F--- trump

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I think that the residents of those red areas would differ with your opinion. Wait for or look at the last census for where majorities of the legal population live. Don't have a heart attack when it turns out other then you desire it to be.

Vast swathes of those red areas in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada etc are just desert or places were 100 or so people live. All that map is, is neocon whackadoodles trying to make it look like the country is full of conservatives. it's not. It's a little map coloured mainly red. Nothing more. nothing less.

Kind of like the liberals saying that only the states they choose should have any voice in the election?

You have given perfect proof of why the electoral college is needed. To represent the people fairly.
No, it's recognition that your argument is based on a dishonest premise. People vote and that's what counts. and just because you can show areas of land that are sparsely populated that are majority red, doesn't mean that the country supports republicans more.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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Let me know when America becomes great the first time.
Kind of like the liberals saying that only the states they choose should have any voice in the election?

You have given perfect proof of why the electoral college is needed. To represent the people fairly.

I didn't say the EC wasn't needed. I said the way it is currently implemented is shit.
Currently is doesn't represent people fairly....

And by "fairly", you mean in favor of the democrats in the large population centers and ignoring the rest of the country.

You really need to read and try to understand why it was created.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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Let me know when America becomes great the first time.

Racist comment removed.
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I think that the residents of those red areas would differ with your opinion. Wait for or look at the last census for where majorities of the legal population live. Don't have a heart attack when it turns out other then you desire it to be.

Vast swathes of those red areas in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada etc are just desert or places were 100 or so people live. All that map is, is neocon whackadoodles trying to make it look like the country is full of conservatives. it's not. It's a little map coloured mainly red. Nothing more. nothing less.

Kind of like the liberals saying that only the states they choose should have any voice in the election?

You have given perfect proof of why the electoral college is needed. To represent the people fairly.
No, it's recognition that your argument is based on a dishonest premise. People vote and that's what counts. and just because you can show areas of land that are sparsely populated that are majority red, doesn't mean that the country supports republicans more.

It also does not give the large population centers more right to govern over the rest of the country.

After all, that is what the liberals really want, complete control.
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

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Let me know when America becomes great the first time.

It was before the democrats came to power so you might have missed it.
The problem with "accepting the world as it is" - that is, as you want it to be - is that we'd have to accept:
child abuse at the border
We (the USA) don't abuse anyone. As you know, the kids are handed off to coyote's who abuse them and pretend they are their own kids. How is that good?

discrimination against homosexuals
That's a major issue, that's a serious concern? Malarkey!

increased pollution in our air, land and water
Why is it that we have reduced our CO2 emissions more than any other country.

the myth that climate change isn't real
Climate Change (plan "B" for the "Global Warming" radicals) has been happening for over 4 BILLION years. Nothing has changed that then, nothing we will do will change it today. AGW is a myth. Get used to the facts.

the myth that some religions aren't religions because you say so
What does this even mean and why does it matter?

the myth that Trump doesn't lie (it's all literary license)
Yep, he exaggerates, bloviates, and rhapsodizes. So what?

He gets great things done, why do you hate all these great things happening?

the fact that you don't believe women have any right to control their own bodies
Not to worry, Roe vs Wade is not going to be overturned.

and a lot of other unacceptable stuff.
You mean like you hate him because he's arrogant, pushy, and New Yorkey?
I didn't say the EC wasn't needed. I said the way it is currently implemented is shit.
Currently is doesn't represent people fairly....

As you know, it was never set up to represent the people. The purpose was to represent the STATES fairly and it does that magnificently!
And by "fairly", you mean in favor of the democrats in the large population centers and ignoring the rest of the country.

You really need to read and try to understand why it was created.

Nope, not what I mean at all.
It needs to change in two ways.
1) The EC votes in each state need to be proportionate to the population
2) The EC votes in each state should be split proportionately between both parties like Maine and Nebraska instead of a winner takes all approach
As you know, it was never set up to represent the people. The purpose was to represent the STATES fairly and it does that magnificently!

no it doesn't. It disenfranchises people. And an EC vote in Alaska is worth more than one in California. Hey, if you want to be disenfranchised, that's on you. No skin off my nose. Just don't tell me your form of govt is the best in the world. It's not even in the top 10...
Climate Change (plan "B" for the "Global Warming" radicals) has been happening for over 4 BILLION years. Nothing has changed that then, nothing we will do will change it today. AGW is a myth. Get used to the facts.

