Exhibit A of a JDAAC "Christian" preacher = Jesse Duplantis


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Jesse Duplantis, the "is" being emboldened because it is a common ending to Jewish last names...

Televangelist: God says I need a plane - CNN Video

"Televangelist Jesse Duplantis told his congregation he needs roughly $54 million for a private jet."

Other clues he is Jewish....

1. not much for the "poor" is he....

2. associated with John HAGEE of CUFI

3. duh... his message to SUBs is

Jesse Duplantis - Wikipedia

" I believe that Christians like us should stand for Israel and the Jewish people."

wow, hard to see that one coming.... NOT.

Who really likes that...

Oral ROBERTS (in case you are confused, ROBERTS is a JEWISH last name too)

esse Duplantis was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University in 1999.[10]

One day, we will find a Christian preacher in the US who is for Christians and patriotic to the US. Right now, all we have on top and on TV are JDAACs, and the latter is because of who owns our media...
Christianity turned into a rackateering money making scheme.

These people are the lowest scumbags, preying on the poor and old people for this bullshit and telling them 'it's for god'. Looks like the start of the Christian Caliphate.
Christianity turned into a rackateering money making scheme.

Say it's not so!

The Christian story and death scene is a mere plagiarism of the Bel (Baal) mythology.
Hence father (Baal) and Son (the morning star) are one. The Priests of Bel have always utilized this scam(was warned about in Daniel apochrypha) to feed the god Baal when in actuality the priests feasted on the food donated.
Rome could no longer collect taxes with much uprising(revolts) so they hid taxation under the guise of tithes to support a "one world religion" where all cultures combined into the plagiarized combined mythology and many christs and the followers of these many christs got broad stroked as all those who followed a christ(Christians).
BLAMING Jews for warning against this idol worship scam and evangelism is typical hate mongering propaganda. The OP post should be moved to the conspiracy forum, along with some playdoh.
Wow... Talk about complete nonsenseitIS....The IS is capitalized because point dexter IS pointing his finger in a typical anti Semitic way.... Making him by his own circular thinking by using a IS Jewish and self hating as well...If said evangelist wants to bilk his followers out of money to buy said airplane then if his guliable followers do it who is to blame... They are and no one else...Personally me thinks he is Du PLANT that wants others to water or feather his nest... Guys like LADexter are just “soiling “ the issue by throwing in the Jewish factor to cover up another scam by another evangelist on his poor guliable flock... He is just one of many are they all Jewish too or is L.A. Dexter just trying to cover that up to by pointing hIS fingers and creating misdirection....hmmmm...
Jesse Duplantis and the rest you mention are as Jewish as a ham sandwich dipped in a lobster cheese sauce.
You are aware that Jesus is Jewish right?
Actually that is a false statement, a fictitious character based partly on a half Jewish figure turned into Egyptian influence mystic, 2 Jewish Revolters, Zoroastrianism, pagan mythical characters, and Plagiarism of Biblical characters compiled and written probably by a Greek Man like *APOLLONIOS (POL) and propagandised by the benefactors of Rome does not make that image Jewish.
*Apollonios of Tyana, was a Greek Neopythagorean philosopher who also lived in Tarsus and is the Basis for the PAUL escaping out the window to Syria story (Paul wrote 3/4 the NT).
Jesse Duplantis and the rest you mention are as Jewish as a ham sandwich dipped in a lobster cheese sauce.

That American Christians may finally figure out just how DUPED they have been by the CHOSEN really really scares the CHOSEN.
Humanity has, indeed, been hijacked, the "Christians" along with the rest.
Look, like it or not, the early Christian community worked quite well. It existed for quite some time without anything for its center than its faith in Jesus. It was democratic, it was communitarian. One had the choice to enter and one had the choice to leave. Believing together kept them together, just as with any human group that endures.
The important thing is that what we believe in works. Put together people who want to be together, who see the rest of the group as loved ones, family, and who want for these others what we want for themselves, and it is guaranteed to work in any viable climate on earth.
Whatever you call what is working in America, and however badly you may feel it is working, it is working because enough American believe it, and in it.
Belief, even the religious kind sometimes, is "magic".
just like the "magic" that made Osama put on his US military uniform....


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