EyeRoll: Biden Urges Democrats to Re-Order Primary Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Its one of the reasons I can never be a Democrat. I get why they are talking about doing it but the practical aspects of making such a change unilaterally is troubling. For one thing, states will now have to reserve balloting locations for multiple days. Most people are used to there being one Election Day, not multiple ones. And it really doesn't address the issue of voter disenfranchisement via candidates being "out" before the primary season rolls around to their state.

They're talking about moving South Carolina and Michigan (and possibly Minnesota) to the forefront of the primary schedule. Nothing says "convenient" like having northern states voting in the Winter!!!!

The President said the following:

“We must ensure that voters of color have a voice in choosing our nominee much earlier in the process and throughout the entire early window,” Biden wrote in a letter to DNC members. “As I said in February 2020, you cannot be the Democratic nominee and win a general election unless you have overwhelming support from voters of color — and that includes Black, Brown and Asian American & Pacific Islander voters.”

Really Joe? While I agree that there needs to be a change in the way we do primaries, the remedy being proposed is silly. What about the voters of color in states that voter later in the calendar It seems to me that they would suffer the same issue with candidates not campaigning any longer.

So here is what I propose.

Currently we have a Super Tuesday every March. About 10-20 states have primaries on one day.
Lets have 5 of them. Do 9-11 states on the second Tuesday in February, 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in March, 9-11 States on the 2nd Tuesday in April , 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in May and 9-11 states on the 2nd Tuesday in June.
On each Super Tuesday listed above, have one section of the nation vote. Have the SW vote in February, NE vote in March, Upper Midwest vote in April, etc...
This allows candidates to (if they wish) the ability to cover multiple states without having to criss-cross the nation. Television and radio ad purchases sometimes go beyond a state's borders and regional ad buys can stretch a budget. It also allows a broader swath of votes to go to the polls instead of what the President is proposing.
We held elections on a single day for well over two hundred years. From the 60s up until just the last few elections, we knew the winner by bedtime. It is OBVIOUS that the rules are being manipulated to generate votes that otherwise wouldn't have occurred. Ballot harvesting needs to be outlawed and fraud needs to have DEVASTATING consequences for the criminal.

Since both parties would have to agree and that is now impossible... the Rs are about to take a master's class in how to replicate what the Ds have been doing and once they become effective, the Ds will be squealing again. The choices are clear and stark. We either get back to simple, observable, VERIFIABLE elections or the country gets burned down around us. Those on the Left would be in the streets if the same events that occurred in 2020 had caused them a loss. They are FOOLS if they really think the other half of us are just going to shrug and go along for the ride. Their choice...
We held elections on a single day for well over two hundred years. From the 60s up until just the last few elections, we knew the winner by bedtime. It is OBVIOUS that the rules are being manipulated to generate votes that otherwise wouldn't have occurred. Ballot harvesting needs to be outlawed and fraud needs to have DEVASTATING consequences for the criminal.
Joe is talking about the Primaries. These last for months. But thanks for your input
We held elections on a single day for well over two hundred years. From the 60s up until just the last few elections, we knew the winner by bedtime. It is OBVIOUS that the rules are being manipulated to generate votes that otherwise wouldn't have occurred. Ballot harvesting needs to be outlawed and fraud needs to have DEVASTATING consequences for the criminal.

Since both parties would have to agree and that is now impossible... the Rs are about to take a master's class in how to replicate what the Ds have been doing and once they become effective, the Ds will be squealing again. The choices are clear and stark. We either get back to simple, observable, VERIFIABLE elections or the country gets burned down around us. Those on the Left would be in the streets if the same events that occurred in 2020 had caused them a loss. They are FOOLS if they really think the other half of us are just going to shrug and go along for the ride. Their choice...

Each party can decide what, if any , weight to give to primaries and which ones to prioritize in their own private nomination processes.

The parties can't stop a vote from occurring , but they can determine how they will deal with the results.

Its one of the reasons I can never be a Democrat. I get why they are talking about doing it but the practical aspects of making such a change unilaterally is troubling. For one thing, states will now have to reserve balloting locations for multiple days. Most people are used to there being one Election Day, not multiple ones. And it really doesn't address the issue of voter disenfranchisement via candidates being "out" before the primary season rolls around to their state.

They're talking about moving South Carolina and Michigan (and possibly Minnesota) to the forefront of the primary schedule. Nothing says "convenient" like having northern states voting in the Winter!!!!

The President said the following:

“We must ensure that voters of color have a voice in choosing our nominee much earlier in the process and throughout the entire early window,” Biden wrote in a letter to DNC members. “As I said in February 2020, you cannot be the Democratic nominee and win a general election unless you have overwhelming support from voters of color — and that includes Black, Brown and Asian American & Pacific Islander voters.”

Really Joe? While I agree that there needs to be a change in the way we do primaries, the remedy being proposed is silly. What about the voters of color in states that voter later in the calendar It seems to me that they would suffer the same issue with candidates not campaigning any longer.

So here is what I propose.

