Exactly WHAT are the Medicare/Social Security cuts?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've been trying to find out exactly what are the "cuts" in Medicare/Social Security?

I've been searching and have yet to read exactly what will be cut?

Don't provide "guesses".. provide links to legitimate sources .. no biased Politifact.0rg or "Factcheck.org" both of which are extremely biased!

Just tell me what cuts will be made in reducing Medicare/Social security benefits to CURRENT people like those AARP is using in their ads against
what cuts???
None yet. Except there was talk of adjusting the "chained" Consumer Price Index (CPI) for making cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) which will reduce SS checks.

It has some traction and may very well pass next year.
I've been trying to find out exactly what are the "cuts" in Medicare/Social Security?

I've been searching and have yet to read exactly what will be cut?

Don't provide "guesses".. provide links to legitimate sources .. no biased Politifact.0rg or "Factcheck.org" both of which are extremely biased!

Just tell me what cuts will be made in reducing Medicare/Social security benefits to CURRENT people like those AARP is using in their ads against
what cuts???

You don't need to know, just know that obama says it will be cut, and that's good enough for his minions and most of the media.
The cuts just mean delays, or non payments, of bills submitted by the hospitals or other medical providers.

I once had the privilige of hearing how, anecdotally, in the days before computers, before the Department was known as "Social Services, how it was decided which medicaid claims were to be paid, and which were not when funds ran low.

The unpaid claims were tossed down a staircase, en masse. the claims landing on the upper treads were to be paid, the remainder put off till the next cycle, when hopefully more funds would be available. (Tale relayed by the man who worked with the former head of that department who personally made that admission)

The Social services Departments all have computers with programs designed to provide that function today. No more workers comp claims for injuries from lifting those heavy bundles of unpaid claims prior to tossing them down the stairs. Progress is measured in inches, at times.
There's other cuts we could encourage to Social Security that doesn't involve cutting the funds that are owed to citizens. SSI (Social Security Insurance) was never intended for those who were not truly disabled.

Right now, students of "poor" families who are in special classes get whoppers of checks every month. Most of these children have no disability that makes their care more expensive than any other student. It amounts to hundreds of dollars for every child who has an Individual Educational Plan to the parent(s) each month.

Tackle the responsibility to stop the fraud in both SS and Medicare, Medicaid and see where we are before we cut bonafide payments.
There's other cuts we could encourage to Social Security that doesn't involve cutting the funds that are owed to citizens. SSI (Social Security Insurance) was never intended for those who were not truly disabled.

Right now, students of "poor" families who are in special classes get whoppers of checks every month. Most of these children have no disability that makes their care more expensive than any other student. It amounts to hundreds of dollars for every child who has an Individual Educational Plan to the parent(s) each month.

Tackle the responsibility to stop the fraud in both SS and Medicare, Medicaid and see where we are before we cut bonafide payments.

So what is AARP's TV ad all about?
"50 million seniors" telling Congress not to touch their SS???

Total lie then!

What I know of Ryan,et.al. plans are NOT to touch ANYONE over 55!
Period. NO IF ANDS or BUTS!!!
But the Ryan et.al. including myself firmly believe in freedom of choice for
anyone UNDER 55!
Free to choose
a) 100% status quo i.e. worker pays in, retires get fixed check.
b) worker can have deducted amount deposited into a directed account that accumulates on BEHALF of the worker!
40 years working paying in over $300,000 at today's wages and if worker does NOT want risky equities FREE to deposit in Guaranteed 3% interest rate by ANY bank or insurance plan!
Thus compound interest for 40 years @ 3% equals over $500,000 at worker's access at retirement! NO govt. checks. No govt. debt!

Or if the worker does as most wealthy people do with the power of
compound interest and "dollar cost averaging" the $300,000 can accumulate using historical equities rate of appreciation: $3 million nest egg!

BUT NO where does ARRP or their seniors evidently KNOW THAT THERE are NO cuts to anyone over 55!
Total total lie! WHY???
What I know of Ryan,et.al. plans are NOT to touch ANYONE over 55!
Period. NO IF ANDS or BUTS!!!

It's true enough hat folks in their mid-50s and younger will be the ones affected most by RyanCare--they are, after all, the ones who won't be permitted to enroll in Medicare, thereby setting up the phaseout of Medicare by attrition.

But it's not correct to say that current seniors (or near-seniors) aren't affected by it. There are the more obvious impacts: re-opening the donut hole, Medicaid cuts that impact the 9 million seniors who get help from Medicaid in paying their Medicare premiums and health expenses, the elimination of recently established benefits like the annual wellness visit, and so on.

But more importantly, the consequences of RyanCare for them that aren't so obvious are worth considering. The Republicans would phase Medicare out of existence by refusing, after a certain point, to allow anyone new to enroll. That removes the influx of relatively (by Medicare standards) healthy premium payers, and instead sets up a dynamic wherein you have a slowly dwindling pool of increasingly sick and elderly seniors. Seniors who are grandfathered in can remain on Medicare but they're encouraged to opt out and go into the private market, which is obviously an option that would be taken up predominately by the healthier and wealthier seniors in the pool. Given that Medicare premiums bring in about a third the revenue that the Medicare payroll tax does, what Ryan does with the payroll tax will be very important for what grandfathered-in seniors' premiums look like.

