Explaining the Election

Clearly the party which is nothing more than a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-gay noise is better. A party whose followers have not started any topics about a way forward on this forum. A party whose followers do nothing but start topics by attacking the other guy because they are too intellectually and ideologically bankrupt to do anything else. A bunch of people who think the Daily Caller is the epitome of journalistic excellence to be sourced at least half a dozen times a day.

How many people here have actually read de Tocqueville? I have, and he addresses the stupidity of the rabid dogs we see from the right as much as the elitism of the left.

A party whose followers work full time manufacturing lies and conspiracy theories. Yeah, that's the better party, all right.

A pox on both your houses.

Once again I'm reminded why my sig line is one of my all time favorite quotes.

You should have taken you sig line a bit more seriously 2001 - 2008... once again.. no credibility at all.


Oh really? You have evidence of me crying and whining and blameshifting and excuse making about the 2000 election?

Post it please. Or shut up.

Ya' know, Boo....your characterization of my reaction to the election is flawed, in that I'm certainly not saying 'hey, I didn't want to win that election, anyway.'

You understand the distinction....don't you?

Or are you a member of the Pod People?
Oh...you are.

To set the record straight....my primary reaction is shock.
Not sour grapes......shock that I had overestimated so many Americans.

So...exactly when did you realize that you were anencephalic?
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Liberals are elitist eggheads.
Liberals are idiotic morons.

Make up your mind.

What makes you think they are mutually exclusive???

1. “I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”
― William F. Buckley Jr.

2. “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.”
George Orwell

The beauty of the above post is that no one more perfectly fits the profile of an intellectual than William F. Buckley.

...you really outdid yourself on that one.

1. At an earlier juncture, I merely disagreed with the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats. Strongly.

2. I came to understand that they were less informed, less educated than the Right. I came to name the “Party of the Uninformed.”

a. Yet, I always thought that education was the problem, and given the same facts that we on the Right have, they would join up.

b. They were the “reliable Democrat voters.”

3. A very astute observer of the political scene revealed the reality: “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.” Of course, therein lies the explanation for this election.

a. “Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.” (Coulter)

4. If they did, they might have wandered into “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Almost 200 years ago, he wrote about the charm and the effect of Liberalism: In the 1830’s, he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.” Sounds great, eh? And, so many vote for exactly that.

a. But he also suggest that folks ask whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

6.Doubt that “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals”? Check this out:

a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

7. So, who elected this failed President to a second term? The Pod People.

No longer "The Uninformed," or simply 'reliable Democrat voters'.....

they are the Pod People.

Subsumed in an unthinking alien philosophy which allows no thought or reasoning.


No longer people: Pods.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Trailer - YouTube

Now, all of us live, not in the United States of America....but in

The Latter-day League of Legumes.

I'm a Democrat and I read - books, blogs and even PC's Bloviations (No Rabbi, that is not an oral sex act, and besides, PC is a women and therefore not an object of your fantasies).

I also judge who and what to read by prior experience, hence, I rarely read word for word anything posted by PC. Mostly because she is generally wrong, the ministy of truth wherein she obtains her information is - well, ask Winston Smith. That said, here is an example of a most recent bloviation by Ms. PC, see for yourself the value of her propaganda:

"Romney Likely Next President"

1. "Mitt Romney's probable win indicated by latest Purple Poll of key swing states

2. Yesterday's Purple Poll survey results of four key swing states shows that not only will Mitt Romney likely be our next president, but also that President Obama is very unlikely to get reelected in November.

3. Purple Strategies, a bipartisan polling firm that specializes in tracking public opinion in the “purple” swing states, released yesterday their polling results from Colorado, Virginia, Ohio and Florida.

4. Conventional wisdom holds that neither candidate is likely to win the White House this fall without winning both Ohio and Florida. Analysis of the Purple Poll results in those states show that Mitt Romney will win both of those states, and Virginia as well while having a 50-50 chance at eking out a slim majority in Colorado.

5. Colorado: Purple Strategies has Obama leading by a 49 percent to 46 percent margin, the only state of the four where the president has a lead.