Currently we have a Super Tuesday every March. About 10-20 states have primaries on one day.
Lets have 5 of them. Do 9-11 states on the second Tuesday in February, 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in March, 9-11 States on the 2nd Tuesday in April , 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in May and 9-11 states on the 2nd Tuesday in June.
On each Super Tuesday listed above, have one section of the nation vote. Have the SW vote in February, NE vote in March, Upper Midwest vote in April, etc...
This allows candidates to (if they wish) the ability to cover multiple states without having to criss-cross the nation. Television and radio ad purchases sometimes go beyond a state's borders and regional ad buys can stretch a budget. It also allows a broader swath of votes to go to the polls instead of what the President is proposing.
Why? I live in NH and have thought for YEARS..why are Iowa and New Hampshire first? Both states have next to JACK to say about who gets ultimately elected.

South Carolina should be first. NH should run on Super Tuesday. Iowa???....somewhere near the end. In the summer. Or..make it a REAL primary. :)
Why? I live in NH and have thought for YEARS..why are Iowa and New Hampshire first? Both states have next to JACK to say about who gets ultimately elected.

South Carolina should be first. NH should run on Super Tuesday. Iowa???....somewhere near the end. In the summer. Or..make it a REAL primary. :)
Just out of curiosity...what did South Carolina do to "deserve" to go first?

Someone has to be first if we're going to keep this dumbass model of one or two states at a time voting. It's an idiotic model that has long outlived its usefulness. Nothing else in society is run this way. Maybe we should have a foursome of golfers playing Pebble Beach one day while another four play Augusta.

My eye-roll is where Biden is stating that we need to have voters of color better represented at the beginning of the process. Cool. I like the idea. But you have voters of color in every state. New Mexico going 18th means that there are 17 chances (or more) for others to decide whom is a viable candidate...and there are a shitload of voters of color in New Mexico.

Its one of the reasons I can never be a Democrat. I get why they are talking about doing it but the practical aspects of making such a change unilaterally is troubling. For one thing, states will now have to reserve balloting locations for multiple days. Most people are used to there being one Election Day, not multiple ones. And it really doesn't address the issue of voter disenfranchisement via candidates being "out" before the primary season rolls around to their state.

They're talking about moving South Carolina and Michigan (and possibly Minnesota) to the forefront of the primary schedule. Nothing says "convenient" like having northern states voting in the Winter!!!!

The President said the following:

“We must ensure that voters of color have a voice in choosing our nominee much earlier in the process and throughout the entire early window,” Biden wrote in a letter to DNC members. “As I said in February 2020, you cannot be the Democratic nominee and win a general election unless you have overwhelming support from voters of color — and that includes Black, Brown and Asian American & Pacific Islander voters.”

Really Joe? While I agree that there needs to be a change in the way we do primaries, the remedy being proposed is silly. What about the voters of color in states that voter later in the calendar It seems to me that they would suffer the same issue with candidates not campaigning any longer.

So here is what I propose.

Currently we have a Super Tuesday every March. About 10-20 states have primaries on one day.
Lets have 5 of them. Do 9-11 states on the second Tuesday in February, 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in March, 9-11 States on the 2nd Tuesday in April , 9-11 States on the second Tuesday in May and 9-11 states on the 2nd Tuesday in June.
On each Super Tuesday listed above, have one section of the nation vote. Have the SW vote in February, NE vote in March, Upper Midwest vote in April, etc...
This allows candidates to (if they wish) the ability to cover multiple states without having to criss-cross the nation. Television and radio ad purchases sometimes go beyond a state's borders and regional ad buys can stretch a budget. It also allows a broader swath of votes to go to the polls instead of what the President is proposing.
If you recall Candidate Biden did poorly in the early primaries in 2020, which is likely a motivating factor.

Indeed, considering the President’s previous attempts running for president, he’s likely not a fan of the primary process overall.
If you recall Candidate Biden did poorly in the early primaries in 2020, which is likely a motivating factor.

Indeed, considering the President’s previous attempts running for president, he’s likely not a fan of the primary process overall.
I wouldn't be surprised.
What I find interesting here is Biden's concern. Is he not planning to run? My impression is that he views this approach as benefiting a run by Kamala Harris.
What I find interesting here is Biden's concern. Is he not planning to run? My impression is that he views this approach as benefiting a run by Kamala Harris.
I don't see that angle at all...but maybe.

It's a giant Cluster F***. Now states will have to have 2 election days during the primaries? If I'm the state, I'm telling both the Democrats and the Republicans that election day is --/--/2024. Take it or leave it. This is thousands of dollars for the counties that have to officiate these elections, logistical problems--I can't wait to hear how "When the Democrats voted, the machines worked; when the republicans voted 2 weeks later, there were glitches!!!" complaints (or vice versa).

Its just a ridiculous idea.

I'm all for reshuffling the schedule of primary contests but there is a far more intelligent way to do it. Better to have 4-6 Super Tuesdays though. Do it by geography and let 10 states weigh in on the 2nd tuesday of every month between 02/2024 to 6/2024. Southern states first and as things warm up, have the northern states weigh in. Nothing says "well planned" more than having folks in Detroit walking through the snow to the polls in February.

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