Exorcists Condemn Children’s Book on Summoning Demons


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Exorcists Condemn Children’s Book on Summoning Demons

Well, we've gone full circle when a book publisher is putting out a book for children instructing them on how to summon demons.

More proof that once you abandon God, God abandons you to madness.

If you believe that demon possession is possible (I do because it says so in the Bible) then you must understand that encouraging children to summon demons is probably the most evil thing you can do. Children who "play" at summoning demons are very likely to succeed and be possessed by that demon.
Exorcists Condemn Children’s Book on Summoning Demons

Well, we've gone full circle when a book publisher is putting out a book for children instructing them on how to summon demons.

More proof that once you abandon God, God abandons you to madness.

If you believe that demon possession is possible (I do because it says so in the Bible) then you must understand that encouraging children to summon demons is probably the most evil thing you can do. Children who "play" at summoning demons are very likely to succeed and be possessed by that demon.
I'm going to venture that most popular views on this probably have more to do with something from a film like "The Exorcist" than anything else.

Beyond that, I don't want to know. Since it's a disturbing subject, much like "mental illness" is.
Don't worry. You should be fine as long as you check under your bed for demons, and keep your tinfoil hat on tight. A nice necklace of garlic is always a nice fashion statement too.
My 11 year old loves demons. Demon orgies, demon drugs, killing, sacrificing animals.. Its all fun!
Anybody know where I can get one of those new Human Sacrifice Barbies? I hear that is the hot new toy this year.
Don't worry. You should be fine as long as you check under your bed for demons, and keep your tinfoil hat on tight. A nice necklace of garlic is always a nice fashion statement too.
Some of the symptoms documented in ancient texts related to "demons" have similarities to symptoms of modern mental illnesses; this could be an ancient way of describing them.
As far as the humor goes, there's nothing 'edgy' about demons, exorcists, Ouija boards anymore, some people must just be really "old" and stuck in the 80s.

Much as there's nothing edgy about "Satanism", as in LeVay's cult - it's just a silly little subculture or "group" which ripped off most of it's "Satanic Bible" from "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard, or possibly other atheists such as Ayn Rand.

Plus a true "individualist" or "Satanists" wouldn't join a conformist cult of like-minded people who require you to dress and act the same as everyone else, and fall their special "unholy" book, he would just "do his own" thing all on his own, no cults, pretense, or Satanic trappings needed.

If Satan was real, he'd be laughing at most of the so-called "Satanists" or how anyone older than 13-years old, or how hasn't stepped out of their cave since the "Satanic Panic" of the 80s could possibly think that's cool.

As opposed to someone who might be described as a true "Satanist", such as a serial rapist, murderer, child molester, torturer of animals or children, like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, the Marquis de Sade, or many other real life "monsters", who most non-"Satanists" are too shy, chicken, and squeamish to actually emulate.

Showing that ultimately, they'd rather reign in heaven than serve the devil in hell; they won't do what's actually required to gain his favor, and think riding a cliché Harley Davidson with horrible gas milage while being a "normie" in pretty much every other fashion would gain his favor?

Hell no, once they rape and torture a child to death, go on a killing spree, or start raping and slaughtering men and women at gun or knifepoint, and ripping the fetuses' out of pregnant women's wombs', shooting Jews and racial minorities with illegal firearm's purchased on the Darknet and smuggled in from Russia, running underground child / animal / scat porn rings; making "snuff films" out of it, committing incestous orgies with their sons and daughters and forcing them to bear their imbred children, joining illegal gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood, the Hell's Angels, MS-13, or the Japanese Yakuza crime syndicates, digging up and consuming the flesh of rotten corpses - then perhaps they'll be worthy of the title "Satanist", instead of just "dorks" or unpopular HS kids. Lmao
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Are kids allowed to play Dungeons & Dragons? Or is that off-limits as well?
I'd rather summon a dragon or a unicorn. Got any tips on calling one of them up?

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