"Fake 'Facts' Were Presented to the Supreme Court" in web design case

Nothing...unless you're a black person and you're hungry. But then again...this is what the GOP has become; a group of bigots who see no problem with racism.
Incorrect. Conservatives and the GOP are the only current political forces fighting racism, having just successfully put a dent in judging people only by their skin color (aka racism) when being considered for college admissions. History will celebrate this victory against racism. It’s you, democrats, and leftists who appear to not be able to let racism go, as it’s drenched your history. Perhaps one day you’ll progress. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later. It’s not that hard, just treat people equally based on character and merit. You could probably do it if you stepped outside the leftist bubble, which says such racism is justified vengeance and a good thing. What a poisonous doctrine that is that you’re tied to
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Incorrect. Conservatives and the GOP are the only current political forces fighting racism, having just successfully put a dent in judging people only by their skin color (aka racism) when being considered for college admissions. History will celebrate this victory against racism. It’s you, democrats, and leftists who appear to not be able to let racism go, as it’s drenched your history. Perhaps one day you’ll progress. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later. It’s not that hard, just treat people equally based on character and merit. You could probably do it if you stepped outside the leftist bubble, which says such racism is justified vengeance and a good thing. What a poisonous doctrine that is that you’re tied to
Its cute that you really do believe the bullshit you just spewed.
Moral context? LOL. SCOTUS just legalized discrimination.

And of course, everyone who must bow to what the "mainstream" wants. right?

Someone will invent a religion based on excluding someone based on skin color and if the court uses previous rulings as precedent, they will have to honor that religion's preferences.

SCOTUS just said free exercise has to be taken into account when it comes to contracted creative services.

They have to compromise with what people want, when what they want is constitutionally protected.

Then those people will suffer the consequences via the market, and they STILL won't be able to break PA laws when applied to actual PA's, just like now after this ruling.

What is with you people and forcing your moral on other via government action?
Its cute that you really do believe the bullshit you just spewed.
It’s unfortunate you support a literally racist position, and call those who oppose racism as spewing “bullshit”. Did Civil rights leaders spew bullshit??

You can’t deny that race quotas punish people due to the color of their skin. They observationally and provably do. Case closed. You and the Democrats actually support that, AGAIN (Jim crow used the same logic).

When will you join the good guys and oppose racist policies? You’re so politically polarized you’ll support horrible things just to oppose the people you hate? It has to be that, unless you are really a genuine racist. I hope it’s just the leftist peer pressure
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SCOTUS just said free exercise has to be taken into account when it comes to contracted creative services.

They have to compromise with what people want, when what they want is constitutionally protected.

Then those people will suffer the consequences via the market, and they STILL won't be able to break PA laws when applied to actual PA's, just like now after this ruling.

What is with you people and forcing your moral on other via government action?
We're nuts about fairness. Sorry. You may as well say you were against Brown overturning Plessy if you're this ignorant about the latent racism in this nation vis-a-vis the affirmative action ruling.
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It’s unfortunate you support a literally racist position, and call those who oppose racism as spewing “bullshit”. Did Civil rights leaders spew bullshit??

You can’t deny that race quotas punish people due to the color of their skin. They observationally and provably do. Case closed. You and the Democrats actually support that, AGAIN (Jim crow used the same logic).

When will you join the good guys and oppose racist policies? You’re so politically polarized you’ll support horrible things just to oppose the people you hate? It has to be that, unless you are really a genuine racist. I hope it’s just the leftist peer pressure
Nobody cares.

So do you think the ruling made by the Supreme Court about affirmative action will result in more or fewer blacks getting admitted to universities?

This is the point where you pretend to think there will be no impact.
Nobody cares.

So do you think the ruling made by the Supreme Court about affirmative action will result in more or fewer blacks getting admitted to universities?

This is the point where you pretend to think there will be no impact.

Ha, the real question is, do YOU think the ruling made by the Supreme Court about affirmative action will result in more or fewer blacks getting admitted to universities?
So do you think the ruling made by the Supreme Court about affirmative action will result in more or fewer blacks getting admitted to universities?
1. Dang, you still can’t think outside of a racist perspective. Colleges should take the most qualified candidate, regardless of their race. That’s the beauty of America, it traditionally aims to be a meritocracy. You want to change that by looking at skin color to dictate things, but that’s just Jim Crow all over again, and it’s fitting since you’re a a democrat.

2. Do you think less blacks would get in? Why? Are they incapable without super-democrats to lower standards for them? Conservatism believes blacks can achieve what others can, you seem to think they are inferior and need help. Jim Crow thought of them as inferior as well.
1. Dang, you still can’t think outside of a racist perspective. Colleges should take the most qualified candidate, regardless of their race. That’s the beauty of America, it traditionally aims to be a meritocracy. You want to change that by looking at skin color to dictate things, but that’s just Jim Crow all over again, and it’s fitting since you’re a a democrat.
So legacy admissions should be disallowed?
2. Do you think less blacks would get in? Why? Are they incapable without super-democrats to lower standards for them? Conservatism believes blacks can achieve what others can, you seem to think they are inferior and need help. Jim Crow thought of them as inferior as well.
Inner city schools are--where black folks live and send their kids, on average, are in much worse shape than the schools out in the suburbs that have water polo teams, golf, etc...

