Exasperated Republican governor moves to beef up Northern border security: 'we're the only ones doing anything

Build a wall...............
Build the wall around this country. Most of the world thinks we`re crazy...and they`re right. A local school district is forming a 12 person police force to patrol the schools! It`s unfortunate that we can`t bill the gun/criminal lobby and the gun manufacturers for this.
Build the wall around this country. Most of the world thinks we`re crazy...and they`re right. A local school district is forming a 12 person police force to patrol the schools! It`s unfortunate that we can`t bill the gun/criminal lobby and the gun manufacturers for this.

What do you suppose the hotels all along the coasts will think with a wall along the beach blocking the views of the ocean?
This is why you must demand civil liberties.and freedom of allies, otherwise of COURSE people will want to leave for America just as the East Gernans risked their lives to get to West Germany. Reagan would have smartened these allies up with demands, instead, the U.S now says "well, that's their country we can't tel them what to do". How can you call a nation an ally if they don't uphold human rights and American values? Do you see French citizens or people from Hong Kong tying to sneak into America? No, because they are free(in the case of HK, were I suppose).

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