6. Virginia: Purpose Strategies gives Romney a 48 percent to 45 percent lead ...

7. Ohio: Romney leads here 46 percent to 44 percent

8. Florida: This one is closer with Romney having a one point lead, 48 percent to 47 percent, over President Obama. But the undecided voters will clearly put Romney over 50 percent. As with Virginia and Ohio, Obama's job approval to disapproval here is also 42 percent in favor of the president and 52 percent against him. The poll also showed 91 percent of these voters will not change their minds on how they intended to vote. The latest Rasmussen polling has the GOP U.S. Senate candidate, Congressman Connie Mack, leading by 7 percent over incumbent Senator Bill Nelson."
Mitt Romney's probable win indicated by latest Purple Poll of key swing states - Arlington Conservative | Examiner.com

"Just wonderin'....think Michelle will STILL be proud of her country in November?" (yep, a bit of covert racism too).
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Once again I'm reminded why my sig line is one of my all time favorite quotes.

More proof of the nature of Pod People!

Not only this Pod quoting Holmes...." ...the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words..."

1. "California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate," "oversexed" or "sexually wayward." At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.

2. ...the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense."
History News Network

Pods of a feather...???

Ya' know, Boo....your characterization of my reaction to the election is flawed, in that I'm certainly not saying 'hey, I didn't want to win that election, anyway.'

You understand the distinction....don't you"

Or are you a member of the Pod People?
Oh...you are.

To set the record straight....my primary reaction is shock.
Not sour grapes......shock that I had overestimated so many Americans.

So...exactly when did you realize that you were anencephalic?

Ann Coulter is right... Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Nor should Blacks, Latinos, Asians and people between the age of 18-29. They're just not responsible enough to vote.

1. At an earlier juncture, I merely disagreed with the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats. Strongly.

2. I came to understand that they were less informed, less educated than the Right. I came to name the “Party of the Uninformed.”

a. Yet, I always thought that education was the problem, and given the same facts that we on the Right have, they would join up.

b. They were the “reliable Democrat voters.”

3. A very astute observer of the political scene revealed the reality: “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.” Of course, therein lies the explanation for this election.

a. “Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.” (Coulter)

4. If they did, they might have wandered into “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Almost 200 years ago, he wrote about the charm and the effect of Liberalism: In the 1830’s, he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.” Sounds great, eh? And, so many vote for exactly that.

a. But he also suggest that folks ask whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

6.Doubt that “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals”? Check this out:

a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

7. So, who elected this failed President to a second term? The Pod People.

No longer "The Uninformed," or simply 'reliable Democrat voters'.....

they are the Pod People.

Subsumed in an unthinking alien philosophy which allows no thought or reasoning.


No longer people: Pods.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Trailer - YouTube

Now, all of us live, not in the United States of America....but in

The Latter-day League of Legumes.

How could you have been so wrong about the election?

So rather than admit that you were stupid in thinking Romney would win, it is easier to claim the rest of America is stupid
Stupid people voted on both sides this election. The only good news is it seems about 19 million less people showed up to vote, meaning there are less stupid people out there possibly. Less Democrats and less Republicans is a good thing for this nation.
Once again I'm reminded why my sig line is one of my all time favorite quotes.

More proof of the nature of Pod People!

Not only this Pod quoting Holmes...." ...the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words..."

1. "California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate," "oversexed" or "sexually wayward." At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.

2. ...the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense."
History News Network

Pods of a feather...???

The sight of you trying to mock someone for quoting someone else is almost as funny as you unintentionally mocking William F. Buckley for being an intellectual.
Once again I'm reminded why my sig line is one of my all time favorite quotes.

You should have taken you sig line a bit more seriously 2001 - 2008... once again.. no credibility at all.


Spoken like a real sore loser.

If you had an education, NoNoodles, you might have hesitated to post the above, considering the Democrat endorsement of the Dred Scott decision.

Wadda you saying....the Republicans should have allowed that to be the law of the land....or act like 'sore losers'....and pass the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments?

C'mon....speak up.
1. At an earlier juncture, I merely disagreed with the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats. Strongly.