Of course you'll now deny this disparity too. Why? Because you're a conservative and physically incapable of telling the truth.
So legacy admissions should be disallowed?

Inner city schools are--where black folks live and send their kids, on average, are in much worse shape than the schools out in the suburbs that have water polo teams, golf, etc...
1. Water polo and golf sound more like prep school stuff. Is that what you meant? Because those are expensive, a class issue, not a race issue. (And it’s not really an “issue”, there are wealthy families, which is good for society because they invest and take risks to push technology)

2. We of course know that throwing money at education doesn’t equate to increased performance. It’s the culture, family structure, and Value system. It would be shocking if you were oblivious to this.

3. Why do you think inner city blacks are in such bad shape by multiple statistical measures? As far as I know based on data, the problem stems from this specific segment of the population having high rates of single parent homes, low graduation rates, and high levels of having children out of wedlock. If you get your high school diploma, don’t have a child, and have a full time job.. the race differences don’t exist and you’ll be set up going forward after high school. There’s just major differences in cultural actions. Do you deny these statistics? Why do you think families don’t stay together? Why is the violent crime rate higher? Why do they drop out of school at such high rates?

4. There are a majority of other races in inner cities and everywhere struggling, in poverty, etc. They are all in it together. You don’t even acknowledge anyone who isn’t black.. it’s as if you are branding black people as those that are poor. Only a racist would talk about blacks as nothing but hopeless, poor, incapable, inferior victims as you’re doing now with crippling soft bigotry of low expectations. We conservatives think as individuals they are just as strong as anyone else.
Of course you'll now deny this disparity too. Why? Because you're a conservative and physically incapable of telling the truth.
Nobody denied anything, but cultures act differently. Look at Asians, they have a culture that promotes things that leads to economic and scholastic success. Some cultures have better characteristics than others in regards to family, discipline, etc.. Asians certainly lead the way in that, and all cultures can Probably learn a thing or two by adopting or emulating some of these. We’re not all walking around behaving the same with the same values and norms, or do you think we are?
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We're nuts about fairness. Sorry. You may as well say you were against Brown overturning Plessy if you're this ignorant about the latent racism in this nation vis-a-vis the affirmative action ruling.

What's fair about ruining a baker over a single cake or a website designer over a single type of website? Both services which are easily avail bile from somewhere else.

Plessey and affirmative action have the same basis, race over anything else.
1. Water polo and golf sound more like prep school stuff. Is that what you meant? Because those are expensive, a class issue, not a race issue. (And it’s not really an “issue”, there are wealthy families, which is good for society because they invest and take risks to push technology)

Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten your thesis (probably because you pulled it out of thin air). You didn't mention the children at the school.
2. We of course know that throwing money at education doesn’t equate to increased performance. It’s the culture, family structure, and Value system. It would be shocking if you were oblivious to this.
And you're making the argument now that the family structure of the entitled suburbs is the same as the inner city? More fiction.
3. Why do you think inner city blacks are in such bad shape
Thanks for making the case for affirmative action.
4. There are a majority of other races in inner cities and everywhere struggling, in poverty, etc. They are all in it together. You don’t even acknowledge anyone who isn’t black.. it’s as if you are branding black people as those that are poor. Only a racist would talk about blacks as nothing but hopeless, poor, incapable, inferior victims as you’re doing now with crippling soft bigotry of low expectations. We conservatives think as individuals they are just as strong as anyone else.

Nobody denied anything, but cultures act differently. Look at Asians, they have a culture that promotes things that leads to economic and scholastic success. Some cultures have better characteristics than others in regards to family, discipline, etc.. Asians certainly lead the way in that, and all cultures can Probably learn a thing or two by adopting or emulating some of these. We’re not all walking around behaving the same with the same values and norms, or do you think we are?
This portion of your otherwise hilarious rant is actually true. AA should be for any non-anglo race; not just African Americans.
So you were against Brown v. Board of Education too?

I wasn't around for it, but I was for the opinion once I was old enough to understand it.

In education separate could never be equal. This isn't government education we are discussing now, nor is it something that can't be easily replicated by someone else.

Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten your thesis (probably because you pulled it out of thin air). You didn't mention the children at the school.
What about ‘em?
And you're making the argument now that the family structure of the entitled suburbs is the same as the inner city? More fiction.
No, by statistics they are different. That’s my point.

If one group has significantly more single parent homes, or increased violent crime rate/glorification, or has an in-culture of demonizing academic success.. they will achieve less and have worse outcomes over time. You oddly don’t understand that these differences don’t have consequences in results. You need to take a statistics class so you know how this all plays out.

The results have nothing to do with because of a persons skin color, it’s because that races culture provides situations at higher rates that lead to failures for future generations. It’s straight numbers and logic, this is to be expected.
Thanks for making the case for affirmative action.
Different groups with different values/norms will (and should) produce Unequal results. Your claim that they don’t is not a reasoned, possible argument, There’s no issue here.
This portion of your otherwise hilarious rant is actually true. AA should be for any non-anglo race; not just African Americans.
Asians? They are being persecuted against by Harvard and other schools. These schools are lowering standards for blacks, how degrading. We should treat them equally, they aren’t stupid and don’t need your insulting pandering. They aren’t inferior, which is your (and the democrats) position
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