F--- trump

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Shut the fuck up before I make an example out of your dumb racist white ass. This thread is about the motherfucking 2020 election. Either talk about that or get the fuck out.

Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.
I like Trump and will be voting for him in the National Election, however, I wouldn't classify him as the best president.
I do wish he would come across as more eloquent in his tweets.

I don't read his tweets, I look at the consequence of his actions. First, he did not start a war with Russia, which is great achievement. But second, he is the only president who has addressed the invasion of America, which will destroy the American way of life if left uncontrolled - as you know they are now electing a socialist.

He is addressing what others did not even dare to talk about. Best American president.

There has been no invasion of America. And the fact is, that trump created the problem at the border when there really was none. You aren't looking at the consequences of his actions very closely.

So...there was no border problem until Rump took over, is that what you're telling us?

Obama had levels at 40 year lows.
You were less than 10% of the population. You have upheld the crime rate but that's about it.

100% white countries are way ahead of us because you guys are welfare sponges that fall for leftist idiocy left and left.

Shut the fuck up before I make an example out of your dumb racist white ass. This thread is about the motherfucking 2020 election. Either talk about that or get the fuck out.

Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.

trump is about to lose this election as people aren't going to support his increasing totalitarianism. If welfare destroys communities, then whites don't have any left.

Not going to happen but I understand your need to believe.

You are going to watch it happen.

I'll watch whatever happens but I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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Good luck with that.

This thread is not about welfare. And you really better go back, read history, and then understand what it's telling you. We carried your white asses until at least 1965. And that's a fact. If I were you, I'd shut up right now. Whites are racists and you're one of of them.

You were less than 10% of the population. You have upheld the crime rate but that's about it.

100% white countries are way ahead of us because you guys are welfare sponges that fall for leftist idiocy left and left.

Shut the fuck up before I make an example out of your dumb racist white ass. This thread is about the motherfucking 2020 election. Either talk about that or get the fuck out.
Hey....you started this whole thing by falsely claiming Trump is a bully and threatening violence on people (the blood comment). Yet, so far, the left is the one that has been demonstrating the violence. Remember. I merely focused on your desire for violence; that's how we got off track.

I have not made any false claims about trump, nor have I made any reference to violence. Sane people understand that when we talk about fighting trump in the mud, that we fight trump like he is fighting. Sane people know that when I made reference to getting down in the mud and getting bloody, I am talking about using trumps tactics against him. You are an example of why if democrats start doing this that trump will crumble under the pressure. Because you want to cry about some imaginary violence just because somebody says we will do unto republicans as they do unto us. You guys love doing the slapping, but you cry like little bitches when you get slapped back. You have lied about the left, because the right is responsible for murders.
Absolutely no crying here, only laughter at you.

All you've done is cry.
Shut the fuck up before I make an example out of your dumb racist white ass. This thread is about the motherfucking 2020 election. Either talk about that or get the fuck out.

Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.

trump is about to lose this election as people aren't going to support his increasing totalitarianism. If welfare destroys communities, then whites don't have any left.

Not going to happen but I understand your need to believe.

You are going to watch it happen.

I'll watch whatever happens but I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed.

I won't be disappointed. I am prepared for 4 more years of trump. But you guys aren't. You think it's going to be great when its going to be the end of America as we know it.
Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.

trump is about to lose this election as people aren't going to support his increasing totalitarianism. If welfare destroys communities, then whites don't have any left.

Not going to happen but I understand your need to believe.

You are going to watch it happen.

I'll watch whatever happens but I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed.

I won't be disappointed. I am prepared for 4 more years of trump. But you guys aren't. You think it's going to be great when its going to be the end of America as we know it.

Nope, Trump will be great for America, make America great again.

The black family situation and crime will be sorted out. If you were sane individual you would be with Trump every step of the way. The black community to be made as great as the rest of America.
Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.
I like Trump and will be voting for him in the National Election, however, I wouldn't classify him as the best president.
I do wish he would come across as more eloquent in his tweets.

I don't read his tweets, I look at the consequence of his actions. First, he did not start a war with Russia, which is great achievement. But second, he is the only president who has addressed the invasion of America, which will destroy the American way of life if left uncontrolled - as you know they are now electing a socialist.

He is addressing what others did not even dare to talk about. Best American president.

There has been no invasion of America. And the fact is, that trump created the problem at the border when there really was none. You aren't looking at the consequences of his actions very closely.

So...there was no border problem until Rump took over, is that what you're telling us?

Obama had levels at 40 year lows.

Was that the question?
Trump is the best American president.

He will get elected in 2020, in an epic landslide as all Americans rush to vote him in.

Even you would see that if you weren't so addicted to the welfare that has destroyed your community. Listen to the democrats pander you as if you were a child in need of candy, just to get divorce raped by some fat ass woman.

trump is about to lose this election as people aren't going to support his increasing totalitarianism. If welfare destroys communities, then whites don't have any left.

Not going to happen but I understand your need to believe.

You are going to watch it happen.