Yep, he exaggerates, bloviates, and rhapsodizes. So what?

1) No AGW is absolutely happening. Nobody, not even the 97% of climate scientists who know for a fact it is happening are denying that the climate changes over time. It is the rate at which it is changing that is unusual.

Er no, he out and out lies. All the time. More than happy to list just a couple if you wish.

As for 'getting stuff done'. So did Stalin, Chairman Mao and Hitler. It's not an endearing trait.
And that's even if you believe he gets stuff done. All he is doing is riding on the wave of what Obama started. And you'd have to be a special kind of incompetent not to continue that on. Actually I'm surprised he has managed to do it so far. One of his biggest issues if he gets a second term is how is he going to balance a budget when he gives $1.5 trillion in tax breaks to rich Americans that your country can't afford. Sure, looks great as people spend it. Has to be repaid somehow; no doubt during the tenure of the next Dem president. They tend to do that a lot - Dem presidents that is - clean up the previous Republican admin's mess. Clinton did it with Ronnie Raygun and Bush Snr, while Obama did it with Dumbya.
Let me know when America becomes great the first time.

You're so childish, you just can't grow up, can you? Someone not really black would say the things you do in an effort to appear edgy.

Here's a good book for you to read. Written a while back but it still holds together.

The problem with "accepting the world as it is" - that is, as you want it to be - is that we'd have to accept:

child abuse at the border
That child abuse began in Guatemala and is dumped on the USA intentionally. There are kids being abused everywhere, being separated from their parents is their parent's fault because the adults must be processed and tried. Meantime the kids are being given safe housing, clothing, healthcare, food and bedding, probably the best they ever had in their lives.
discrimination against homosexuals
There isn't 1/1000th the discrimination there once was. It's a non-issue. Today we have gay TV characters, gay Disney characters, gay toys for kids to play with and a gay presidential candidate. What about discrimination against American Indians? Blacks? Whites? Women? The Poor? The sick? Discrimination is everywhere as part of the natural human condition because it is natural to side with those who look, think and act like you and may not go away for another thousand years.
increased pollution in our air, land and water
The air, water and land are cleaner than ever, thanks to massive regulations and increased awareness. What you talk about is much more an issue in Asia. Worry about the deforestation of the planet.
the myth that climate change isn't real
How can there be a myth that the climate doesn't change when it has been constantly changing for 4.5 billion years! The only question is whether and how much man is adding to it in his brief century of industrialization and how and whether the suggested cures which are by no means certain to stop it aren't worse than the problem.
the myth that some religions aren't religions because you say so
the myth that Trump doesn't lie (it's all literary license)
Trump lies every day, or at least makes false, misleading, inaccurate or exaggerated statements. But then, so did Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, and Biden. Which president never made an untrue statement again?
the fact that you don't believe women have any right to control their own bodies
Of course they have a right to control their body. Who ever said they didn't? But a fetus isn't their body, it is another body growing in theirs. And when you make a conscious decision to become pregnant or at least risk pregnancy, you surrender part of your rights to take on the responsibility for another human life. Except with rape.
Do you notice that all of your issues are designed to take into account only those things which you think you can lay at the feet of Republicans? The fact that you're blind to anything which implicates Democrats invalidates your statements.

  • The fact that Obama built those cages and they were already in existence when Trump took office.
  • The fact that some of the video of "caged children" used as propaganda against Trump was actually filmed when Obama was in office.
  • A million cases of other types of discrimination to focus on the one you can try to blame on "racist, backward, uneducated Deplorables."
  • All of the evidence which doesn't support catastrophic man made climate change.
  • The mountains of corruption, lies and hypocrisy used against Trump.
  • The other side of these and any other issues which doesn't support and advance your one-sided, always myopic attitudes.
Accepting the world doesn't mean you are OK with the problems which do exist. It only means that you understand the world isn't perfect and this is the world we live in, never will be close to perfect, and that each of us is almost powerless to affect any of it other than to do our best to make sure we lead our own lives in a good and moral way while encouraging others to do as well. Only Progressive Liberals somehow think they are somehow empowered with a right to try to force others to live, breathe and think just as they do.
We need a president who represents all of us, not just a few small groups. And that is what the Founders intended in their design of the Electoral College.

