America: the new socialist frontier


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
America: The new Socialist frontier
It seems that socialism is like an infectious disease that everyone has to get ill of to develop immunity. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.”

#infowars another goody provided from infowars awwww geee doesn't it suck when a msm picks up the story off them oh wait maybe IW took from the hill oh imagine that one you all are reading some chit from the hill that's on infowars too. Awww fk now what it's instantly a conspiracy now I guess. oh well.

This is how stupid the sheep are, this is how clueless they are they support and rally for Socialism all the while being to fkn stupid to even know what it is and the outcome of it all.

Meanwhile the expets keep trying to tell these MORON RETARDS look to VENEZUELA if you want to see how socialism ends up, just like you same fkd in the head idiots want us to do what EUROPE is doing OPEN borders.

HEY RETARDS!! That is what sunk Venezuela idiots!!

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