Fast food strike! What? Where?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
I've been hearing all morning about today's ff walkout. I've so far passed 4 McDonalds, at least 3 BKs, a Taco Bell, a Checkers, and two Popeye's and I've seen nothing. No one but customers.

I even went by the huge McD on International Drive here in Orlando. Nothing, though I did see two Orlando Police officers standing outside of the main entrance. Finally, I bought breakfast at the one closest to my house.

Here's what these union scam artists will do: they will bus in some of their union goons dressed up like employees, and stand in front if a McD somewhere here until the cameras show up. Then after the news goes away they will leave.


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Yes, the union needs to get in there and straighten out things. They can then start apprentices programs on "The Mystery of the Deep Fryer." Or "How to Measure the Proper Amount of Spittle."
I've been hearing all morning about today's ff walkout. I've so far passed 4 McDonalds, at least 3 BKs, a Taco Bell, a Checkers, and two Popeye's and I've seen nothing. No one but customers.

I even went by the huge McD on International Drive here in Orlando. Nothing, though I did see two Orlando Police officers standing outside of the main entrance. Finally, I bought breakfast at the one closest to my house.

Here's what these union scam artists will do: they will bus in some of their union goons dressed up like employees, and stand in front if a McD somewhere here until the cameras show up. Then after the news goes away they will leave.

These protests are not gaining any traction. they can keep trying all they want.
I heard a report on NPR this morning with some asshole saying all these fast food workers want is enough money to afford housing and all the rest of life's expenses. So if you are working at McD's in southern California, I guess you're going to expect $50K plus per year for flipping burgers.
They flew the Space Shuttle with a smaller crew than McDonald's staff.
And they made it there a lot quicker.
Why do folks abuse themselves so? Standing in line, waiting at the drive-up. To pay money for crap food?
The McD's having the protests is in South Los Angeles. As far as I know, it's the only one in Los Angeles getting a protest.
Los Angeles doesn't count it's full of complete and utter morons. It is a hellhole. The worst of California. It's like a third world country. An eyesore.
They flew the Space Shuttle with a smaller crew than McDonald's staff.
And they made it there a lot quicker.
Why do folks abuse themselves so? Standing in line, waiting at the drive-up. To pay money for crap food?

Because it's only crap nutritionally. A lot of it tastes damn good. Especially at 2am.
The only places with "strikes" are where SEIU goons are trawling for TV coverage.
The only places with "strikes" are where SEIU goons are trawling for TV coverage.

This right here is probably the truth. I'll bet that if I had taken pictures of the people who showed up for Alan Grayson's Town Hall meeting three years ago, and the people who marched outside of the hospital I work at, and these people, I'll bet the faces are the same.
If these workers were smart they wouldn't be working at fast food. You want to force fast food's hand, then NOBODY fill those jobs. Make it hard to fill those jobs instead of striking. Make the business struggle to find ANYONE to show up. If you don't want minimum wage wages, dontapply for a min wage job. Min wage = minimum production. Plus, why do people eat that stuff? RTeason? Easy. They are too LAZY to cook edible food unlike what they get in a fast food place.
Yet another reason to not eat fast food.

Paying $5 for an 800 calorie sandwich which tastes like dogshit and usually isn't what I ordered anyway is enough of a reason for me to not eat fast food.
I don't eat fast food very often. I never eat fast food that know tastes like dogshit. The food I order tastes great because I order what I know has tasted great in the past. The only reason to eat fast food is that it's fatty, salty, sweet goodness. If the food you're eating that tastes like dogshit, you're doing it wrong--unless that's the taste you were looking for. :D
I heard a report on NPR this morning with some asshole saying all these fast food workers want is enough money to afford housing and all the rest of life's expenses. So if you are working at McD's in southern California, I guess you're going to expect $50K plus per year for flipping burgers.
That's communism. From each according to his ability, to each according to their need. McDonalds worker needs brain surgery so they go to brain surgeon. Brain surgeon needs his breakfast burrito in the morning. Both should be paid equal right? Lol.
The only places with "strikes" are where SEIU goons are trawling for TV coverage.

This right here is probably the truth. I'll bet that if I had taken pictures of the people who showed up for Alan Grayson's Town Hall meeting three years ago, and the people who marched outside of the hospital I work at, and these people, I'll bet the faces are the same.

Same faces; different t-shirts.

Give them $15, hire less, give out less hours, since they're being paid more they'll be willing to work harder or you'll find someone else who will. Automate as much as possible. Poof, less employee drama.




Exactly , but I'd say $10 an hour

BUt, I own several businesses and for me, there is NO WAY I'd hire an employee who was only worth $7.25 an hour, and I pay accordingly

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