The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.

Nobody is being disenfranchised. Not as much as they are with "superdelegates" for instance.. For a REPUBLIC to exist -- it can NOT be "majority rule"... A pure democracy is VERY unstable.. And that is in part the primary motivation for the DNC and RNC to put some "dampers" on "popular vote" when THEY control the primary process.

And a pure democracy makes about 38 states TOTALLY IRRELEVANT in elections and power sharing.. Imagine that all the gold left is in Utah... And NY and Cali WANTED it.. Or that "one size fits all" farming regs are DICTATED by the big blue states..

Life is different in different states. Commuting is different. Standards of living and what a DOLLAR IS WORTH vary greatly.. And to give the FEDERAL govt power tto the 5 or 8 most populated states is the ability to ABUSE the others...

There's too MUCH federal power now and getting worse not better.. That's what the 2 dumbass parties are competing for... And the stakes are TOO high to violate the trust in the REPUBLIC we have -- to be blowing it up...
Sounds just like the claims made at the 20106 election, How did that turn out for you?
Turns out that Hillary got more popular vote and that several hundred thousand people eligible to vote were purged from voter rolls.

And several million unlawful voters were counted in her claims, including the dead and those that voted several times.

Truth hurts you, doesn't it?
You DJT bots are still posting these stupid lies. HRC won the popular vote. Now run along and report to Putin.


Oh lookie. Another map of the US showing a lot of red spaces where nobody lives...

That's EXACTLY the attitude that leads to tyranny when you dismantle our Republic system.. DENSITY is not a virtue.. Doesn't make you wiser or stronger than folks in "fly over" country.. Although that ARROGANCE sure is a warning to all those people NOT to trust you with a pure democracy..

We'd have "I'm shooked -- my seeds are growing" AOC dictating farm policy to Kansas. Or Bernie "Bread lines are GOOD THING" Sanders making sure that agriculture went bankrupt..
The EC sucks donkey balls and needs a revamp.

No, I just think Dr. Grump sucks donkey balls. You thought the EC was just fine when it elects a Democrat.

Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.

That's the problem, it ISN'T unfair. The entire point of the EC is to have 50 state elections based on POPULAR VOTE; the winner of each state is then represented by delegates whose number is weight proportionally in a way so that ALL states have a fair say according to their population and get representation in the final outcome to AVOID disenfranchisement!

If you actually lived in this country and understood our history and laws you'd understand that. Without the EC, California, New York and Illinois (or more specifically, New York City, Chicago, San Fran and LA) would decide every election and the rest of the country (even the rest of those states) would have no say in the outcome!

View attachment 308103

Because the EC include all of the House districts AND the 2 senate seats as the representation number -- it's FAR MORE "democratic" than the Senate.. If you wanted a TARGET to blow up the Republic, any WISE Person would make the SENATE the target -- not the EC...

Maybe replace it with the "wise and honorable" UN compromise :disbelief: and replace it with a SECURITY council that balances the ridiculously UNdemocratic general assembly... Something like the top 8 states in population with TOKEN and ROTATING representation from the other 42 states... What a SNAFU THAT is.. And YET -- leftists are MORE likely to ADORE that "UN governing body"... Go figure...
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Nope. Second worst electoral system after the UK...

Well let's see here.. You a BIG fan of the UN?? One country, One vote ?? I'd rate that far worse, but the Maldives and Borneo wouldn't...

How about the US SENATE.. NUMERICALLY less democratic than the ECollege... You want to rip that up as well?

Wouldn't have BEEN a Constitution at ALL without it.. No small state wants to be totally irrelevant in terms of elections.. Never have -- never will.. Wouldn't be any hype or even COVERAGE of elections in about 35 states.

You bring up some fair points. If you want the EC to work properly, you have to fix up the two proportionality unfair aspects of it so nobody feels disenfranchised - both Dems and GoP members.

Typical far-left Progressive.

Demanding solutions for problems that do not exist.

Markle, it is the supreme duty of every radical Progressive to, first thing every day before anything else, to find and create non-existent problems and issues to be unhappy and bitch about. Their world would fly apart if they were ever to simply like their life and accept the world as it is.

