Fascinating New Study Suggests Dark Matter Older Than the Universe


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Johns Hopkins University astronomer and physicist Tommi Tenkanen said: "If dark matter is made up of particles formed before the Big Bang, these particles affect how galaxies are distributed in the sky in a unique way. . This connection can also serve to reveal his identity and bring new elements as to what preceded the Big Bang ”.


The Big Bang did not take place at a specific point, but simultaneously in all directions. And if the Universe does have a center, the observable Universe region that we see is insufficient to give us this information. Any observer can therefore be virtually the center of the Universe, as in this logarithmic scale representation of the Observable Universe, centered on the Solar System. Credit: Pablo

Dark matter (DM) may have its origin in a pre-big-bang epoch, the cosmic inflation. Here, we consider for the first time a broad class of scenarios where a massive free scalar field unavoidably reaches an equilibrium between its classical and quantum dynamics in a characteristic timescale during inflation and sources the DM density.

Dark Matter from Scalar Field Fluctuations

In French for the image : Une nouvelle étude fascinante suggère que la matière noire serait plus ancienne que l'Univers même
I get so much contradictory data on dark matter I am not sure who to belive. I have seen stories of people creating dark matter and holdiong in storage and then contradicting reports that we have yet to find dark matter. While this is an exciting time for astro phsics with new deiscoveries and tools, I find myself in a holding pattern of making many decisions on thnis science as we have just launched the webb telescope that is eons advanced from hubble and want to wait on some of that data before launching into this math. I believe we are about to observe many unknown things that will change or view on these calcualations.
I wonder if this is a way to get around the thorny God Particle problem...
Several scientific models exist to try to characterize the properties of dark matter. One of the most advanced is that of "wimps" (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).

According to this model, dark matter would be made up of massive particles, therefore sensitive to gravitation, which would also interact weakly with ordinary matter via the weak nuclear force. The mass of a particle of this material would be 1 to 100,000 times greater than that of a proton, for example.

By distorting space, astrophysicists observe "footprints" where dark matter is present.

According to the theory of general relativity, massive objects distort space; the light rays are deflected. The image of a star behind a massive object (called a lens), such as a black hole or a cluster of galaxies, comes to us distorted. It’s the gravitational lens effect.

By studying this deformation, researchers can deduce the total mass of the lens. By considering the mass of ordinary matter of this one, one does not reproduce the deformation. It is an indication of the existence of an additional mass: dark matter.
I find this stuff fascinating...all of it. Space, planets, string theory, dark matter. But all of it purely from an imagination standpoint if that makes sense? The actual science and math makes me want to cry fat and frustrated tears...ha

Thanks for sharing this.
The basic problem is GR gravity doesn't explain why galaxies hold together ... they should be flying apart with just the matter we can see, so called light matter ... therefore there must be another kind of matter that we can't see, dark matter ...

It's completely fair to say dark matter is a mythological substance created by physicists so their equations will continue to work ... and a few folks are working on new equations but without any success that I know of ... so evidence is building that dark matter is some manner of non-standard material that exists and completely explains why galaxies don't fly apart ...

No word back yet as to where all the missing anti-matter is ... not even a clue ...
I didn't know where to stick this news. Wasn't worth starting a new thread on it.

I've heard red sky at morning, sailor take warning and red sky at night, sailor delight.


"What is a Pink Moon?

A Pink Moon is the rare result of several space phenomena occurring at once.

The name is slightly deceiving because the lunar surface will appear slightly orange rather than pink.

A Pink Moon is a type of Super Moon, which occurs when a new or full Moon is unusually close to Earth.

According to Nasa, April's Pink Moon will be the "most super" of the full Super Moons this year."

No, it's not an omen :icon_rolleyes:.

I didn't know where to stick this news. Wasn't worth starting a new thread on it.

I've heard red sky at morning, sailor take warning and red sky at night, sailor delight.

View attachment 320319

"What is a Pink Moon?

A Pink Moon is the rare result of several space phenomena occurring at once.

The name is slightly deceiving because the lunar surface will appear slightly orange rather than pink.

A Pink Moon is a type of Super Moon, which occurs when a new or full Moon is unusually close to Earth.

According to Nasa, April's Pink Moon will be the "most super" of the full Super Moons this year."

No, it's not an omen :icon_rolleyes:.

Strange how all these "not an omens" are happening in the last days as Christ warned. Everything from human perversion to the earth being "upset" to the signs in the heavens which we have no control over.

But, of course, they all mean nothing!
Strange how all these "not an omens" are happening in the last days as Christ warned. Everything from human perversion to the earth being "upset" to the signs in the heavens which we have no control over.

But, of course, they all mean nothing!

I wasn't sure if I could see it as there were a lot of rain clouds, but I saw the moon break through and while it is nice and full, there is no pink. Looks the same haha.

