Face It Repubs: Studies Show Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

Apparently, I need to explain my inflammatory remarks.

There seem to be a whole bunch of people whose worldview runs about as deep as a bumper sticker talking point. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the unscrupulous bastards of the world - the Rupert Murdochs and Koch brothers... They pander shamelessly to this demographic in exchange for their complicity in making the world suck more each day.

And once that bumper sticker talking point is implanted, it's nearly impossible to remove. Any attempt is a plot against them by the intelligencia. So forget about entire fields of experts in climate science, social science, economics or foreign affairs. Or concepts like job outsourcing, universal healthcare or regulation of major corporations and the financial sector. Doesn't mean a thing. Then combine that with political tactics that would make a spoiled toddler blush and you have the perfect storm of race-to-the-bottom bullshit that we see today.

Maybe I should have more compassion. It probably does suck to be stupid.
Talk about unscrupulous bastards, obamashitforbrains and most of the left top that list. You don't need to explain, we all know you are a lowlife stupid libtard.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

USMB erases the notion of "Liberal Intellectual Elites" or Liberal "Smarts", wipes it down like Alamogordo after the atomic tests.
Just ran across this. I thought it would add some fun to this thread

Liberals as Low Information Voters
September 29th, 2014 - 9:26 pm


For several years now we have heard much of the plague of “low information voters” — those legions of the supposedly ignorant who walk, clueless on the issues, into our polling places, casting their votes for candidates the details of whose programs are as familiar to them as quantum mechanics.
But we may have a more significant problem. There are a number of people who are at least somewhat cognizant of quantum mechanics to whom the details of the issues of the day are just as unfamiliar — the modern liberal intelligentsia. I’m not talking about the punditocracy here, the Thomas Friedmans of the world, who are certainly aware of the issues (well, more or less) even if they evaluate them in peculiar ways. I’m talking about the workaday liberal, the well-educated professionals who are our friends, relatives and neighbors. They are, increasingly, low information voters, living in willful or perhaps willed blindness.
In a recent months I have been startled by many examples of this. In a casual conversation, an Ivy League graduate and author of several best-selling books asked me what I meant by “quantitative easing,” although it has been one of the keys to the economic policies of the last half-dozen years. Since the man is highly intelligent, my conclusion was he didn’t want to know about such details because they would lead to him having to examine long-held assumptions, assumptions it would be uncomfortable to question for a whole set of reasons. Remember, these are people who voted for Obama, twice, and now are just becoming aware that many of us consider him the worst president ever and have pretty good reasons. And the public is beginning to agree with us. This is hard to process.

ALL of it here:
Roger L. Simon Liberals as Low Information Voters
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
It proves that you use insults in place of intelligence.

No, it proves I like insulting mouth breathing progressives when they post fluff.

and why the three posts? OCD issues?
Apparently, I need to explain my inflammatory remarks.

There seem to be a whole bunch of people whose worldview runs about as deep as a bumper sticker talking point. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the unscrupulous bastards of the world - the Rupert Murdochs and Koch brothers... They pander shamelessly to this demographic in exchange for their complicity in making the world suck more each day.

And once that bumper sticker talking point is implanted, it's nearly impossible to remove. Any attempt is a plot against them by the intelligencia. So forget about entire fields of experts in climate science, social science, economics or foreign affairs. Or concepts like job outsourcing, universal healthcare or regulation of major corporations and the financial sector. Doesn't mean a thing. Then combine that with political tactics that would make a spoiled toddler blush and you have the perfect storm of race-to-the-bottom bullshit that we see today.

Maybe I should have more compassion. It probably does suck to be stupid.

What really sucks is your case, i.e. thinking you are smarter than you actually are.
IQ testing, if properly conducted, measures the ability to learn. It does not measure how much one has learned, and consequently has little correlation with how smart one is, or is not.

IQ can change up to 10 points based on whether one is currently exercising (stimulating) their brain, or is just absorbing liberal propaganda from the lame stream media.

Learning requires effort, and therefore, it should be obivious to even the casual observer that most liberals, even those with a high IQ, are not very smart. This is amply demonstrated everytime some liberal group gets together to protest something.
Yep... 10 out of 10 liberals will tell you they're the smartest people on Earth... unfortunately, the evidence doesn't support their assertion.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

Is that why liberals prefer a bigger government "parent" system to depend upon and take care of more of their needs for them? Welfare, retirement, healthcare, contraception, all dependent upon the backs of someone else - like working taxpayers and those among them who have educated themselves to be successful and self reliant, to provide for themselves without government dependency? I chuckle at what the tabloids are putting out these days to try and convince others of. :lol:
Last edited:
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

Is that why liberals prefer a bigger government "parent" system to depend upon and take care of more of their needs for them? Welfare, retirement, healthcare, contraception, all dependent upon the backs of someone else - like working taxpayers and those among them who have educated themselves to be successful and self reliant, to provide for themselves without government dependency? I chuckle at what the tabloids are putting out these days to try and convince others of. :lol:
Liberals only care about the gov assisting the people who really need it which is the dirt poor, elderly, and disabled persons in this country. Scumbags like tea baggers are the moochers. They would rather have the government pay for everything for them by wishing they didn't have to pay taxes.
IQ testing, if properly conducted, measures the ability to learn. It does not measure how much one has learned, and consequently has little correlation with how smart one is, or is not.

