Fame & Fools


Sep 23, 2010
Celebrities selling B.S. enjoy an advantage over an army of their less famous critics. Attacking the intelligence of a celebrity doesn’t help. No matter how stupid the B.S. is famous individuals have a following who will believe everything that comes out of the mouths of “STARS.” If you doubt me just look at the number of fools who still believe everything Hussein says.

Manmade climate change and abortion are the two big ones for STARS and fools. Were I God in disguise posting a universal truth fools would still believe a celebrity’s B.S. Were I to reveal myself as God the fools would attack me personally.

NOTE: Celebrities who try to expose the frauds are not driven by the profit motive. They do what they do for the right reasons; hence, there is not a chance fools will believe them any more than they would believe God.

Standard liberalism aside, it’s easy to forgive a celebrity with a vested interest in the global warming scam à la Al Gore and hustling pseudo-scientists looking for tax dollars. Good old-fashioned greed is a forgivable offense in the general scheme of things. It’s not so easy to forgive celebrities who believe the garbage they spout for public consumption. They are just too stupid to see that they are handing their country to the United Nations based on nothing more than designer science. So how stupid does that make the fools who believe them!

Abortion is another matter. Abortion kills. Worse still, abortion is the foundation for “Doing something about overpopulation.”

One of the frequent cries of many on the left is that the world is overpopulated. The latest hysterical outburst on this matter came from Sir David Attenborough, a recent patron of "The Optimum Population Trust." The 86-year-old Attenborough, who has a degree in natural sciences and is a former senior manager of the BBC, is a high priest among earth-worshiping liberals.

Attenborough, famous mostly for his Life documentaries, declared, "We are a plague on the Earth. It's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It's not just climate change; it's sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us[.]"


Of course, to limit populations, one must reduce the number of newborns. This leads to another pillar of liberalism: abortion. In order to preach such hedonism to the world, the U.N. gave us World Population Day, where they boldly declare, "The human enterprise has outgrown the planet."

The overpopulation myth has been around for decades. It even predates the holy grail of modern liberal environmental orthodoxy: global warming. With liberals today, the overpopulation myth (as with most everything even remotely tied to the environment) is typically predicated upon the myth of man-made global warming.


Such it is with post-modern liberalism. Thinking themselves masters of science and reason, and ignoring absolute truth, liberals have become what they despise: "the faithful."

February 10, 2013
The Myth of Overpopulation
Trevor Grant Thomas

Articles: The Myth of Overpopulation

Malaria and DDT

I’ve posted many messages in the past eight or 9 years about the UN’s ban on DDT. A few well-known people like Phyllis Schlafly did their best to call attention to an on-going tragedy that can so easily be halted. The population control crowd not only kills infants in the womb they kill more than a million live human beings every year with their ban on DDT.

The number of ANNUAL deaths resulting from the ban on DDT convinces me that the UN’s ban on outdoor spraying is a population control method. From the UN’s perspective the DDT ban is the ideal killing machine. Look at it this way. The UN would never get away with actively killing a million kids a year by lethal injection, etc. when doing nothing accomplishes the goal.

Malaria has killed more people, especially children, than any other infectious disease in history. Annual deaths from malaria, mostly in Africa, Asia and Central America, have long been estimated at between 1 million and 2.7 million.

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa
Phyllis Schlafly
June 20, 2005

The myth of DDT versus the reality of malaria in Africa - Phyllis Schlafly - [page]

Sad to say, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything about malaria and DDT.

Incidentally, the number of deaths caused by malaria since the ban on DDT began —— combined with the number of abortions performed in the US since Roe v Wade staggers belief. All of those deaths were caused by socialism’s ideology; i.e. liberalism, yet every time the Democrats want something they make it look like they want it for the children. Obviously, life is the only thing they don’t want the children to have.

Let me close with a quotation I’ve posted many times in the past. It is the only time John Kerry ever told the truth about anything:

. . . "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

Crooked thought - William F. Buckley - Page 1

That’s from the guy the US Senate just made secretary of state.
you dont get to decide who speaks and what they have to say.

remember its YOU and your ILK who think that money equals better morals.

You seem to think that CEOs are natures chosen gods.

what makes them better than celebrities who make alot of money?
you dont get to decide who speaks and what they have to say.

remember its YOU and your ILK who think that money equals better morals.

You seem to think that CEOs are natures chosen gods.

what makes them better than celebrities who make alot of money?

You are correct, but we have a right to criticize them when they keep saying really stupid things. Which they seem to do a lot. To bad they can't seem to think for themselves. A bunch of idiots!
The Masters are devising their own system for population control.

They're calling it market forces and in the longer run it will kill more people than war.

But first they must strip the US government of power by bankrupting it, and then they are going to cash the worldwide economy via dlution of the value of cash until basically capitalism can no longer function.

This machination is happening right now, right before your very eyes, right out in plain sight, but as the plain sight is so highly complex, very few of you seem to understand what's really going on.

Those of us who are one-eyed-jacks-in this land of the blind are terribly frustrated that so few of you D and R partisans seem to understand what's going on, believe me.

We are posed on the precipice of an econoimic meltdown and very few people seem to realize that.
you dont get to decide who speaks and what they have to say.

To Truthmatters: Show me one sentence, or even one phrase, in the OP where I suggest denying fools the Right to speak.

remember its YOU and your ILK who think that money equals better morals.

To Truthmatters: It does when it is compared to the morals of touchy-feely do-gooders. My favorite two quotes on the subject:

The highway to hell is paved with good intentions. Origin unknown

No good deed goes unpunished. Oscar Wilde

Bottom line: Do-gooders always assume telling everybody else to do good is the highway to heaven.

