Fake conservatism

For the stupid at heart

Allen and Abraham assert that the modern political and economic systems in most developed nations are the result of a sweeping conspiracy by the Establishment’s power elite, for which he also uses the term Insiders. These Insiders use elements of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to forward their socialist/communist agenda:

  • Establish an income tax system as a means of extorting money from the common man;
  • Establish a central bank, deceptively named so that people will think it is part of the government;
  • Have this bank be the holder of the national debt;
  • Run the national debt, and the interest thereon, sky high through wars (or any sort of deficit spending), starting with World War I.

Another writer, Antony Sutton, wrote a series of books in the early 1980’s exposing the infrastructure of the New World Order including his most important work, America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones.

Learn history dumbass maybe you won't stay an ANTIFA idiot indoctrinated by the BILL AYRES SYSTEM

So we will keep posting pictures for you as well since you all need mamma's basement, coloring books and safe spaces.



  • They are monopolistic and authoritarian in their every move.
  • They are anti-human. They are robber barons who have codified their dictatorial activities into a cosmology and world view system known as eugenics. Under modern names, it is known as transhumanism.
  • They are pushing a world soviet run by private interests. It is not the communism you have been taught about; is not the true communism. It is a corporate fascism on top, directing a compartmentalized soviet communitarian model on the bottom. Two different systems.
  • It is government for and by inbred scientific technocrats who openly, in all their publications, are announcing a planetary world government to shut off resources incrementally until you are disarmed and poor and have no way to resist. Then, from their high tech armored fortresses and underground bunkers will launch drone and robot delivered bio and chemical attacks reducing the world population by up to 99%.
  • They have openly announced they have established world government over the entire planet. They are mopping up a few isolated areas to bring them into their globalist control.
    • They have backroom deals with China and has pretty much absorbed the communist model there. Russia is a dictatorial authoritarian system, but compared to the anglo-America variety, is not yet eugenics based at this time. The globalists are still contending with them, infiltrating their country, openly trying to overthrow it publicly.
  • They are overthrowing the family.
  • They are overthrowing any religious system because the state has to be god, and has to be replaced with that.
  • They are rewriting the genetic code of humanity and almost every other major species of plant and animal.
  • They are destroying the gut flora, so they can come sell us new gut flora making us totally dependant on them – those that are even allowed to live in the next phase before mass extermination.
Poor Obama.
President for 8 years, dindo nuffin.
45's been at it for almost a full year now.

What has he taken responsibility for?

Decent sized tax cut. Rollback of some regulations.

Trillions of liberal tears.
You do realize that will once again result in more debt? I brought you pictures yet you fake conservatives choose to remain in your imaginary world.

You do realize that will once again result in more debt?

I want to cut federal spending by 30%.....to start.
cons can't read so I brought pictures of reality
cons are always telling us they hate welfare. Here is the real nanny state


cons are always telling us that a rising tide lifts all boats. Note the date the smaller boats start to sink


Can't read? I guess that leaves out everyone on this board.
Poor Obama.
President for 8 years, dindo nuffin.
45's been at it for almost a full year now.

What has he taken responsibility for?

Decent sized tax cut. Rollback of some regulations.

Trillions of liberal tears.
You do realize that will once again result in more debt? I brought you pictures yet you fake conservatives choose to remain in your imaginary world.

You do realize that will once again result in more debt?

I want to cut federal spending by 30%.....to start.
teabaggee spending cuts

more proof of fake conservatives
191 republicans and 65 democrats voted to violate the 4th amendment of the constitution and allow warrantless search and seizure of American communications.

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