The problem with "accepting the world as it is" - that is, as you want it to be - is that we'd have to accept:
child abuse at the border
discrimination against homosexuals
increased pollution in our air, land and water
the myth that climate change isn't real
the myth that some religions aren't religions because you say so
the myth that Trump doesn't lie (it's all literary license)
the fact that you don't believe women have any right to control their own bodies

and a lot of other unacceptable stuff.

About 3 of those myths have a basis in reality and/or any SERIOUS consequences. The others are just irritations or misrepresentations of fact...

For instance, what makes you believe in the "INCREASED air and water pollution"??? To paraphrase what Tooby said accepting the world as it is" -- there is no such thing as completely clean air and water except in laboratories.. I've drunk 99.99995% pure water and it tastes the same as most tap water anywhere I've lived..

Not to say that we don't HAVE REAL enviro problems.. But pressing standards BEYOND the science and medical justifications just makes it HARDER for folks who live in areas with NATURAL trace amounts of "bad stuff".. Amounts that are FAR BELOW science and medical standards...

And the FACT IS -- our air and water are multifold CLEANER than "before we cared"... I'm tired of seeing seeing "warning signs" on trails that mark places where NATURAL RUNOFF into a stream is considered a hazard worthy of an EPA waiver.. And the counties in which that runoff occurs are ALLOCATED only so many waivers.. There MIGHT be deer poop or minerals in that water -- but it's as clean as it was 200 years ago as a wilderness..
A pure democracy is VERY unstable..
So unstable in fact that true democracies never last long and should be considered only a transitory state on the way to becoming an Oligarchy, ruled by the Elite.

And a pure democracy makes about 38 states TOTALLY IRRELEVANT in elections and power sharing.. Imagine that all the gold left is in Utah... And NY and Cali WANTED it.. Or that "one size fits all" farming regs are DICTATED by the big blue states..
You said it.

Life is different in different states. Commuting is different. Standards of living and what a DOLLAR IS WORTH vary greatly.. And to give the FEDERAL govt power tto the 5 or 8 most populated states is the ability to ABUSE the others...
Known as MOB RULE. Of course, always very popular with the mob.

There's too MUCH federal power now and getting worse not better.. That's what the 2 dumbass parties are competing for... And the stakes are TOO high to violate the trust in the REPUBLIC we have -- to be blowing it up...
That story explains some things.
Well, I'm sure he got his ass kicked by the bully every day, and I'm sure the bully pissed on his leg, but I doubt very seriously that he kicked the bully's ass. More likely he ran home crying about being pissed on by the bully (who was probably half his size).
I remember when I was a kid. Each day I would walk to school and inevitably run into the neighborhood bully and his buddies, get beat up, dust off my clothes and made sure I got to school before the bell. I figured I'd be OK just as long as I didn't engage the bully. After all nothing he did really hurt, so I just let it go. Apparently the bully figured he could keep doing this and that he could take things further and further and he would always get away with it. So one day, the bully feeling fully empowered as if he could do whatever he wanted but chose not to, took that extra step. I got to the corner of 10th and Colorado and the bully appeared. This time, he didn't hit me and go on, he decided he had the right to pee on me. So he peed on my pants and on that day, I was about 30 minutes late for school because I kicked that bully's ass and busted his bother in the face with a tree branch. Then I went home and changed pants.

Sometimes you have to get in the dirt with the bully and make him understand that he does not get todo whatever he wants. This is where the democrats are at today. All this himming and hawing about not getting in the mud with trump is punk shit. It's time democrats got muddy and bloody. Trump will quit once he sees blood and it is time to stop talking about fighting and be bout fighting. If Democrats want to lead this nation and know that our very democracy is at stake, then its time to take off the suit and get in the pit. Time to go blow for blow until the last one stands. Two candidates enter, one leaves. trump is not used to that. He's lived the easy life. He's never had to fight as if his very survival depended on it. He could run lawyers at people until they ran out of money and quit, but he has never, ever gone toe to toe. trump is soft and you can see this easily. When he thinks anything does not properly glorify his punk ass, he starts whining on twitter. If he breaks that law and gets investigated, the world is unfair to trump. If a little kid gets put on a magazine cover instead of him, he attacks the little kid. If the media reports a story that's not favorable to him, the media is unfair and corrupt. donald trump is a little bitch made pussy and it's time he got his ass beat.

So let's give that punk gets what he wants. A pier 6 ass whippin. That's what the democratic nominee needs to do.

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Gosh, was it a black bully?
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