Fake fast-food "strikes" really a front for SEIU union

Have you seen the price of Nike shoes? That's not too far off. And considering the company's documented problem using slave child labor, I'd say you might want to choose another industry to make your point that markets should dictate wages.

Of course no one has a gun to the heads of the plutocratic crowd making them pay terrible wages with no benefits. And Labor, where else are they going to go? Used to be that government protected the rights of the worker. But that's pretty much dead. Just like the US's manufacturing base. You see organized collective bargaining is much much more effective than every man for himself.

The 'go it alone' strategy in contract negotiations works like shit b/c the monied elites hold all the bargaining chips. With labor, there is only strength in numbers.

Standing alone, labor is dead in the water. And people like you happily refer to these people with lives performing necessary work as a commodity.

And not to put to fine a point on it but Labor is oranized at a 6 or 7 percent clip in private industry. Apparently that's far too much for the proponents of the monied elite.

The monied elites?

Whatever... at the end of the day, if there was a shortage of fast-food workers and a high demand, the price would go up. Unfortunately, there' an endless supply of people only qualified to press pictures on a cash register.. hence the low wage.

Go get an engineering degree.. I hear that pays real well.


Scab labor needs to be interviewed, have background checks and be trained. All of which takes time and money. Then, the scab labor will make the same demands as those employed in FF today.

Take a class in creative thinking. I hear it prevents being looked upon as an ignoramus.

Why would they make the same demands, having seen what happens when you make them?
Additionally, has there been some groundswell of fast food workers, who typically turn over faster than any other industry, clamoring for higher pay that we've all missed?
Or is this some shill astro turf organized by ObamaforAmerica to take attention away from his failed Obamacare policy and his failed Iran policy as well as his failed China policy?
The same people demanding higher wages for fast food workers are the same people demanding the ban of the Big Mac and the Super Size sodas and fries. Something's got to give, people.
"Fast-food workers, and workers in the food service industry more generally, are among the most exploited in the country, receiving miserable pay and few, if any, benefits.

"Though still relatively limited in scope, this was reportedly the largest fast-food workers strike since the start of the campaign for higher wages in November 2012.

"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the typical food preparation worker makes $9.18 per hour, or $19,100 a year—assuming they are able to find full-time work.

"Many, however, are paid only the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

"In either case, the amount falls below the poverty limit for a family of three.

"Many workers attempting to support a family are forced to work 50, 60 or even 70 hours per week at multiple jobs in order to get by.

"Meanwhile, many of the executives in the $200 billion dollar fast-food industry make more in a single day than their workers do in an entire year.

"David Novak, CEO of Yum! Brands, a Fortune 500 company that owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains, received $29.4 million in compensation in 2012—which translates to an 'hourly wage' of $14,134, roughly 2,000 times the federal minimum wage..."

"According to Time magazine, while profit margins for privately held fast-food companies have more than doubled since 2009, from 2.1 percent to 4.6 percent, the percentage of revenue spent on payroll has decreased, from 23.5 percent to 22.9 percent.

"Although fast-food jobs and other service industry jobs have increasingly replaced those in the manufacturing sector over the last several decades, the trend has grown dramatically since the onset of the recession in 2007-2008.

"Close to 60 percent of jobs added during the so-called economic recovery have been low-paying service industry positions; most of those have been part-time."

Fast-food workers mount protests across the US - World Socialist Web Site
That's another thing. Cities are not going bankrupt b/c of pension plans. Pension plans worked pretty damn well for decades and decades and decades. So what went wrong? Politicians stole the money earmarked for pensions and used it for tax cuts and pet projects leaving the trust funds underfunded (illegally). Second, the boys on Wall street destroyed the underlying investments with their exotic REIT based investments. Pension plans have minimum funding requirements that must be met each year. Without the proper investment revenue, the shortfall, as a matter of law, has to be make up with more contributions.

But not for the right wingers. LET'S BLAME UNION PENSIONS for the economic downturn!!! Have you people so internalized the propaganda of your monied elites that you accept all the BS at face value?

Think for one second. These elites ship jobs to foreign lands. Why? More money in their pockets. These elites crush unions. Why? More money in their pockets. You right wing rank and file workers support these guys and hate unions. Why? B/c you know better. Some horseshit about free markets and 'finding a new job if you don't like the old one.' No respect for Labor at all. Talk about self-loathing.

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