You seem to think that CEOs are natures chosen gods.

what makes them better than celebrities who make alot of money?

To Truthmatters: Please explain how you got that out of my OP.

The Masters are devising their own system for population control.

They're calling it market forces and in the longer run it will kill more people than war.

But first they must strip the US government of power by bankrupting it, and then they are going to cash the worldwide economy via dlution of the value of cash until basically capitalism can no longer function.

This machination is happening right now, right before your very eyes, right out in plain sight, but as the plain sight is so highly complex, very few of you seem to understand what's really going on.

Those of us who are one-eyed-jacks-in this land of the blind are terribly frustrated that so few of you D and R partisans seem to understand what's going on, believe me.

We are posed on the precipice of an econoimic meltdown and very few people seem to realize that.

To editec: Thanks to the Internet it’s a lot better than it used to be.

And I do hope you are not calling me a partisan Republican! No matter. I think we can agree on this:

"A society of sheep begets a government of wolves." -- Bertrand de Jouvenel


When the decrepit Twentieth Century dinosaurs of Marxism met their inglorious ends, it was left to the Progressives and Keynesians to soften the gaze of the collectives' Stalinist façade; and by jettisoning sound fiscal and monetary policy, a clever political elite could spend profligately while postponing the Day of Reckoning. That day is perhaps at hand for the West, and all we have to show for our labors is a gargantuan debt and an edifice of government institutionally entrenched in nearly every aspect of our lives. In retrospect, Jouvenel was prescient in that he foresaw redistribution as the velvet manacles that ushered in an irresistible state power -- but he left out one detail. We have not merely sold our own birthrights for boiled cabbage, but we have passed on this crushing debt to our sons and daughters as we have become profligates of the lowest order. And long after we are dead, should America survive so long, those same children will be tied to the burden we ourselves could not face on our own, having lived so lavishly at their expense.

January 30, 2013
The Lupine Socialist Dream
By Glenn Fairman

Articles: The Lupine Socialist Dream
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Good grief. Fools get so excited when one celebrity says something stupid they lose control of their bladders. They will probably drown in their own urine over this bunch:

Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton and Alec Baldwin have joined a number of environmental NGOs in a call for President Obama to ramp-up climate change action and shift the US to low carbon energy.

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama
Last updated on 12 February 2013, 2:52 pm

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama | RTCC - Responding to Climate Change
Good grief. Fools get so excited when one celebrity says something stupid they lose control of their bladders. They will probably drown in their own urine over this bunch:

Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton and Alec Baldwin have joined a number of environmental NGOs in a call for President Obama to ramp-up climate change action and shift the US to low carbon energy.

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama
Last updated on 12 February 2013, 2:52 pm

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama | RTCC - Responding to Climate Change

When one sees rw froot loops denigrating fact-based climate change information while idolizing freaks like poopy pants Nugent and quoting certifiable maniacs like Phyllis Schafly -

Well, it makes secession look like a viable option.

Ta-Ta, So Long and Buh-bye and have a nice "life".
Good grief. Fools get so excited when one celebrity says something stupid they lose control of their bladders. They will probably drown in their own urine over this bunch:

Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton and Alec Baldwin have joined a number of environmental NGOs in a call for President Obama to ramp-up climate change action and shift the US to low carbon energy.

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama
Last updated on 12 February 2013, 2:52 pm

Morgan Freeman leads Hollywood climate appeal to Obama | RTCC - Responding to Climate Change

When one sees rw froot loops denigrating fact-based climate change information while idolizing freaks like poopy pants Nugent and quoting certifiable maniacs like Phyllis Schafly -

Well, it makes secession look like a viable option.

Ta-Ta, So Long and Buh-bye and have a nice "life".

To Luddly Neddite: Everything Ms. Schlafly said about malaria and the ban on DDT is indisputable fact.

Everything Left-leaning celebrities and fools say about touchy-feely designer-science has been discredited so many times I’m amazed the media and tax dollar hustlers have the nerve to continue talking about it as though it is not a scam. I should not be all that surprised because parasites and crooks will always show up when there is a chance they can get free money.

To no one’s surprise the piece of garbage in the White House just threatened to impose the manmade global warming hustle on the country; so maybe it’s time for the rest of us to demand legislation that does something about liars in high places. Surely such liars are fact while the only fact connected to manmade global warming is that it is a stickup.

Basically, manmade global warming is an opinion the United Nations, tax dollar hustlers, and America-haters hope to turn into legislation in this country. They know they don’t stand a chance in China, India, Brazil, and so on. The force of American legislation would make the opinions of parasites and crooks compulsory in this country only.

Celebrities and fools might even believe they are saving the world, but giving the UN taxing authority over the America people is Hussein’s ultimate goal. I wonder what celebrities and fools will say when Hussein tries to ratify Al Gore’s Kyoto Protocol (United Nations Framework on Climate Change.) More to the point what will you say after the UN begins handing YOUR tax dollars to America’s enemies?

And let’s not forget the United Nations itself began as an opinion. More than any other opinion the need for a global government is the opinion that will abolish America’s sovereignty as soon as Democrats can figure out how to make environmental claptrap more compulsory than the UN’s EPA is doing.

Incidentally, Phyllis Schlafly is listed as one of the 100 most influential women in the 20th century. She should be accorded the honor in this century as well.

p.s. Ted Nugent was not mentioned by me in this thread. He was mentioned in the article I linked in this thread only:

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