Falling Skies: Should be on the "Lifetime Channel".


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
My girlfriend has been watching this religiously. That was the first indication. The second indication was the leads were all women. The killer one is that they mostly talk to other women about saving kids.

This is a chick flick series.


New rule:

1. Any movie or series where 2 chicks talk about their problems with men..or their kids..or PMS'ing..should carry a warning for men.
I'm watching this too. It's the Walking Dead with metal space monsters instead of zombies. TV always panders to women when it can, supposedly simply because more women than men watch tv and supposedly because women are more likely to make the purchasing decisions in a household.

If you missed it, try 'the Killing' on AMC in reruns if you can catch it from the start.
What network is it on?
I saw some previews and it looked interesting.
Meantime, are any of you watching 'True Blood', 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', did you see 'Game of Thrones', how about 'Spartacus' and there's a new one called 'Torchwood: Miracle Day'

Those are all excellent programming that come on HBO, Starz and/or Showtime.
What network is it on?
I saw some previews and it looked interesting.
Meantime, are any of you watching 'True Blood', 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', did you see 'Game of Thrones', how about 'Spartacus' and there's a new one called 'Torchwood: Miracle Day'

Those are all excellent programming that come on HBO, Starz and/or Showtime.

I saw one Game of Thrones, I don't waste money on HBO so I'll wait till the season's out. I saw Torchwood too that was interesting, to say the least.
What network is it on?
I saw some previews and it looked interesting.
Meantime, are any of you watching 'True Blood', 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', did you see 'Game of Thrones', how about 'Spartacus' and there's a new one called 'Torchwood: Miracle Day'

Those are all excellent programming that come on HBO, Starz and/or Showtime.

I saw one Game of Thrones, I don't waste money on HBO so I'll wait till the season's out. I saw Torchwood too that was interesting, to say the least.

Then there was Camelot, but I was too involved w/Thrones to fully get into Camelot.

Thrones is the shat!

Plus I think that Lena Headley chick from Terminator series is HAWT!
Meantime, are any of you watching 'True Blood', 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', did you see 'Game of Thrones', how about 'Spartacus' and there's a new one called 'Torchwood: Miracle Day'

‘Curb’ is excellent, of course – Seinfeld for adults.

I’m sorta kinda hooked on Torchwood, but the jury’s still out.
My girlfriend has been watching this religiously. That was the first indication. The second indication was the leads were all women. The killer one is that they mostly talk to other women about saving kids.

This is a chick flick series.


New rule:

1. Any movie or series where 2 chicks talk about their problems with men..or their kids..or PMS'ing..should carry a warning for men.

I know this is from a while back so hard to hold you to it, but this show did start out good. However, it jumped the shark and is unwatchable. I thought they had a good storyline with the Volm coming in and taking on the Ashini. Then they start this season and the Volm is gone and the trap the humans in camps. I thought that was poor turn of events, but doable. Then the NAZI like youth camps were stupid. They have mind control devices that give the kids near super-powers, so why they fuck do they need these camps. Everything pretty much sucked, but what made the show jump the shark was the alien super-powered child. Why did they go there? First the stupidity started with the hippie like safe area and then spawned to the magic girl as the god that saves humanity.

Dumb as can be!
My girlfriend has been watching this religiously. That was the first indication. The second indication was the leads were all women. The killer one is that they mostly talk to other women about saving kids.

This is a chick flick series.


New rule:

1. Any movie or series where 2 chicks talk about their problems with men..or their kids..or PMS'ing..should carry a warning for men.

I know this is from a while back so hard to hold you to it, but this show did start out good. However, it jumped the shark and is unwatchable. I thought they had a good storyline with the Volm coming in and taking on the Ashini. Then they start this season and the Volm is gone and the trap the humans in camps. I thought that was poor turn of events, but doable. Then the NAZI like youth camps were stupid. They have mind control devices that give the kids near super-powers, so why they fuck do they need these camps. Everything pretty much sucked, but what made the show jump the shark was the alien super-powered child. Why did they go there? First the stupidity started with the hippie like safe area and then spawned to the magic girl as the god that saves humanity.

Dumb as can be!

My girlfriend finally couldn't take it any more. Thankfully she didn't watch it that much longer.

However? She did go for "True Blood". Which was another freakin soap opera. But it ended.

Which I am good with.. :lol:
I think I watched a scant few epi's of Falling Skies but it was dumb so I stopped. I thought the chick flick channel was Lifetime? Nothing but tear jerkers and romance crap. Blech.

Game of Thrones rocks. Which is why I kept HBO.
I am actually enjoying the show and the various twists and turns.

And, what female leads are dominating?

Most are in supporting roles.
I'll stick to the vikings season three when it starts

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