I'll watch whatever happens but I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed.

I won't be disappointed. I am prepared for 4 more years of trump. But you guys aren't. You think it's going to be great when its going to be the end of America as we know it.

You're too stupid to know that they ALL work for the same people. It's all theater
trump is about to lose this election as people aren't going to support his increasing totalitarianism. If welfare destroys communities, then whites don't have any left.

Not going to happen but I understand your need to believe.

You are going to watch it happen.

I'll watch whatever happens but I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed.

I won't be disappointed. I am prepared for 4 more years of trump. But you guys aren't. You think it's going to be great when its going to be the end of America as we know it.

Nope, Trump will be great for America, make America great again.

The black family situation and crime will be sorted out. If you were sane individual you would be with Trump every step of the way. The black community to be made as great as the rest of America.

Like I said, if trump gets a second term, things will not be as you say. And really as you are white, you should concern yourself with the larger family/crime problem in the white community.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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Where the fuck was your father who was supposed to beat the bully?

Oh right... democrats took the fathers of black people.

What a loser.

In the black community our fathers don't beat up 9 year olds, they teach their 9 year old how to do it.


In the black communities democrats took your fathers. In exchange you gave them the vote, which republicans granted you in the first place.

The thing they say about the IQ of these people... it's true, isn't it?

Wrong. I happen to be black and have lived in the black community. So shut up white boy.

I thought we had this settled a few threads back. You have a mixed-race child, you are white and your wife is black. That probably accounts for your outrageously childish behavior.

You can't settle something that's made up.
Where the fuck was your father who was supposed to beat the bully?

Oh right... democrats took the fathers of black people.

What a loser.

In the black community our fathers don't beat up 9 year olds, they teach their 9 year old how to do it.


In the black communities democrats took your fathers. In exchange you gave them the vote, which republicans granted you in the first place.

The thing they say about the IQ of these people... it's true, isn't it?

Wrong. I happen to be black and have lived in the black community. So shut up white boy.

I thought we had this settled a few threads back. You have a mixed-race child, you are white and your wife is black. That probably accounts for your outrageously childish behavior.

You can't settle something that's made up.
You can't settle something that's made up.

Like everything you say about Trump?
I think that the residents of those red areas would differ with your opinion. Wait for or look at the last census for where majorities of the legal population live. Don't have a heart attack when it turns out other then you desire it to be.

Vast swathes of those red areas in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada etc are just desert or places were 100 or so people live. All that map is, is neocon whackadoodles trying to make it look like the country is full of conservatives. it's not. It's a little map coloured mainly red. Nothing more. nothing less.
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.

Oh STFU you pathetic pussy. This is a fucking messageboard, not Jihad central. Christ, Drama queen much?
Come make me shut up. If you can locate me, I'm up for it.

Haven't you got a drama class to go to....pussy...
Markle, it is the supreme duty of every radical Progressive to, first thing every day before anything else, to find and create non-existent problems and issues to be unhappy and bitch about. Their world would fly apart if they were ever to simply like their life and accept the world as it is.

It is an issue. That fact is flies above your collective heads is of no surprise. After all you are trailer trash Deplorables...
No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.

Typical far-left Progressive.

Demanding solutions for problems that do not exist.

Markle, it is the supreme duty of every radical Progressive to, first thing every day before anything else, to find and create non-existent problems and issues to be unhappy and bitch about. Their world would fly apart if they were ever to simply like their life and accept the world as it is.

The problem with "accepting the world as it is" - that is, as you want it to be - is that we'd have to accept:
child abuse at the border
discrimination against homosexuals
increased pollution in our air, land and water
the myth that climate change isn't real
the myth that some religions aren't religions because you say so
the myth that Trump doesn't lie (it's all literary license)
the fact that you don't believe women have any right to control their own bodies

and a lot of other unacceptable stuff.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
Saying that "Democrats" should get muddy and BLOODY, sounds like an actual physical threat of violence. Careful about crossing a line in these conversations. If a specific threat of violence is indicated towards the president, the Secret Service can be notified and anyone threatening this or any president with physical harm is picked up. Trump only claims unfair when the media is indeed not only unfair, but making crap up.



I think that the residents of those red areas would differ with your opinion. Wait for or look at the last census for where majorities of the legal population live. Don't have a heart attack when it turns out other then you desire it to be.

Vast swathes of those red areas in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada etc are just desert or places were 100 or so people live. All that map is, is neocon whackadoodles trying to make it look like the country is full of conservatives. it's not. It's a little map coloured mainly red. Nothing more. nothing less.

Kind of like the liberals saying that only the states they choose should have any voice in the election?

You have given perfect proof of why the electoral college is needed. To represent the people fairly.
Kind of like the liberals saying that only the states they choose should have any voice in the election?

You have given perfect proof of why the electoral college is needed. To represent the people fairly.

I didn't say the EC wasn't needed. I said the way it is currently implemented is shit.
Currently is doesn't represent people fairly....
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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