Fake News Libturd Style

What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.

I think you are about 20 fries short of a happy meal there Mr Short Bus

Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?

We know liberals were hacked,but what does that have to do with voting?
Nothing. It is the clam of foul they are using because they cannot accept a defeat at the voting place
Putin, Comey, and 25 years 25 years of fake news about the Clintons won the election. A disgrace.
Only RW dupes think Dems expect a hack of the election, but after all that and Trump's rig talk, the recounts and investigations are a good idea, dupe.
Fake news is that queens best play! Good thing she was shot at right? How about the video for Benghazi? Dude, she's queen of fake news . Where are all the trump women victims? Where'd they go?
Never said she was shot at, dupe- Said she was ''under sniper fire", just like the security briefing on the plane that scared the hell out of everyone....And it was the video, dupe, just like with all the other attacks and protests at the time. Cowardly media strikes again...
Hey asshole. What's the difference between under sniper fire and being shot at?
The video theory jhas been debunked. All evidence of the Benghazi attack and slaughter points to a premeditated planned attack.
SSTFU......In fact, go get caught in the screws of that boat in your avatar.
Oh, one other thing. You libs are so OVER. You no longer have a say. You no longer get to control the conversation. 8 years of your lefty bullshit is enough. Step aside. Or get knocked on your whiny bitching complaining asses.
One is security parlance and one is GOP BS.

Not debunked at all, dupe. And it can be the video AND planned DUHHHHHHH. BRAINWASHED.
I think you are about 20 fries short of a happy meal there Mr Short Bus

20 Fries short?

Yeah right.

The only thing that comes in that box is a fruit.


Plus you risk Listeria.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Democrat voters are contented in their ignorance....
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Democrat voters are contented in their ignorance....

Sheep will never mind.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Democrat voters are contented in their ignorance....

Sheep will never mind.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?

We know liberals were hacked,but what does that have to do with voting?
Nothing. It is the clam of foul they are using because they cannot accept a defeat at the voting place
Let me make a slight correction. It is the propaganda of the left wing media that is telling these numbed out mindless squishpots to cry foul. They do and they believe whatever is hyped by the MSM and Hollywood.

They then use their twisted logic to deal with their severe collective cognitive dissonance.

The scary thing is these possessed losers make sense to each other.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Only YOUR propaganda machine says Dems believe voting machines were hacked. With Putin and Trump ("RIGGED!!") around, who knows tho...
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Of course, they can't back it up. We're supposed to believe a secret investigation in which the results were only shared with a few in the lib media. And since hacking is impossible, they won't discuss it until they create some more lies. Maybe Russian spies were working the polls. This is purely a scam to counter the real cheating on Hillary's behalf. As soon as they discovered evidence of cheating in Michigan, the spin machine immediately started looking for something else to report to divert attention.

Libs are used to feeding propaganda to the sheep, who never question anything. And don't expect answers to logical questions because none of this is based on logic or common sense. They want sensational headlines to rile their base and this ought to do it. Most can think about it for a moment and realize that this is tabloid stuff. It reeks of desperation.
Funny how your "news" is only in the US and only on media owned by Murdoch. Adelson, Moonies, Mercer etc- so dumb...
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?

We know liberals were hacked,but what does that have to do with voting?
Nothing. It is the clam of foul they are using because they cannot accept a defeat at the voting place
Let me make a slight correction. It is the propaganda of the left wing media that is telling these numbed out mindless squishpots to cry foul. They do and they believe whatever is hyped by the MSM and Hollywood.

They then use their twisted logic to deal with their severe collective cognitive dissonance.

The scary thing is these possessed losers make sense to each other.
It's called the WORLD'S real news and intelligence, dupe. D'OH!! Hollywood? LOL
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The scary thing is these possessed losers make sense to each other.

That's why I use the term "Weapons Grade Stupid" when referencing them.

They literally are a danger to society if not secured by rational law abiding adults. They're the sort of turd who gets wrapped up in a cult, runs off to some commune, and then other people end up being killed trying to rescue them.

See: Peoples Temple - Wikipedia

Or the sort of turd who is consumed with envy and hate and ends up shooting at cops because of their "white privilege".

I'm not sure how we can neutralize the danger. It's not like we can just yank a fuse out or disable a trigger. These assholes have allowed themselves to be programmed with hidden triggers that make no fucking sense.

The only solution I can see is to ridicule and marginalize them at every turn. They need to be too embarrassed to show their faces in public, rather than emboldened enough to walk up to complete strangers and berate them for innocuous acts that "trigger" hypersensitive parasites.

Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

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Fake news stories and fake narratives put out by the mainstream media have resulted in deaths, destruction and people’s lives being ruined.


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