Failing At Humanity With The Minimum Wage & Money Changers Math!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Generally, State of Washington--like others--indexes the Minimum Wage in the same more or less flawed manner of the ancient math of the money-changers--raising incomes a fixed percentage. The only income raised in the newer version is the Minimum Wage. The ancient flaw remains unaddressed. The Money-Changers Math is not allowed to be discussed in schools. The rich get richer. The poor do not get enough. Adam Smith and Karl Marx neither raised or disussed the ancient problem at all. The matter apparently never even gets discussed in Seattle(?)!

Campaign Seeks to Push Seattle Minimum Wage to $15 - ABC News


Supposing a secular name, then Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "O'Christ," offered the planet at least a reasoning basis to develop a concept of humanity. The Law of Moses was flawed, not iron-clad, but an early guide for community participation. The basis Creation Myth started with sex--once humans could be thought consciously, capable of humanity. That would have to happen away from primorial Eden. Kinship rules were set, allegedly, in stone, subsequent the flight from Egypt--like being cast of Eden. The ancient ways had to be re-determined, even then(?)!

Case in point. The more ancient Code of Hammurabi treated wife and child as property, even able to be sold into slavery for settlement of debts. The term of enslavement was a maximum of three years, with freedom requiring no return to the original male parent. The more modern Code of Moses treated wife and child as a relationship, not even allowed to kill one another. A destruction allowed of a property relationship was not permitted as a basis of a human community relationship. Then that would become a basis of the famous, "Golden Rule," of doing unto others. The Greeks would apply a different Golden standard, of basis in reason. The Greeks would look for a "Golden Mean," or average-like concept.

Human relationships ultimately became more economic based, and using arithmetic. Way more ancient than the Code of Moses, or the Code of Hammurabi, was the flawed arithmetic of the Money Changers. The rich got richer, the poor never got enough. Any sense of human community disappeared. The recent foreclosure crisis is found in Matthew 25:14-30. The Obama-Biden Make Work Pay refundable tax credit math basis is found in Matthew 20:1-16. In the Matthew 20 math, the lower income market participates. In the other, the lower income market is cast out. The arithmetic is stacked against that market, and ultimately against any sense of community. Adam Smith would specifically not address that. Karl Mark would not specificaly address that.

Reasoning flaws are like that. Generally, even the Ivy League, or English universities, look more to a planet with basis in Matthew 25:14-30. No community of humanity can possibly exist. Next case in point would be the famous determination of US Republicans to get rid of the Obama-Biden Refundable Tax Credit, in the famous ASAP. The next move would be to run a Mormon for the White House. The Next move would be to punish networks for airing docu-dramas about former occupants of the White House(?)! Nixon would be exempted.

The sense of humanity missing in history is still easily said to be missing, if at least making it into the laws of economics, in the USA.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!"
(Many Great Warriors go to seek Great Spirit with gift of substance--not of bird-marks-on-tree-mash, of value to governing-entranced kind of White Eyes, even now! Hmmmm!)

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Anyone ignorant. . . .well, of. . .fixed percentage computing will do well to click the link. There are sentences, "the 20% interest rate for silver was set for 1000 years." That is a fairly stable fixed-percentage rate computing basis. The link offers a succinct description of what can be found in yet other links.

Mark Hannam - essays

So the oft-noted barley lending rates of Mesopotamia were generally 33 percent, the rates for silver were generally 20 percent. Sumerians were generally a clay-writing people. "Currency" would be descriptions of the original, bundled, commodities: At the very start of any such concept of humans doing trades with one another. Rich houses far more recently would appreciate the value of bundling worthless crap with other paper--unlike in the more ancient start-up times. Now in the modern world, there are really bundles, likely never to be seen again, ever on the planet! That is the law! Those are the codes.

Then when it gets into the matter of regulation, then politics happens. Rules happen. Unrelated, but as an example: Eventually a burial ritual would itself become a sports spectacular--gladiators set to gore, maim, and kill one another in arenas. The slave of Hammurabi "evolved" into the property of the promoters. So then in Israel again, the "Love One Another," kind of concept gets advanced--in opposition to the actual codes then becoming more normal, worldwide. People then have a basis for creating a "faith" in a life-story recorded, and allegedly foretold, in even other writing. Magic then even gets attributed to the writing, as though it were even "right," as opposed to "wrong." Herein, that would not be said the message of that life-story.

Fixed percentage basis math is not a subject in economics, anywhere, even now!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(From bird-feet marks in clay to bird-feet marks on tree-mash--White Eyes make no sense in real humanity-based civilization, of many substance forms. When rich man really loaded. . . .rich man could really care a whole lot less!)
The ancient problem is about as old as supply and demand, which already explains the minimum wage problem.

It would probably be better if colleges and universities required all students to learn how this works before graduating. At least the way Karl Marx understood it.
So a link addresses several issues at once:

Peak Energy: Adam Smith On Usury

1. The sub-prime mortgage crisis was usury-based.
2. The poor never have enough to pay the usury, hence collapse occurs.
3. Neither Karl Marx nor Adam Smith ever made comment on the ancient computing problem.
4. Even the alledged anarchist supporter, Noam Chomsky--himself not an anarchist--ever made comment on the ancient computing problem.
5. Libertarians and Anarchists alike make no comment on the ancient computing problem.
6. That proably does in the Rand Paul candidacy, or another Ron Paul candidacy, for President.
7. That is probably not so since the Republicans generally--seem to have no clue about what they are polling, or what they are saying, or what they are doing. "Default" is famously a Replublican National Concept--even on their permanent record!
8. Like Ronald Reagan is now famously shown to have telephoned Richard Nixon about Watergate: "This too, shall pass(?)!"
9. Nixon did comment that he personally found Nancy Reagan a real hooker. . .or looker. . .or whatever.
10. Recovered alcoholic Reagan was alleged by Richard Nixon to have been lucky to have even been able to find her(?)!

Generally, since the ancient computing flaw is never mentioned or discussed, then technically any concept of "supply and demand" has never been properly alleged. "Demand-Side" is primariy rich. "Supply-side" is primariy an over-worked poor. That part Karl Marx understood, but not the proper basis, the computing flaw. That Part Adam Smith would only allege as an outcome of Division of Labor--the stupid wretchedness concept, those then not alleged to be unable to pay the mortgage. That would have seriously curtailed his concept of market capitalism--unable to sustain usury, had that been a centerpiece concept.

Adam Smith cannot be said a proper commentator on any market place, ever in history.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Going forward with the real Presbyterian lProblem: "Just Where Is All This Money Going to Come From?!" Yes, Virginia--and even Arizona--there is a Total Credit Market at this time, which needs a Santa Clause(?)! Famously, the GOP took Jesus Christ away from America--Matthew 20:1-16, the basis for the Refundable Make Work Pay Income Tax Credit--going forward to even run a Mormon for President!)

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