Family of teen falsely IDed as covington student tells of harassment by twitter mob


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Family Of Teen Falsely IDed As Covington Student Tells Of Harassment By Twitter Mob

The brother of a random young teen named Michael Hodge, who was wrongly identified as a student of Covington Catholic High School and doxed by hate-filled Twitter mobs, revealed Sunday how the Twitterati is working tirelessly to destroy the lives of his entire family.

#infowars thanks for providing more evidence from the mentally ill left proving daily what scums really are.
Some ppl are a little too retarded and don't realize that other sites pull articles FROM INFOWARS, but you see when you have to play by authoritarian rules and rights you can put this same story here as long as it;s ot infowars.
No there isn't CENSORSHIP of sources here , and fk u I have proof it was said.

Not to many ppl like leftist scum who do this and hollywood whores like that Kathy G. bitch that dumb bitch is paid off to get others to think like her she's a a prop you leftist dumb asses.
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The get a sexual kick attacking children.

I mean look at this winner too

The NA man gave media interviews on Sunday promoting the false claims that had been spread. Where is the media today holding him accountable for his false statements regarding the incident?
I hope this teen and his family are able to take legal action against the false claims and threats of violence and intimidation they have received. TRUMP should invite him to the WH or maybe he could be a guest at the SOTU address.
The Left get a sexual kick attacking children.
The rabid right gets a kick out of teaching children to be disgusting and abusive know that didn't happen...right? That it was the left wing asshats, led by the "Native American" veteran who called the racist and homophobic epithets...right? The kids didn't do anything wrong, and the "native American lied to the press, lying about those a typical left wing asshat...

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