Fascinating New Study Suggests Dark Matter Older Than the Universe

The Bg Bang theory is false because the current universe can't -by any means - be the product of a "microscopic primeval particle" (*) in the middle of nothing which "who knows how" expanded"
(*The known "primeval atom" the first years after the release of that theory)

Time doesn't exist physically today, and time didn't exist before the apparition of the universe. An existing flowing time has been always just a conventional idea, to which a retarded dude added later on the wieird characteristic of being "flexible" like bubble gum in his theories of Relativity.

Dark matter is a consequence, not a cause.
It's completely fair to say dark matter is a mythological substance created by physicists so their equations will continue to work ... and a few folks are working on new equations but without any success that I know of ... so evidence is building that dark matter is some manner of non-standard material that exists and completely explains why galaxies don't fly apart ...

Kind of like inventing this Big Bang thingy as a placeholder to explain the unexplainable.
The Bg Bang theory is false because the current universe can't -by any means - be the product of a "microscopic primeval particle" (*) in the middle of nothing which "who knows how" expanded"
(*The known "primeval atom" the first years after the release of that theory)

Time doesn't exist physically today, and time didn't exist before the apparition of the universe. An existing flowing time has been always just a conventional idea, to which a retarded dude added later on the wieird characteristic of being "flexible" like bubble gum in his theories of Relativity.

Dark matter is a consequence, not a cause.

There is a big flaw in this Big Bang theory that everybody overlooks.

The idea came up when two scientists seem to have discovered cosmic background noise that they postulated was the noise left over from the Big Bang.

The only problem is that they measured radiation and then subtracted what they thought was natural to the earth or man made.

Other people in other parts of the world have conducted the same experiment and have come up with different background levels.

Very weak evidence that may be dependent on false data. However, it seems like a cool thing to believe so everybody goes with it.
The Bg Bang theory is false because the current universe can't -by any means - be the product of a "microscopic primeval particle" (*) in the middle of nothing which "who knows how" expanded"

I wish we could be so lucky as to have a "microscopic primeval particle" ... alas, at time = 0, all three spacial dimensions are also zero ... which is a point or "singularity" ... a substantial number of physical laws break down if the universe was once a point ...

Kind of like inventing this Big Bang thingy as a placeholder to explain the unexplainable.

Theories are written in pencil ... so we can erase and correct portions as new information becomes available ...
The Bg Bang theory is false because the current universe can't -by any means - be the product of a "microscopic primeval particle" (*) in the middle of nothing which "who knows how" expanded"

I wish we could be so lucky as to have a "microscopic primeval particle" ... alas, at time = 0, all three spacial dimensions are also zero ... which is a point or "singularity" ... a substantial number of physical laws break down if the universe was once a point ...

Kind of like inventing this Big Bang thingy as a placeholder to explain the unexplainable.

Theories are written in pencil ... so we can erase and correct portions as new information becomes available ...

"Singularity" is one of these words that scientists have invented but it doesn't describe anything tangible.
"Singularity" is one of these words that scientists have invented but it doesn't describe anything tangible.

It's a mathematical construct ... "a placeholder to explain the unexplainable" ... I guess more correctly it is a space that has an infinitely small volume ... dV as is were ... but yeah, there's some hocus-pocus involved ...
The idea came up when two scientists seem to have discovered cosmic background noise that they postulated was the noise left over from the Big Bang.
False. That was a confirmation of the already existing theory.

Other people in other parts of the world have conducted the same experiment and have come up with different background levels.
No, that's not true, either. And the "level" of radiation would not matter anyway. Would you like to maybe rephrase that?
Kind of like inventing this Big Bang thingy as a placeholder to explain the unexplainable.
Yes, that is what hypotheses do: Explain things that are not yet explained.
Actually, a Hypothesis is a SUGGESTED PRELIMINARY explanation that requires evidence for some degree of confirmation.
An Alternative Hypothesis provides a different explanation, but also must provide evidence.
No evidence, then “faith” in BS.
Actually, a Hypothesis is a SUGGESTED PRELIMINARY explanation that requires evidence for some degree of confirmation
Right, an explanation, like i said. That's what hypotheses are.
I’m being picky. :)
A Hypotheses does not actually “explain” UNTIL it has confirmation.
That’s why there are “alternative hypotheses” ... to better explain something.
The Bg Bang theory is false because the current universe can't -by any means - be the product of a "microscopic primeval particle" (*) in the middle of nothing which "who knows how" expanded"
(*The known "primeval atom" the first years after the release of that theory)

Time doesn't exist physically today, and time didn't exist before the apparition of the universe. An existing flowing time has been always just a conventional idea, to which a retarded dude added later on the wieird characteristic of being "flexible" like bubble gum in his theories of Relativity.

Dark matter is a consequence, not a cause.

There is a big flaw in this Big Bang theory that everybody overlooks.

The idea came up when two scientists seem to have discovered cosmic background noise that they postulated was the noise left over from the Big Bang.

The only problem is that they measured radiation and then subtracted what they thought was natural to the earth or man made.

Other people in other parts of the world have conducted the same experiment and have come up with different background levels.

Very weak evidence that may be dependent on false data. However, it seems like a cool thing to believe so everybody goes with it.

