Facist Government control


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Why should the government be able to tell me how how high I can build a fence, what construction materials I can or can't use, and tell me I have to buy a permit from them, just to put a shitter on my own property. This isn't freedom when you can't do what you want to on your own land and have to build a house according to the government. Are you having the same problem??


Don't snooze on my time!!! So why isn't the right raising hell about all the government control in their lives?? They worry more about control of things that don't affect their lives, and accept the loss of freedom in their general lives. Imagine, they favor taking evasive drug tests right out of their bodies, so they can have a employment. How sick is that? They buy a car and let government tell them if they can drive it, when to smog it, and where to park it. How sick is that? And of course, what could be more than an American standard for freedom than a man's own castle. It's his land, it's his buildings and rooms, etc., yet governments is in his entire life there. What the hell is wrong with your rightys anyway??

Before I even buy a piece of property I have to read through the zoning laws and building codes to decide what can or cannot be done to the property, because gov. really owns it, you just rent the damned piece of land with property taxes. They give it to when you file bankruptcy.

So snooze:lol: on that dude!!! LMAO!!
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RWers have a VERY bad habit of picking and choosing what's good for the government to control and what's bad for the goverment to control in an individuals lives.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Great thread OP.
RWers have a VERY bad habit of picking and choosing what's good for the government to control and what's bad for the goverment to control in an individuals lives.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Great thread OP.

Ya you lefties NEVER pass legislation telling us what we can and can not drink, what we can and can not eat, what we can and can not use to carry our groceries home, etc etc etc..... Talk about a HYPOCRITE.
Why should the government be able to tell me how how high I can build a fence, what construction materials I can or can't use, and tell me I have to buy a permit from them, just to put a shitter on my own property. This isn't freedom when you can't do what you want to on your own land and have to build a house according to the government. Are you having the same problem??


Yes, sort of.

I have an acre of land overlooking a wetland and pond that would make an idea homesite.

But I cannot build on it because of shoreland zoning.

Now I'd defintitely understand that IF that home needed a septic system. In that case the run off would pollute the wetlands.

But as the water and sewer would both be on the village systems, this law really makes no sense to me whatever.
30 % of republicans are for ending prohibition of cannabis, while 70% of democrats favor freedom.
Why should the government be able to tell me how how high I can build a fence, what construction materials I can or can't use, and tell me I have to buy a permit from them, just to put a shitter on my own property. This isn't freedom when you can't do what you want to on your own land and have to build a house according to the government. Are you having the same problem??
Gee. I don't have that problem. As a matter of fact I just put in his/hers shitters and built a hog pen with a biodigester last week.
It's down the hill where my still is.

Don't snooze on my time!!! So why isn't the right raising hell about all the government control in their lives?? They worry more about control of things that don't affect their lives, and accept the loss of freedom in their general lives. Imagine, they favor taking evasive drug tests right out of their bodies, so they can have a employment. How sick is that? They buy a car and let government tell them if they can drive it, when to smog it, and where to park it. How sick is that? And of course, what could be more than an American standard for freedom than a man's own castle. It's his land, it's his buildings and rooms, etc., yet governments is in his entire life there. What the hell is wrong with your rightys anyway??

Before I even buy a piece of property I have to read through the zoning laws and building codes to decide what can or cannot be done to the property, because gov. really owns it, you just rent the damned piece of land with property taxes. They give it to when you file bankruptcy.

So snooze:lol: on that dude!!! LMAO!!
Since when do authoritarian technocratic know-it-alls care how or why they get away with it?

Or are you really happy that there is in fact no difference in substance whatsoever between you and the so-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore), whom you so stridently claim to oppose?
RWers have a VERY bad habit of picking and choosing what's good for the government to control and what's bad for the goverment to control in an individuals lives.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Great thread OP.

And the left doesn't pick and choose? Let's not be quite so naive Marc. It's just the opposite side of the same coin.
Most zoning and building permit requirements are nothing but revenue grabs by towns.

I can see a building permit and permits for plumbing and electrical work as there are real health and safety concerns but to have to get a permit to put new siding on your house when the fucking inspector doesn't even have to look at it is ridiculous.

I had to get a special permit to put an 8 foot high fence on the back acre of my property because anything over 6 feet is not to code. I can understand that when the fence might impede vision of a road but there are no roads or houses for that matter where I want to put the higher fence. And it cost me a coupe hundred bucks for the "special permit" not to mention the 3 zoning board meetings I had to go to.
Progressive on SCOTUS ruled that the government can take your land and give it to someone willing to pay higher real estate taxes.

True story.

Kelo v. New London

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