Further, seniors left in the Medicare pool are increasingly likely to face access issues. Medicare's strength when it comes to providers is its size. It may not pay as much as other payers, but it's still good business by virtue of its vast number of clients. Once new enrollments are halted and the Medicare pool is left to dwindle by attrition, that advantage begins to erode. Presumably Ryan doesn't intend to increase Medicare reimbursements to try and compensate for this. Thus seniors in Medicare are going to be gently "encouraged" to ditch Medicare and look for a private plan as Medicare's provider network begins to shrink. The ones who can't ditch Medicare will be the ones who simply can't afford the private coverage.

It's far from clear that current seniors are "not touched" under the Republican plan.

But the Ryan et.al. including myself firmly believe in freedom of choice for
anyone UNDER 55!
Free to choose

Not freedom to choose Medicare, sadly.
None yet. Except there was talk of adjusting the "chained" Consumer Price Index (CPI) for making cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) which will reduce SS checks.

It has some traction and may very well pass next year.

This will not reduce the checks. It will reduce the rate of increase in the payments if that is what is being done.
What I know of Ryan,et.al. plans are NOT to touch ANYONE over 55!
Period. NO IF ANDS or BUTS!!!

It's true enough hat folks in their mid-50s and younger will be the ones affected most by RyanCare--they are, after all, the ones who won't be permitted to enroll in Medicare, thereby setting up the phaseout of Medicare by attrition.

But it's not correct to say that current seniors (or near-seniors) aren't affected by it. There are the more obvious impacts: re-opening the donut hole, Medicaid cuts that impact the 9 million seniors who get help from Medicaid in paying their Medicare premiums and health expenses, the elimination of recently established benefits like the annual wellness visit, and so on.

But more importantly, the consequences of RyanCare for them that aren't so obvious are worth considering. The Republicans would phase Medicare out of existence by refusing, after a certain point, to allow anyone new to enroll. That removes the influx of relatively (by Medicare standards) healthy premium payers, and instead sets up a dynamic wherein you have a slowly dwindling pool of increasingly sick and elderly seniors. Seniors who are grandfathered in can remain on Medicare but they're encouraged to opt out and go into the private market, which is obviously an option that would be taken up predominately by the healthier and wealthier seniors in the pool. Given that Medicare premiums bring in about a third the revenue that the Medicare payroll tax does, what Ryan does with the payroll tax will be very important for what grandfathered-in seniors' premiums look like.

Further, seniors left in the Medicare pool are increasingly likely to face access issues. Medicare's strength when it comes to providers is its size. It may not pay as much as other payers, but it's still good business by virtue of its vast number of clients. Once new enrollments are halted and the Medicare pool is left to dwindle by attrition, that advantage begins to erode. Presumably Ryan doesn't intend to increase Medicare reimbursements to try and compensate for this. Thus seniors in Medicare are going to be gently "encouraged" to ditch Medicare and look for a private plan as Medicare's provider network begins to shrink. The ones who can't ditch Medicare will be the ones who simply can't afford the private coverage.

It's far from clear that current seniors are "not touched" under the Republican plan.

But the Ryan et.al. including myself firmly believe in freedom of choice for
anyone UNDER 55!
Free to choose

Not freedom to choose Medicare, sadly.

Do you have a link for this?
There's other cuts we could encourage to Social Security that doesn't involve cutting the funds that are owed to citizens. SSI (Social Security Insurance) was never intended for those who were not truly disabled.

Right now, students of "poor" families who are in special classes get whoppers of checks every month. Most of these children have no disability that makes their care more expensive than any other student. It amounts to hundreds of dollars for every child who has an Individual Educational Plan to the parent(s) each month.

Tackle the responsibility to stop the fraud in both SS and Medicare, Medicaid and see where we are before we cut bonafide payments.

So what is AARP's TV ad all about?
"50 million seniors" telling Congress not to touch their SS???

Total lie then!

What I know of Ryan,et.al. plans are NOT to touch ANYONE over 55!
Period. NO IF ANDS or BUTS!!!
But the Ryan et.al. including myself firmly believe in freedom of choice for
anyone UNDER 55!
Free to choose
a) 100% status quo i.e. worker pays in, retires get fixed check.
b) worker can have deducted amount deposited into a directed account that accumulates on BEHALF of the worker!
40 years working paying in over $300,000 at today's wages and if worker does NOT want risky equities FREE to deposit in Guaranteed 3% interest rate by ANY bank or insurance plan!
Thus compound interest for 40 years @ 3% equals over $500,000 at worker's access at retirement! NO govt. checks. No govt. debt!

Or if the worker does as most wealthy people do with the power of
compound interest and "dollar cost averaging" the $300,000 can accumulate using historical equities rate of appreciation: $3 million nest egg!

BUT NO where does ARRP or their seniors evidently KNOW THAT THERE are NO cuts to anyone over 55!
Total total lie! WHY???

Whoa...I'm on your side. AARP lies. I agree with you! Read my post again.

I talked about a little known plan that costs billions. Giving families of children who are in special classes money each month. (504 plan) I didn't say anything about taking away funds from seniors. That shouldn't happen and your plan is excellent. It's part of Gingrich's plan as well.

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