Actually WMAP data on the CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) is significant - some actual images from the WMAP probe:

Some conclusions reached (a list):

WMAP's Top Ten

The WMAP science team has…
  1. ... has put the "precision" in "precision cosmology" by reducing the allowed volume of cosmological parameters by a factor in excess of 68,000. The three most highly cited physics and astronomy papers published in the new millennium are WMAP scientific papers--- reflecting WMAP's enormous impact.
  2. …mapped the pattern of tiny fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation (the oldest light in the universe) and produced the first fine-resolution (0.2 degree) full-sky map of the microwave sky.
  3. …determined the universe to be 13.77 billion years old to within a half percent.
  4. …nailed down the curvature of space to within 0.4% of "flat" Euclidean.
  5. …determined that ordinary atoms (also called baryons) make up only 4.6% of the universe.
  6. …completed a census of the universe and finds that dark matter (matter not made up of atoms) is 24.0%
  7. …determined that dark energy, in the form of a cosmological constant, makes up 71.4% of the universe, causing the expansion rate of the universe to speed up. - "Lingering doubts about the existence of dark energy and the composition of the universe dissolved when the WMAP satellite took the most detailed picture ever of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)." - Science Magazine 2003, "Breakthrough of the Year" article
  8. … mapped the polarization of the microwave radiation over the full sky and discovered that the universe was reionized earlier than previously believed. - "WMAP scores on large-scale structure. By measuring the polarization in the CMB it is possible to look at the amplitude of the fluctuations of density in the universe that produced the first galaxies. That is a real breakthrough in our understanding of the origin of structure." - ScienceWatch: "What's Hot in Physics", Simon Mitton, Mar./Apr. 2008.
  9. …detected that the amplitude of the variations in the density of the universe on big scales is slightly larger than smaller scales. This, along with other results, supports "inflation", the idea is that the universe underwent a dramatic period of expansion, growing by more than a trillion trillion fold in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. Tiny fluctuations were generated during this expansion that eventually grew to form galaxies.
  10. … determined that the distribution of these fluctuations follows a bell curve with the same properties across the sky, and that there are equal numbers of hot and cold spots in the map. The simplest version of the inflation idea predicted these properties and remarkably, WMAP’s precision measurement of the properties of the fluctuations has confirmed these predictions, in detail.
Our literature comments on some of this here:

"In 1998, researchers analyzing light from a special kind of supernova, or exploding star, found evidence that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating!* At first, the scientists were skeptical, but evidence soon mounted. Naturally, they wanted to know what form of energy was causing the accelerating expansion. For one thing, it seemed to be working in opposition to gravity; and for another, it was not predicted by present theories. Appropriately, this mysterious form of energy has been named dark energy, and it may make up nearly 75 percent of the universe!

Dark energy, however, is not the only “dark” oddity discovered in recent times. Another was confirmed in the 1980’s when astronomers examined various galaxies. These galaxies, as well as our own, appeared to be spinning too fast to hold together. Evidently, then, some form of matter must be giving them the necessary gravitational cohesion. But what kind of matter? Because scientists have no idea, they have called the stuff dark matter, since it does not absorb, emit, or reflect detectable amounts of radiation.* How much dark matter is out there? Calculations indicate that it could make up 22 percent or more of the mass of the universe.

Consider this: According to current estimates, normal matter accounts for about 4 percent of the mass of the universe. The two big unknowns—dark matter and dark energy—appear to make up the balance. Thus, about 95 percent of the universe remains a complete mystery!*
Concerning the COBE satellite data:

Therefore, in November 1989 the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite was launched into outer space by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, of the United States. Its discoveries were described as monumental. Professor Block explained: “The ripples reported by the Differential Microwave Radiometer on board COBE were the very fluctuations imprinted on our cosmos that led billions of years ago to the formation of galaxies.”

Implications of the Evidence

What can we deduce from the fact that the universe had a beginning? Robert Jastrow said: “You can call it the big bang, but you can also call it with accuracy the moment of creation.” Penzias, who shared in the discovery of background radiation in the universe, observed: “Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing.” And COBE team leader George Smoot remarked: “What we have found is evidence for the birth of the universe.”

Is it reasonable to conclude that if there was a beginning, or creation, of the universe, there was a Beginner, or Creator, of it? Many think so. Smoot declared regarding the discoveries made by COBE: “It’s like looking at God.”

Of course, without the scientific evidence that has come to light in recent decades, millions have put faith in the opening statement of the Bible: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”—Genesis 1:1."

Note, however, that the theory that the universe came from nothing is in contradiction to the law of conservation of matter and energy.
Johns Hopkins University astronomer and physicist Tommi Tenkanen said: "If dark matter is made up of particles formed before the Big Bang, these particles affect how galaxies are distributed in the sky in a unique way. . This connection can also serve to reveal his identity and bring new elements as to what preceded the Big Bang ”.

View attachment 319806

The Big Bang did not take place at a specific point, but simultaneously in all directions. And if the Universe does have a center, the observable Universe region that we see is insufficient to give us this information. Any observer can therefore be virtually the center of the Universe, as in this logarithmic scale representation of the Observable Universe, centered on the Solar System. Credit: Pablo

Dark matter (DM) may have its origin in a pre-big-bang epoch, the cosmic inflation. Here, we consider for the first time a broad class of scenarios where a massive free scalar field unavoidably reaches an equilibrium between its classical and quantum dynamics in a characteristic timescale during inflation and sources the DM density.

Dark Matter from Scalar Field Fluctuations

In French for the image : Une nouvelle étude fascinante suggère que la matière noire serait plus ancienne que l'Univers même
Not sure why this link says inflation precedes the big bang. Most consider inflation to be part of the big bang.

Also, a popular model has the origin of the universe to be too hot for matter to exist.
I am not familiar with any god.

Only the One True Messiah would deny His divinity ... be careful ...
Hey, since i’m Gold & you’re Silver, i must be YOUR “god”! :)
It’s a relative universe, at least from our human perceptions.
Well, at least until we “observe” quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement.

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