Exploited teen's Globabble Warming lawsuit rebuked


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Wake judge rules against teen facing off against NC on climate change

Hallie Turner, the 13-year-old girl who took North Carolina to court over climate change, received disappointing news the day before Thanksgiving.

A Wake County Superior Court judge ruled against her effort to overturn a December 2014 decision by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission.

But with the pluck of a teen wise beyond her years, Hallie said Friday the ruling from Judge Mike Morgan had not deterred her.

"Wise beyond her years? She's puppet, and it's clear she has no concept of what she's talking about when she regurgitates asinine shit like this gem:

Hallie said the judicial process has been educational. “It’s connected to so many things that I’ve been learning at school in social studies,” she said.

You "learn" about globabble whining in "social studies"? Well you certainly can't learn it from an ethical earth science teacher I suppose.

Hallie’s parents have learned a lot, too. When numerous media outlets shared news about the Wake County court hearing earlier this month, the Turners were amazed by some of thenegative comments posted on the sites. Commenters who challenged the idea of global warming accused the adults supporting Hallie of exploitation. Some directed derogatory comments at the teen, too.

“My reaction was just a bit of astonishment that people were that trivial and bitter,” said Kelly Turner, Hallie’s mother.

This story makes me sick. This little red diaper baby is so obviously brainwashed, yet her "parents" are "astonished" that people who are sick of this bullshit might say "mean things". No wonder bed wetters across "academia" are searching desperately for "safe spaces" from facts.

We need a coronal mass ejection. In 3 months all the libtards will have been cannibalized by their victims in the dependency plantations or just starve to death.


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