Explaining the democrat party/leftist's plan........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Hanlon's Razor......

Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[1] Known in several other forms, it is a philosophical razor that suggests a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for human behavior.

In the case of the democrat party, and leftists here and around the world............this is turned around.......

Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice and evil intent........
The destruction you see in this country, from crime, inflation, loss of status around the world, the invasion from south of the border....
It is the plan, not a mistake......
What is critical to understand is that all the failures of the Biden administration are choreographed. They are deliberate, exactly what Soros, the WEF, the Deep State, i.e., the Marxist Left covet. They WANT failure. We must understand that. Some of them are intelligent enough to know that Leftist policies never succeed because they contradict basic human nature, economic laws, history, science, God, and every other reality. This is the horror we are witnessing in America and around the world today—designed, intended collapse. Those who are engineering this are aware of it and, again, need the failure. As societies crumble and dissipate into total chaos, someone, echoing Hitler, will have to step forth and restore order again. The Left certainly doesn’t intend for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis to do it. The Marxist Left will be able to assume all power, and the people will gladly give it to them in order to restore some measure of peace and stability to their lives. The masses will obey whatever orders are given to them under the threat of terror, and out of fear of a resurrection of the madness that brought about the totalitarian state in the first place. Most Americans sense something is dreadfully wrong, but don’t know enough history to understand it. That is a supreme tragedy.
Yes, it's the American Left's version of the overseas color revolutions instituted by the CIA in places like the Ukraine, but turned inward as a domestic operation.

If America is evil, and based on nothing but a cultural edifice of slavery and wickedness, then one can justify eviscerating the entire system and starting anew.

Just divide the population by identity, flood the zone with illegals, teach perversion in schools, and watch the chaos ensue.

All while sitting atop a lofty perch of presumed superior morality.

Truly despicable.

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