Fake news implodes a year of Don Trump Jr phone contact speculation ends with irrelevant nothingburg


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The sound of sad trombones echos through the halls of media networks today as a year of speculation, surrounding contacts between Don Trump Jr. and ‘blocked phone records’ before and after the oft-emphasized Trump Tower meeting, ends with congress identifying two long-time Trump friends and a major nothing-burger.
Fake News Implodes – A Year of Don Trump Jr. Phone Contact Speculation Ends With Irrelevant Nothingburger…

Fake news is true news to the sheep. Why do you think they are such clueless rejects of society.

#infowars thanks for providing this information how sad is it when a nation of idiots can accept the exact same news saying the exact same things as another source. But when your an idiot most don't have the intelligence to figure that end of information out.
Fake news is true news to the sheep. Why do you think they are such clueless rejects of society.

Another great promised GOTCHA by the Left against the Trumps implodes and crumbles to DUST. Again.
You are quite right, MW, fake news IS the only news that matters to the Sheeptards---- as they have admitted, facts do not matter, only FEELINGS do!

Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 11.00.26 AM.jpg

The Democratic Party, a shelter and home for all of the feckless, mentally and emotionally disturbed failed trash of our society.
The sound of sad trombones echos through the halls of media networks today as a year of speculation, surrounding contacts between Don Trump Jr. and ‘blocked phone records’ before and after the oft-emphasized Trump Tower meeting, ends with congress identifying two long-time Trump friends and a major nothing-burger.
Fake News Implodes – A Year of Don Trump Jr. Phone Contact Speculation Ends With Irrelevant Nothingburger…

Fake news is true news to the sheep. Why do you think they are such clueless rejects of society.

#infowars thanks for providing this information how sad is it when a nation of idiots can accept the exact same news saying the exact same things as another source. But when your an idiot most don't have the intelligence to figure that end of information out.

Not at all, I'm sure Trump knew of every meeting in Trump tower going on. After all, he knows everything. LOL.
Trump Jr is going to get caught for lying.
The sound of sad trombones echos through the halls of media networks today as a year of speculation, surrounding contacts between Don Trump Jr. and ‘blocked phone records’ before and after the oft-emphasized Trump Tower meeting, ends with congress identifying two long-time Trump friends and a major nothing-burger.
Fake News Implodes – A Year of Don Trump Jr. Phone Contact Speculation Ends With Irrelevant Nothingburger…

Fake news is true news to the sheep. Why do you think they are such clueless rejects of society.

#infowars thanks for providing this information how sad is it when a nation of idiots can accept the exact same news saying the exact same things as another source. But when your an idiot most don't have the intelligence to figure that end of information out.

Not at all, I'm sure Trump knew of every meeting in Trump tower going on. After all, he knows everything.

So in other words, Trump knows everything when THAT suits your agenda, the rest of the time, he is a fricking clueless idiot who knows NOTHING!

Got it.
The sound of sad trombones echos through the halls of media networks today as a year of speculation, surrounding contacts between Don Trump Jr. and ‘blocked phone records’ before and after the oft-emphasized Trump Tower meeting, ends with congress identifying two long-time Trump friends and a major nothing-burger.
Fake News Implodes – A Year of Don Trump Jr. Phone Contact Speculation Ends With Irrelevant Nothingburger…

Fake news is true news to the sheep. Why do you think they are such clueless rejects of society.

#infowars thanks for providing this information how sad is it when a nation of idiots can accept the exact same news saying the exact same things as another source. But when your an idiot most don't have the intelligence to figure that end of information out.

Not at all, I'm sure Trump knew of every meeting in Trump tower going on. After all, he knows everything. LOL.
Trump Jr is going to get caught for lying.
Yeah, right.

Cheeto was in cahoots with Wikileaks, to get dirt on Hildabeest...But then he had to collude with the Russians, to get the dirt from Wikileaks that he already had!

Do you nose-picking morons ever listen to yourselves?
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