Explosive Job Gains Report Prove, Once Again, That Our Experts Are Fools

The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.

Trump is the man for the moment....there is a reason he defeated 16 other professional republican politicians, the Bush family, the clinton crime machine, the obama chicago crime machine, and defeated the coup, part 1 and 2...............

In the worst disasters in our countries economic history, pandemic and the return of democrat party riots and destruction....

We have the biggest job growth in history...according to left wing, Trump hating CNBC.......
At 13% UE where are those jobs?
The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.
Jim, are you certain it is just not the two small business bailouts.

They had to hire back all of their employees that they had laid off and were collecting unemployment.

This makes the new jobs APPEAR to be 2.5 MILLION for May, and APPEARS to have reduced unemployment rate to this new low of 13.5%...

when these small business employees rehired on the business books, were still sitting at home in May, without a job to go to...?

These small businesses could not get the bailout money, without bringing back Their employees on to their books.
In surprise, unemployment rate falls, economy adds jobs
In surprise, unemployment rate falls, economy adds jobs

"In a surprise, the U.S added 2.5 million jobs in May and unemployment dropped to 13.3 percent as businesses begin to reopen after coronavirus-related closures, according to data released by the Labor Department on Friday.

The numbers shattered economist expectations that there would be another steep rise in joblessness.

The May jobs report showed one of the largest one-month spikes in hiring in U.S. history after the country lost 20.7 million jobs in April that sent the unemployment rate plummeting to 14.7 percent, according to the Labor Department."

Stock market soars as May jobless rate unexpectedly plunges
Stock market soars as May jobless rate unexpectedly plunges

Small businesses could not get their bailout money, unless they agreed to bring back on to their payroll, their employees that they had laid off....And continue to pay their stay at home employees until they reopened....

If they paid their employees that shuttered at home until reopening, then the bailout money, would not have to be paid back.

So 2.5 MILLION jobs APPEAR as jobs created but are just a 'call back', and the unemployment rate APPEARS to have gone down but it just switched columns....

Because those employees are STILL just sitting at home, without a job to go to.

I know that America's success kills you - but that's really just gravy.
None of those presidents created jobs, businesses create jobs..Unless you want to include govt. positions being filled then you could in a way induce the thought that the president created a job opening.
Right! They have created job openings. I was just responding since you mentioned that "Trump didn't create jobs".
Small businesses could not get their bailout money, unless they agreed to bring back on to their payroll, their employees that they had laid off....And continue to pay their stay at home employees until they reopened....

If they paid their employees that shuttered at home until reopening, then the bailout money, would not have to be paid back.

So 2.5 MILLION jobs APPEAR as jobs created but are just a 'call back', and the unemployment rate APPEARS to have gone down but it just switched columns....

Because those employees are STILL just sitting at home, without a job to go to.

I know that America's success kills you - but that's really just gravy.
Please go and have a cup of vodka in your St. Petersburg troll farm.
People going back to the jobs they had before the Corona scare does not indicate that Trump "created" jobs.
OMG, can you possibly be more dense?

Most jobs were saved, but many are also being created. It is a cycle of business expansion and contraction and the President has helped it go further up on the high cycle and restrained going lower on the lower part of the cycle = net GAIN for the USA.

This also means you have 4.5 more years of Trump and chewing your hind leg, dude.
No when the unemployment numbers are LESS than what they were before the lockdowns and layoffs then maybe jobs will have been created. And the contraction due to corona was not part of the usual business cycle

And the president never has and never will "create jobs"

Wrong......the President doesn't create the jobs....but he can sure stop jobs from being created....as obama did with his stupid policies that put a boot on the necks of business creators...........like FDR did during the depression that turned it into a Great Depression.....like clinton did with his tax policies that finally ended the Reagan Boom....

What Trump will do is keep government from killing jobs and businesses....that is what he can do...

If biden gets in he and the democrats will crush jobs and businesses with taxes, regulations, fines, and fees, and bans on energy production and government waste, fraud and abuse...

Anyone who votes for biden is voting to create a decade or longer Great Depression......cause he and the democrats don't care about a growing, prosperous, happy AMerica......Chaos, death, violence and hate work for the democrats...as we can see in these riots.........

Trump is the man for the moment...if you want to protect your families, if you actually want Black Americans and other minorities to have good futures, and have their children prosper.....vote for Trump....drive out every single democrat from office in November..........they have controlled those cities they run for decades, Chicago since 1931, Atlanta since 1879, Minneapolis since 1971....the list goes on......and now, the majority of food supply sources in these cities for minorities have been destroyed......these cities have descended into chaos....and the democrats have controlled them for decades...

Vote for democrats and you will spread this chaos, violence, and death across the entire country....
Why are they surprised? The states are opening back up. Did they think the businesses would not hire back their people again. You did not need to be Einstein to see this coming So what is the Democrats next step? A second wave of the virus and new lockdowns?

They are surprised because they are experts.
Why are they surprised? The states are opening back up. Did they think the businesses would not hire back their people again. You did not need to be Einstein to see this coming So what is the Democrats next step? A second wave of the virus and new lockdowns?

Plus certain service jobs and manufacturing jobs exploded, delivery services, medical manufacturing, goods transport.
The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.
Hard to believe everyone is thrilled with a 13.5% unemployment rate.
I would say they will try another shutdown but that stuff will never happen again after their response to the protests and riots.
2.5 million jobs in one month...

Trump broke all records again?

... and ensured his own employment as the greatest president of the United States.

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