2. I came to understand that they were less informed, less educated than the Right. I came to name the “Party of the Uninformed.”

a. Yet, I always thought that education was the problem, and given the same facts that we on the Right have, they would join up.

b. They were the “reliable Democrat voters.”

3. A very astute observer of the political scene revealed the reality: “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.” Of course, therein lies the explanation for this election.

a. “Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.” (Coulter)

4. If they did, they might have wandered into “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Almost 200 years ago, he wrote about the charm and the effect of Liberalism: In the 1830’s, he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.” Sounds great, eh? And, so many vote for exactly that.

a. But he also suggest that folks ask whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

6.Doubt that “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals”? Check this out:

a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

7. So, who elected this failed President to a second term? The Pod People.

No longer "The Uninformed," or simply 'reliable Democrat voters'.....

they are the Pod People.

Subsumed in an unthinking alien philosophy which allows no thought or reasoning.


No longer people: Pods.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Trailer - YouTube

Now, all of us live, not in the United States of America....but in

The Latter-day League of Legumes.

How could you have been so wrong about the election?

So rather than admit that you were stupid in thinking Romney would win, it is easier to claim the rest of America is stupid

Au contraire.

My error was in assigning the same understanding of history and rectitude that those of us on the Right have to you Pod People.

The vid that I provided?

The tocsin in it are exactly the ones should be applied to the contemporary political realm.
It's just that Pods don't have ears to hear them.

Ya' know, Boo....your characterization of my reaction to the election is flawed, in that I'm certainly not saying 'hey, I didn't want to win that election, anyway.'

You understand the distinction....don't you"

Or are you a member of the Pod People?
Oh...you are.

To set the record straight....my primary reaction is shock.
Not sour grapes......shock that I had overestimated so many Americans.

So...exactly when did you realize that you were anencephalic?

Ann Coulter is right... Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Nor should Blacks, Latinos, Asians and people between the age of 18-29. They're just not responsible enough to vote.


Conservatives historically have fought against every expansion of voters' rights. Thankfully, conservatives are historically almost always on the wrong side of history,

as will be the fate of contemporary conservatives.
The conservative view of democracy can be summed up as follows:

They like it, except for that part where everyone gets to participate.


and they seem to have trouble deciding if liberals are elitists or the unwashed and uneducated masses.

they need to make up their minds.

i also think they might want to look at their own base for the moron squad....

proof positive are the wacko rightwingnuts who posted on this thread.
1. At an earlier juncture, I merely disagreed with the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats. Strongly.

2. I came to understand that they were less informed, less educated than the Right. I came to name the “Party of the Uninformed.”

a. Yet, I always thought that education was the problem, and given the same facts that we on the Right have, they would join up.

b. They were the “reliable Democrat voters.”

3. A very astute observer of the political scene revealed the reality: “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.” Of course, therein lies the explanation for this election.

a. “Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.” (Coulter)

4. If they did, they might have wandered into “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Almost 200 years ago, he wrote about the charm and the effect of Liberalism: In the 1830’s, he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.” Sounds great, eh? And, so many vote for exactly that.

a. But he also suggest that folks ask whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

6.Doubt that “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals”? Check this out:

a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

7. So, who elected this failed President to a second term? The Pod People.

No longer "The Uninformed," or simply 'reliable Democrat voters'.....

they are the Pod People.

Subsumed in an unthinking alien philosophy which allows no thought or reasoning.


No longer people: Pods.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Trailer - YouTube

Now, all of us live, not in the United States of America....but in

The Latter-day League of Legumes.

How could you have been so wrong about the election?

So rather than admit that you were stupid in thinking Romney would win, it is easier to claim the rest of America is stupid

Au contraire.

My error was in assigning the same understanding of history and rectitude that those of us on the Right have to you Pod People.

The vid that I provided?

The tocsin in it are exactly the ones should be applied to the contemporary political realm.
It's just that Pods don't have ears to hear them.

You have an understanding of history?

That attacking 47% of the electorate somehow gets you elected?

Early Christmas present for the GOP, evidently they don't have one of these:


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