IQ can change up to 10 points based on whether one is currently exercising (stimulating) their brain, or is just absorbing liberal propaganda from the lame stream media.

Learning requires effort, and therefore, it should be obivious to even the casual observer that most liberals, even those with a high IQ, are not very smart. This is amply demonstrated everytime some liberal group gets together to protest something.
That is why psychologists rely on it. It gives an inherited look at intelligence.

Yes IQ can vary between tests. By as much as 10 points? You made that up.
Apparently, I need to explain my inflammatory remarks.

There seem to be a whole bunch of people whose worldview runs about as deep as a bumper sticker talking point. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the unscrupulous bastards of the world - the Rupert Murdochs and Koch brothers...
You didn't need to explain it. It was brain dead. You haven't seen full blown stupid until you read liberal bumper stickers. The kind of stuff you'd see in a coloring book.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

Is that why liberals prefer a bigger government "parent" system to depend upon and take care of more of their needs for them? Welfare, retirement, healthcare, contraception, all dependent upon the backs of someone else - like working taxpayers and those among them who have educated themselves to be successful and self reliant, to provide for themselves without government dependency? I chuckle at what the tabloids are putting out these days to try and convince others of. :lol:
Liberals only care about the gov assisting the people who really need it which is the dirt poor, elderly, and disabled persons in this country. Scumbags like tea baggers are the moochers. They would rather have the government pay for everything for them by wishing they didn't have to pay taxes.
Wrong, libtards always prove that to be not the case all the while lying to America.
IQ testing, if properly conducted, measures the ability to learn. It does not measure how much one has learned, and consequently has little correlation with how smart one is, or is not.

IQ can change up to 10 points based on whether one is currently exercising (stimulating) their brain, or is just absorbing liberal propaganda from the lame stream media.

Learning requires effort, and therefore, it should be obivious to even the casual observer that most liberals, even those with a high IQ, are not very smart. This is amply demonstrated everytime some liberal group gets together to protest something.
That is why psychologists rely on it. It gives an inherited look at intelligence.

Yes IQ can vary between tests. By as much as 10 points? You made that up.

I don't make up anything. Apparently you are not even smart enough to realize that the rebuttal countered your mistaken concept that IQ and being smart are the same thing. If you cannot even figure that out, then your comprehension skills are poor at best.
IQ testing, if properly conducted, measures the ability to learn. It does not measure how much one has learned, and consequently has little correlation with how smart one is, or is not.

IQ can change up to 10 points based on whether one is currently exercising (stimulating) their brain, or is just absorbing liberal propaganda from the lame stream media.

Learning requires effort, and therefore, it should be obivious to even the casual observer that most liberals, even those with a high IQ, are not very smart. This is amply demonstrated everytime some liberal group gets together to protest something.
That is why psychologists rely on it. It gives an inherited look at intelligence.

Yes IQ can vary between tests. By as much as 10 points? You made that up.

I don't make up anything. Apparently you are not even smart enough to realize that the rebuttal countered your mistaken concept that IQ and being smart are the same thing. If you cannot even figure that out, then your comprehension skills are poor at best.
Lol so basically you are saying expanding one's knowledge is a better test of intelligence than IQ. You think the mentally disabled can't learn new information? They can. That doesn't make them smart.
Apparently, I need to explain my inflammatory remarks.

There seem to be a whole bunch of people whose worldview runs about as deep as a bumper sticker talking point. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the unscrupulous bastards of the world - the Rupert Murdochs and Koch brothers... They pander shamelessly to this demographic in exchange for their complicity in making the world suck more each day.

And once that bumper sticker talking point is implanted, it's nearly impossible to remove. Any attempt is a plot against them by the intelligencia. So forget about entire fields of experts in climate science, social science, economics or foreign affairs. Or concepts like job outsourcing, universal healthcare or regulation of major corporations and the financial sector. Doesn't mean a thing. Then combine that with political tactics that would make a spoiled toddler blush and you have the perfect storm of race-to-the-bottom bullshit that we see today.

Maybe I should have more compassion. It probably does suck to be stupid.
Are you a stockholder in the Reynolds Wrap company?
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What the liberals learn in school:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What thinking has the government taken over for you? 'Cause I don't see much thinking going on at all.

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