It's not an omen nor the last days. It would've been something nice to see.
I didn't know where to stick this news. Wasn't worth starting a new thread on it.

I've heard red sky at morning, sailor take warning and red sky at night, sailor delight.

View attachment 320319

"What is a Pink Moon?

A Pink Moon is the rare result of several space phenomena occurring at once.

The name is slightly deceiving because the lunar surface will appear slightly orange rather than pink.

A Pink Moon is a type of Super Moon, which occurs when a new or full Moon is unusually close to Earth.

According to Nasa, April's Pink Moon will be the "most super" of the full Super Moons this year."

No, it's not an omen :icon_rolleyes:.

Strange how all these "not an omens" are happening in the last days as Christ warned. Everything from human perversion to the earth being "upset" to the signs in the heavens which we have no control over.

But, of course, they all mean nothing!
Correct, they all mean nothing, just like the last 1000 times some drunken amateur shaman said the same thing.
Johns Hopkins University astronomer and physicist Tommi Tenkanen said: "If dark matter is made up of particles formed before the Big Bang, ...

In this modell existed some energy, time and space before the universe starts with energy, time and space.

... Dark matter (DM) may have its origin in a pre-big-bang epoch, the cosmic inflation. ...

The cosmic inflation is a post-big-bang effect. In general it seems no one is really happy with the inflation modell, because it looks like the inflation modell explains always everything and is not disprovable.
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Johns Hopkins University astronomer and physicist Tommi Tenkanen said: "If dark matter is made up of particles formed before the Big Bang, ...

In this modell existed some energy, time and space before the universe starts with energy, time and space.

... Dark matter (DM) may have its origin in a pre-big-bang epoch, the cosmic inflation. ...

The cosmic inflation is a post-big-bang effect. In general it seems no one is really happy with the inflation modell, because it looks like the inflation modell explains always everything and is not disprovable.
The simplest and most difficult to believe is that the universe always did exist
"The universe is stationary, it's that light is moving slower today than it did in the past ... these external galaxies aren't moving away from us, the light they're emitting is moving faster is all ... as demonstrated by the electrons occupying orbitals of longer radius around 10 billion year old iron atoms. "

That's my Crackpot Theory™ ... only slightly inconvenient is the problems of measuring 5 to 10 nanometers from 10 billion light years away ... waves travle faster in denser materials ... dark matter is being collected by gravity lowering the density where light travels ... thus light is moving slower today than it did before ... or something, not going to sweat the small details ...
Nothing has been around 10 billion years. Everything would eventually wear down due to entropy. For example, our Earth's magnetic field could be gone in 500 years by one projection. That would be the end of all of us -- The Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated, Could Have Apocalyptic Implications for All of Us - Global Research.

The iron atoms are 10 billion light years away ... how old does that make them? ...

How are you measuring 10 billion light years away? How are you looking at this object?

Basically, we can't measure more than 100 light years accurately with the equipment we have.

Nothing has been around 10 billion years. Everything would eventually wear down due to entropy. For example, our Earth's magnetic field could be gone in 500 years by one projection. That would be the end of all of us -- The Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated, Could Have Apocalyptic Implications for All of Us - Global Research.

The iron atoms are 10 billion light years away ... how old does that make them? ...

How are you measuring 10 billion light years away? How are you looking at this object?

Basically, we can't measure more than 100 light years accurately with the equipment we have.

The iron atoms are 10 billion light years away ... how old does that make them? ...
How are you measuring 10 billion light years away? How are you looking at this object?
Basically, we can't measure more than 100 light years accurately with the equipment we have.

You've danced to this music before ... don't be coy ... go straight to your alternative to Hubble's law (velocity is proportional to distance) ...

Either way ... you can still answer the question ... the iron atom IS 10 billion light years away, how old is it? ...

We have MMT's at Keck and space based telescopes that can measure red-shift quite accurately ... interferometers technology has come a long ways in the past 50 years as well ... you need to catch up to the latest work being done in these areas ... much has been learned since you last studied these matters ...
Johns Hopkins University astronomer and physicist Tommi Tenkanen said: "If dark matter is made up of particles formed before the Big Bang, ...

In this modell existed some energy, time and space before the universe starts with energy, time and space.

... Dark matter (DM) may have its origin in a pre-big-bang epoch, the cosmic inflation. ...

The cosmic inflation is a post-big-bang effect. In general it seems no one is really happy with the inflation modell, because it looks like the inflation modell explains always everything and is not disprovable.
The simplest and most difficult to believe is that the universe always did exist
Simplest explanation? I disagree, although it’s compelling to believe the universe “always existed”.
That is no more logical, or less, than to believe a “God” always existed.
From our limited human perceptions & minds, our logic is limited too. Logic appears to reflect that effects have causes.
What caused the universe to exist?
Obviously, our human logic is limited to our ecology from which we adapt to survive & propagate.
No easy answers on origins!

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