Fastest girl on High School track team wins 3rd place Medal

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
A relative of mine is on her High School's girl track team.

She posted the best time for a girl at a recent track meet, but was awarded a 3rd place medal and ribbon.

If she's the fastest girl runner, why did she only place 3rd, you ask? ... :dunno:

Because two boys who are transweirdo's and claim to be girls, were allowed to compete at the track & field event and won 1st and 2nd place.

When she told me what happened I was furious. This is some sick #@^&@

Girl's sports with real girl's competing against each other is freakin doomed. .. :cuckoo:
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If she is black you should have been there with a megaphone and yelled " STOP POLICE !" She'da past them like a cheetah
Why aren't women's groups and feminists protesting the injustice of forcing girls to compete against genetic boys? Have middle class mothers sold out their own daughters in order to appear unbiased towards confused boys and men? Something ain't right.
Through time cultures have always followed the same patterns. Ours is no different. What comes never very pleasant.
I'm hoping they'll clean that up --- especially if Trump wins again and we have more time to get the crazy out.

What bothers me most is the newspapers with their "trans woman" this and that, usually something sex-related, and I have to slowly work it out on my fingers: that's a man. It's so confusing and such bad reporting.
Why aren't women's groups and feminists protesting the injustice of forcing girls to compete against genetic boys? Have middle class mothers sold out their own daughters in order to appear unbiased towards confused boys and men? Something ain't right.
Because they're political leftists before everything else....They know what a bunch of vicious cannibals that they have allied themselves with and don't want to get eaten themselves.
The parents are too scared they will be labeled as bigots by the school's authorities if they object to the situation.

And the girl's don't want to be ostracized by the other kids if they complain about how unfair it is allowing trans boy's to compete in girl's events.

PC liberal loonacy run amuck ... :cuckoo:
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More transgender crimes. Antifa is riddled with transgendered weirdos. This time it's the crime of theft.
The theft of one's accomplishments and hard work. It's a slap in the face to female athletes.
It's gender misappropriation and it's evil and wrong.
A relative of mine is on her High School's girl track team.

She posted the best time for a girl at a recent track meet, but was awarded a 3rd place medal and ribbon.

If she's the fastest girl runner, why did she only place 3rd, you ask? ... :dunno:

Because two boys who are transweirdo's and claim to be girls, were allowed to compete at the track & field event and won 1st and 2nd place.

When she told me what happened I was furious. This is some sick #@^&@

Girl's sports with real girl's competing against each other is freakin doomed. .. :cuckoo:

And we are to believe this story just because you claim it happened?
I know it's happened before. I'm just skeptical that it's happened in this instance.
I'm just saying it's not unprecedented. To steal someone else's achievement is scurrilous.

If someone wants to run with the girls he should be castrated and put on testosterone blockers first. But even then a male would have certain immutable advantages that makes this sort of
crime particularly cowardly.
People are afraid of being labeled a bigot even at the expense of their own children. It's a shame that nobody has the balls (no pun intended) to buck the leftist agenda.
And we are to believe this story just because you claim it happened?
It isn't as though it hasn't happened before.

I know it's happened before. I'm just skeptical that it's happened in this instance.
The consensus is that these athletes are basically not very good in competing with males in ability. But they see a future doing what you see. They are fast tracked in careers where there is no shaming for what they do as it is being uplifted and condemned as hate for anyone who protests. There is a pecking list of protected groups. And they are higher then women in general. To actually get a sex change operation to compete in sports to get ahead with better prospects in life is troubling. And maybe it is an indictment on our culture.
The school board and city council are scared to death of being sued by the ACLU and the gay mafia if they put a stop to this nonsense.

So they just look away and allow the student's to be sacrificed on the PC alter of insanity. .. :cuckoo:
And we are to believe this story just because you claim it happened?
It isn't as though it hasn't happened before.

I know it's happened before. I'm just skeptical that it's happened in this instance.
The consensus is that these athletes are basically not very good in competing with males in ability. But they see a future doing what you see. They are fast tracked in careers where there is no shaming for what they do as it is being uplifted and condemned as hate for anyone who protests. There is a pecking list of protected groups. And they are higher then women in general. To actually get a sex change operation to compete in sports to get ahead with better prospects in life is troubling. And maybe it is an indictment on our culture.
The whole idea is insane to me. What boy would cut their dick off just to compete in girl's sports? What parent would allow that to happen? What doctor would do it? What school district would allow it? Just a total failure on so many levels.
A relative of mine is on her High School's girl track team.

She posted the best time for a girl at a recent track meet, but was awarded a 3rd place medal and ribbon.

If she's the fastest girl runner, why did she only place 3rd, you ask? ... :dunno:

Because two boys who are transweirdo's and claim to be girls, were allowed to compete at the track & field event and won 1st and 2nd place.

When she told me what happened I was furious. This is some sick #@^&@

Girl's sports with real girl's competing against each other is freakin doomed. .. :cuckoo:
I smell
Thet dont need a sex change ....they just claim they're in" transition "

friggin losers

And indeed antifa is full of gays and trannies ......weirdo violent animal subhuman gay freaks

Just like this guy


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