently love to do). We need to punish the criminal, and not the overwhelming number of responsible gun owners. By making shootings on school property, as well as the killing of our law enforcement officers, a crime resulting in capital punishment on a Federal level, our government would be sending the right message to those who don't have any respect for human life Now that is the true "common sense" legislation. The Republicans would be smart to push that kind of Congressional response onto the Democrats of this administration, charging any student responsible of these deaths (perhaps as young as 16) as an adult. Limiting the judicial process to one appeal allotted within 5 years of judicial sentencing. would also eliminate the long endless delays we so often find from repeated appeals. The Republicans should show how they are different from Democrats by stating their own response on the subject of gun violence, by pushing enforcement through capital punishment on a national level. We would certainly see just how serious Democrats really are on this issue. Put Democrats on the political hot seat, exposing those who would rather coddle and treat the criminal as a victim by back peddling on the enforcement issue. The criminal is who we should focus on punishing, not law abiding citizens who endure all these government regulation hoops to obtain a gun.
Here is a picture of items that happen to be the progressives biggest boogiemen.... Since the wacky all knowing progressives think they know what an so called "assault weapon" is. Here is a quiz which one is a legit military grade so called gun of "death".
The two could not be more different.
Top or bottom is MG(military grade)....


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No, I only made one reference to our Founders with respect to quote reference showing their view of the 2nd Amendment. Now based on your response, I can't expect you to have any respect towards our Founders much less the Constitution.

The Founders were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who saved us from the horror of being- Canadians. I've been to Canada. It's quite nice. Crappy weather.

f you have such a concern for the killing of innocent people why not ENFORCE those gun laws already passed and punish violent criminals instead of coddling them (which you double talking liberals apparently love to do). We need to punish the criminal, and not the overwhelming number of responsible gun owners.

Uh, guy. We lock up 2 million People who've been declared "Criminals". This is more than China locks up as a Communist dictatorship with four times as many people. Most other industrial Democracies- those horrible socialist countries that thing government has to take care of everyone and not just the rich - lock up less than 100,000. We are one of the few countries in the world that still practices the barbarity of capital punishment. We are punishing the shit out of criminals.

Which begs the question, if guns and prisons make us safer than gun control and coddling the poor, why do we have so much more crime than the UK or Germany or Japan?

By making shootings on school property, as well as the killing of our law enforcement officers, a crime resulting in capital punishment on a Federal level, our government would be sending the right message to those who don't have any respect for human life Now that is the true "common sense" legislation.

Okay, now you are fucking retarded. HELLLLLOOOOOO.... most school shooters don't get taken alive. The Columbine punks didn't. Mercer didn't. Lanza didn't. They ALREADY want to die, threatening them with the death penalty if they somehow manage to survive their own suicidal actions isn't going to be much of a deterrent.

Capital Punishment doesn't deter crime. Funny how a libertarian doesn't trust the government to teach kids about sex, but thinks they can totally decide who to kill.

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