Fanni Willis Takes Jim Jordan To Task: You Lack Basic Understanding Of The Law

On Thursday, the prosecutor who indicted Donald Trump and 18 alleged co-conspirators on racketeering charges (RICO) slapped down Jordan's attempts to "interfere" with her investigation, and curtly explained to him that he has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to the law – even accusing him of spreading "misinformation."

With regard to her filing under the RICO statute, Willis made a point of reminding the blustery Ohio Republican that he never passed the bar after attending law school, writing that he can still continue his education by purchasing legal expert John Floyd's RICO book "for the non-bar member price of $249."

It's against the Constitution for a prosecutor to announce she is going to "get Trump" when she was campaigning for her job, and then weaponizes that job to actually do him in. For her crime against the Constitution and President Trump, she may not be as smart as she thinks she is in getting away with that. She may face disbarment as well.
She is just another marxist bitch using her influence to alter the outcome of an election. I never thought we would have another civil war but it is coming, maybe not in my lifetime but it is coming as working class people become tired of losing everything they have earned to people that won't leave the couch
There’s no civil war coming… haters like yourself may be loud and more vocal now since Trump has grabbed the spotlight but y’all will fizzle out. Virtue and good are not on your side
Fanny Whore is acting like a total idiot. I hope she gets swamped and starts looking like the dumbf* she really is. She wants attention and I hope they bury her with delays, motions, appeals and take their sweet time so President Trump gets back in the White House.
I'll just remind people Willis is an avowed Communist, her campaign financed by Soros. She attended black colleges and for her undergrad and law degree (read "watered down") Her personal comments about Jordan were highly unprofessional and also dishonest, implying Jordan failed the bar exam, which is untrue. He has a real JD degree.

The Bar Exam is the test that allows you to practice Law. It is what you take to get your law license. You have to pass law school to take the test, but you can’t practice law without the Bar.

So graduating doesn’t make you a practicing lawyer.
One can tell the invalidity of Fani’s claims by noting the lavish praise it for from a dirty used toilet paper rag like RawStory.

One can argue either side of that mini debate and it’s possible to do so professionally. Even if we assume that Jordan is reaching too far (a view I understand), her petty ass reply was indeed utterly unprofessional.
Fani was part of the prosecution that went after teachers accused of fixing test scores. She went after them (using Rico) after standerdized test scores (implemented during Bush and Obama) were used to evaluate teachers which affected teacher salaries. Some teachers cheated by falsifying test scores. Many teachers pleaded, one was acquitted. Half a dozen are appealing. The main 'kingpin' Dana Evans (former principal) was sentenced to 1 year in jail for supposedly failing to stop the cheating although she herself was not found culpable. Superior Court Judge Jerry Baxter reduced her sentence to probation and community service. Hardly a resounding victory for Fani. Now, here she is trying the same shit all over again. She's doing exactly what Marxists do, undermine the tenets of a society by using the legal system. Merrick Garland is letting her get away with it too. He's worse than her.
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