"Fake 'Facts' Were Presented to the Supreme Court" in web design case

Meanwhile back in reality the entire "case" of the website designer was based on a theoretical question; not on an actual court case. The Supreme Court--back when it was legitimate--would seldom if ever take up cases that were based on, "Suppose X happened...." That is what we have now.
So, you're saying that if this lady had started her website business and refused service to gays, no gays would have ever sued her?
Meanwhile back in reality the entire "case" of the website designer was based on a theoretical question; not on an actual court case. The Supreme Court--back when it was legitimate--would seldom if ever take up cases that were based on, "Suppose X happened...." That is what we have now.
Reality is the SCOTUS's decision.
So, you're saying that if this lady had started her website business and refused service to gays, no gays would have ever sued her?
No gays DID though. In fact the person she claimed had done that wasn’t gay and had not asked for her services so…
Meanwhile back in reality the entire "case" of the website designer was based on a theoretical question; not on an actual court case. The Supreme Court--back when it was legitimate--would seldom if ever take up cases that were based on, "Suppose X happened...." That is what we have now.
i’m it was an actual court case
No gays DID though. In fact the person she claimed had done that wasn’t gay and had not asked for her services so…
She and many others wanted to find out ahead of time if she was going to be sued or not. If she was going to be sued, then she would not do the business. It would be stupid to open your business and then find out after the fact that someone is suing you for millions of dollars.
She and many others wanted to find out ahead of time if she was going to be sued or not. If she was going to be sued, then she would not do the business. It would be stupid to open your business and then find out after the fact that someone is suing you for millions of dollars.
She ficking lied and the Court does not “normally” take hypothetical cases.. until this court
She ficking lied and the Court does not “normally” take hypothetical cases.. until this court
It is irrelevant. The court made a decision on something that would have absolutely, definitely, no doubt about it, would have come up. You can't post here with a straight face and say this woman would have never been sued by gays wanting her to design a gay wedding website. Of course they would have.
Meanwhile back in reality the entire "case" of the website designer was based on a theoretical question; not on an actual court case. The Supreme Court--back when it was legitimate--would seldom if ever take up cases that were based on, "Suppose X happened...." That is what we have now.

What theoretical?

1. Designer wanted to expand business to designing wedding sites.
2. Designer asked Colorado Civil Rights Board if they did wedding sites, do they have to do SSM wedding sites?
3. Board said yes
4. Designer said I don't want to do those, but I want to do traditional wedding sites, so I am going to sue to make you not able to fine/ruin me if I deny a SSM wedding site request.
She ficking lied and the Court does not “normally” take hypothetical cases.. until this court
So did the district court the state court of appeals, the state supreme court the US appellate court. The dissenting opinion did not even mention whether the case was legit or not, so apparently your opinion wasn't worth mentioning by the three judges.

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