Fake News Rap Sheet: Last Week the MSM Was Caught Telling FORTY Lies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This piece details 37 thru 40 but links to the previous 36. Very detailed so that even the biggest Leftist critics will have a hard time downplaying them – unless, of course, they refuse to follow the links and actually READ the information.

You will see one change in this week's list, with respect to the count. Rather than start the count over every week, this ongoing diary of Fake News will now use a cumulative number, an ongoing count. Put simply, last week's list contained 24 pieces of Fake News. The week prior was 12. That is a total of 36, so this week we will start with number 37.

This is not meant to be a gimmick. Rather, it is a way to more accurately understand and comprehend the breathtaking scope of the national media's rabid dishonesty.

The media told FORTY lies last week, for a total of SEVENTY-SEVEN separate incidents of Fake News in just three weeks.

Read more @ Fake News Rap Sheet: Last Week the MSM Was Caught Telling FORTY Lies

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